The long-range strike capability is there.

The air defense strength must keep up.

The current Colombian air defense force mainly consists of 13 FK-3 and 6 S-400.

Both of them belong to the medium and long-range air defense system

FK-3. The range exceeds 100 kilometers, and the altitude exceeds 27 kilometers.

S-The 400 air defense missile system has the ability to strike against stealth fighters, and its radar detection range reaches 600 kilometers. It is equipped with three types of missiles, namely the long-range 40N6, the medium-range 48N6, and the short-range 9M96. The former has a speed of 12 Mach, the medium-range reaches 7 Mach, and the latter reaches 5 Mach. The highest shooting altitude reaches 30,000 meters, which can intercept ballistic missiles.

It is undoubtedly a waste to use S-400 to intercept fighters.

Moreover, the air defense of the army field forces is indeed a bit poor, and can't always use cannons to kill mosquitoes.

Even if the system is sold cheaply, it can't be wasted.

Therefore, he plans to purchase a batch of short-range air defense missiles for the field forces.

After comparison and screening, the Hongqi-17A long-range air defense system was finally finalized.

The reason is simple, the price is cheap, the degree of intelligence is high, and it can be deployed quickly.

The range has also reached 1.5 kilometers to 15 kilometers, the height is also 10 meters to 10 kilometers, the speed can reach 3 Mach, and it can lock and strike 4 targets at the same time.

With this thing, it can be used to fight flying fighters at medium and high altitudes.

Especially to strike fighters equipped with ground attack missiles, and provide air defense missiles for field troops.

Unlike the SAM series, the Hongqi-17A has high maturity and can be deployed and evacuated quickly.

It also has anti-stealth capabilities.

A set of Hongqi-17A air missile system costs only $350,000, which is inexpensive and good quality. It is suitable for equipping field troops and providing air defense capabilities.

200 vehicles were purchased at one time, with an average of 7 vehicles per brigade, which can be equipped to the regiment level.

Then 2,000 people were recruited.

All these newly recruited soldiers and purchased weapons and equipment were materialized at a military base in the suburbs of Bogota.

After materialization, Louis picked up the phone and quickly dialed Gavin's phone, and divided this batch of Hongqi 17A reserve personnel and distributed them to various armies and brigades.

In addition, the emergence of the Dongfeng missile family requires the establishment of a separate combat system, namely the Strategic Rocket Force, and the commander is Jacob, who is the one who specifically recruited death warriors from the system for Dongfeng missiles.

In this way, the air defense force has been greatly enhanced.

Especially the field troops.

Secondly, there is also strategic counterattack capability. Three brigades of land-based ballistic missiles can launch 72 anti-ship missiles. Not to mention destroying one aircraft carrier battle group, even destroying two is not a problem.

Three days later, an aircraft carrier battle group under the US Second Fleet had entered the waters of the Caribbean Sea, claiming to conduct so-called military exercises and training.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is to deter Colombia.

At the same time, the US military sent another brigade of combat troops to Panama.

After realizing that there was a shadow of Colombia behind the Youth Army, the US Pentagon quickly judged that it was coveting Panama.

If so, then the 35,000 troops in Colombia are not enough.

So a brigade was quickly added.

The number of military personnel stationed in Panama exceeded 4, reaching an astonishing 42,000.

This is the largest scale of the US military stationed in Panama in nearly a hundred years.

At this time, it is located in the Caribbean Sea.

More than 260 nautical miles east of San Andres and 273 nautical miles north of Barranquilla, the US aircraft carrier battle group is docked here.

Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser.

Conference room

"As you all know, our army suffered a great loss in Panama. The youth army supported by Colombia attacked the Southern Command, causing heavy casualties. This time, the Pentagon and the president want us to put pressure on Colombia...."

Samuel first explained the cause and effect of the incident, accusing Colombia of being ambitious and wanting to occupy Panama.

"The Colombian navy is very weak, without even a decent destroyer. My idea is to send a destroyer and a frigate to go close to the coastline of Colombia for close deterrence."

"At the same time, several F/A-18 Hornet fighters and 4 F14 Cat fighters exerted extreme pressure, and then turned to bomb the areas controlled by the Youth Army."

The US military does not want to go to war with Colombia unless it is absolutely necessary.

The main reason is that the Colombian army is very strong, and it is not the same kind of stuff as Panama. If Colombia did not support the Youth Army behind the scenes and want to control Panama, the US military would never be willing to provoke like this.

The Panama Canal is the lifeline of the US Navy and can only be controlled by them.

Samuel actually disagreed with the caution from the Pentagon. He thought that the guys in the Pentagon overestimated the strength of Colombia. What can those broken ships do?

A Spruance-class missile destroyer can deal with those little guys. I don’t know what they are afraid of.

Not only did he not understand, but everyone in the conference room did not understand.

Even if Colombia is equipped with dozens of Xiaolong fighters, so what? They have hundreds of F16, F15, F14 F/A-18 fighters, now there are epoch-making stealth fighters like the F-117A, so why are they afraid of a Columbia without an industrial system?

Not understanding is one thing, but orders must be executed.

Not long after.

On the deck of the USS Eisenhower, 6 F/A-18 Hornets and 3 F14 Cats took off, forming a formation with a carrier-based E2 early warning aircraft, and headed for the Colombian mainland.

In addition, in order to further collect Colombian intelligence, an electronic reconnaissance aircraft was also dispatched from the mainland airport this time.

It went to collect important electronic signals such as radar frequency, radio communication signals, fighter communications and fire control parameters.

At the same time, the aircraft carrier fleet also separated a Luns-class missile destroyer and a Perry-class missile frigate, forming a formation and heading towards the Colombian waters.


Ministry of Defense.

Operations Command Room

"Report, the radar station has received news that they have detected 11 targets approaching from the US military���The team is flying towards us."

"Is the US military crazy? Could it be that they really want to go to war with us?"

Gavin exclaimed

"Boss, I suggest that we send fighter jets to respond immediately."

Bosney said solemnly.

Louis was also surprised.

11 fighter jets is not a small number. This force can destroy a small country.

"Immediately ask the Air Force to respond and tell them that they must not show weakness."


Cartagena City.

Tarapacá Base

""Beep, beep!" A huge emergency alarm sounded throughout the base.

The soldiers at the base changed their faces when they heard the sound, and then put down their work and quickly gathered together.

In a small room, more than 20 pilots were sitting.

"We have received an order from our superiors that 10 US fighter jets are flying towards our country. In order to thwart the enemy's conspiracy and strike at their arrogance, our superiors have ordered us to take off and land fighter jets immediately to respond. Act now...."

Hearing that they were going to intercept American fighter planes, the pilots all became very excited.

"I often hear about how powerful the US fighter planes are. This time we met them, we have to have a good fight to see who is more powerful, them or us."

A member of the 3rd Xiaolong Squadron said excitedly.

Obviously, this interception mission was given to their squadron.

In this hangar, ground crews were quickly checking and putting air-to-air missiles on the fighter planes.

Two of the Xiaolong fighter planes were also equipped with two CM-400 anti-ship missiles each.

After the pilots arrived and carefully checked the instruments again, and after confirming that there was no problem with the equipment, the fighter planes slowly drove out of the hangar with the help of a cart, and then slowly taxied to the take-off runway of the airport.


A huge tail flame emerged from the engine nozzle, forming a Mach loop.

One after another.

Soon 12 Xiaolong fighters and an KJ-500 early warning aircraft took off from this base.

At the same time, at the Monterey Air Force Base, two J-16D electronic fighters were also urgently taken off.

The US fleet also detected through radar that Colombia had dispatched more than a dozen aircraft at the first time.

However, the US military did not care.

It believed that the Colombian army did not have the courage to go to war with the US military. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Secondly, the US military fighter planes were only deterrents in the past.

They did not start a war.

So they could not fight.

It was just right to use electronic reconnaissance aircraft to collect Colombian military intelligence.

The fighter planes of both sides met less than 20 kilometers from the Colombian coastline.

Several US F/A-18 fighters lead the way.

As for the early warning aircraft, they are in the rear.

The role of the early warning aircraft is equivalent to a combat command platform. It does not have the ability to attack, so it often stays in the rear to command its own fighter formation, and there are often multiple fighters guarding it.

"...I am the Colombian Air Force. You have entered our airspace. Please leave immediately....Please leave immediately, otherwise you will be intercepted."

Except for the two Xiaolongs left to guard the rear early warning aircraft, the remaining 10 fighters swarmed up to intercept

"Shit, how could these guys have such advanced fighter jets?"

"Bill, what do we do now? These guys are flying on both sides of us."

"Don't be afraid, they won't open fire."

"We are the great American Air Force, the most powerful air force in the world. How dare they, Colombia, open fire?"

"keep going"[]

Seeing the US military F/A-18 Hornets did not respond.

This Xiaolong fighter squadron received an interception order from the early warning aircraft.

It immediately made a swinging motion and showed the ammunition mounted on its fighter to the US military.

""Oh! Shit, he is demonstrating to us."

A US pilot exclaimed.

Obviously shocked by the provocation of the Colombian Air Force.

But it was not over yet.

A Xiaolong 3 fighter suddenly accelerated and directly cut into the US fighter formation. The strong airflow directly made the US fighter formation sway for several days.

".Oh my god, what did I just see? He actually cut in from the front of us. This is a naked provocation./A-A pilot from the 18-fighter formation said angrily, obviously frightened.

Faced with the dangerous interception action of the Colombian Air Force, the US Hornet fighter formation was still scared and did not dare to put pressure on it, and flew out of Colombia's airspace.

They wanted to threaten the Colombian Air Force, but the US military couldn't afford it. After being defeated by the Colombian Air Force, the US Air Force went to the southern part of Panama as planned, intending to vent its anger on the Youth Army.

With the assistance of the Colombian military, the Youth Army quickly learned of the US military's attack and moved immediately.

At the same time, they arranged for people to go to high places, such as the top of the mountain, carrying Stinger air defense missiles to see if they could reach the fighter planes.

Obviously this is impossible. Knowing that the Youth Army has air defense missiles, they will not drop bombs at low altitudes, and at least they will maintain it above 4,000 meters. The Stinger air defense missiles have a shooting height of only more than 3,000 meters, which is obviously out of reach.

Not long after, several F/A-18 Hornet fighters and several F14 Cat fighters flew to the southern part of Panama and bombed several major towns.



One after another, the ground-to-ground missiles destroyed a large number of houses and buildings.

Fortunately, they had been evacuated in advance.

Otherwise, if the bombing continued like this, many people would have died.

Laki, who was standing on a hillside, looked at the bombed town below, his face flashed with brilliance, and he said in a deep voice:"After the bombing is over, immediately have someone take a photo of the scene and send it to Cologne. Remember to also send it to our people in Panama City and Cologne."

"Does the commander want everyone to know about the atrocities committed by the United States?"

""That's right!" Laki said coldly:"After the atrocities of the US military are made public, the world will sympathize with us more, and it can also inspire the Panamanian people to oppose the United States, and maybe they will come to our place (Zhao De Zhao) to join the army!"

Since Panama went to war with the US military, the Youth Army has expanded greatly. Now the number of people has reached seven or eight thousand, and it is not far from breaking ten thousand.

Seeing the bombed target, the US Air Force pilots left with satisfaction.

The anger they received from the Colombian Air Force was vented at this moment.

However, what they didn't know was that those bombed towns were just empty towns, and the people had already evacuated.


Knowing that the US military really bombed the territory controlled by the Youth Army.

Louis frowned. He was not very satisfied with the current situation.

Colombia and the United States are unlikely to confront each other head-on.

But the Youth Army is too weak and obviously can't bite the US military.

It is obviously in conflict with his previous plan, the US military's strategy of attacking the border between the two countries.

Moreover, the US military only intends to send fighter jets, and the ground forces are not very likely to go The Youth Army was encircled and suppressed, and only the defense was carried out within a hundred kilometers of the canal.

The US military did not attack Colombia.

There was no reason for Colombia to join the war.

After thinking about it, Louis still felt that it was appropriate for the Youth Army to drive away the US military in this war.

Colombia provided tactical and satellite communication support in the back.

Once the Youth Army took over the Panama Canal, the two sides announced an alliance. They could also pull in anti-American countries such as Havana to fight against the United States together.

Louis felt that the strategy he had formulated before was wrong.

Why should the US military be allowed to fight? Why not use the Youth Army to take the initiative?

The main reason why the Youth Army cannot beat the US military now is that there are problems with weapons and equipment.

And this problem is easy for him.

Thinking of this, Louis suddenly became clear, and the misunderstandings, entanglements, and troubles he had taken before disappeared at this moment.

(Ps: Please subscribe!

Please support, in the next chapter, the Youth Army will expand and launch a counterattack against the United States!!).

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