As for why he had to take Panama.

The reason is very simple, it is a vital throat.

Even if we don't consider charging tolls and strategic location, from the perspective of Colombia's own strategy, it must be taken here, so that Colombia's Atlantic Fleet and Pacific Fleet can quickly converge.

Otherwise, it is necessary to take a detour through the southernmost Drake Passage.

It was originally only a few hundred kilometers away, but it ended up being 20,000 kilometers.

Moreover, taking Panama can also allow Colombia's strategic position to move forward six or seven hundred kilometers, and form a horn with the Colombian overseas province of San Andres Island, greatly enhancing the scope of Colombia's naval activities.

Similarly, the Panama Canal is also very important to the United States. If it is taken by hostile forces, it is equivalent to cutting off the north-south passage of the US fleet, and they will inevitably seize it at all costs.

It is precisely because of this that Louis has been using the Youth Army as a vest.

The purpose is to delay the war, and it is best to drag it until the United States launches the Gulf War.

Although the US military won the Gulf War and seemed to be majestic, the consumption of ammunition is definitely a���If the numbers are used well, the US military may be trapped in this quagmire.

After sorting out his thoughts, Louis did not rush to equip the Youth Army with aircraft, artillery, tanks and other weapons and equipment, but added troops to it.

30,000 ordinary soldiers were recruited from the system, and then in the next two months, they appeared in the mountains in several provinces in southern Panama in batches.

At the same time, the Youth Army also reached a close cooperation with the Panamanian militia, agreeing to be united in the outside world and drive away the United States first.

Seeing that the Youth Army no longer actively attacked the US military, and the army was only controlled in the inaccessible provinces in the south, the US military did not take the initiative to launch an attack except for reconnaissance from time to time and dropping some bombs.

As for the US fleet, after seeing that the Youth Army was not moving, they thought that Colombia was frightened by their strength and did not dare to support the Youth Army, so they left with satisfaction.

The easing of the situation in the Caribbean disappointed many countries that wanted to watch the show.

For example, countries such as Havana and Venezuela.

Including Latin American countries such as Samba.

The situation in the Caribbean has eased, but the situation in the Middle East is heating up. Iraq owes a large amount of foreign debt due to the Iran-Iraq War. It wants to increase oil prices by reducing oil production, so that Iraq can repay its foreign debt as soon as possible.

However, the Gulf country Camel not only does not reduce production, but also increases oil sales.

For a small country, and oil exports account for 80% of the economy, asking it to reduce production capacity is undoubtedly destroying its rice bowl.

Therefore, the Camel Royal Family did not hesitate to refuse.

Sadam also has a temper. After learning that Camel rejected his kindness, he was a little displeased with Camel.

In Sadam's view, the reason why he proposed to reduce production is not to hope to pay off the debts owed to Camel, Shatuo and other Middle Eastern countries as soon as possible, and if the production is reduced, the oil price will inevitably soar. The same barrel of crude oil can be sold more, which can be said to be the best of both worlds. But he refused.

After getting angry, Sadam wanted to default on the debt directly.

Not only did he want to default on his debt, he also wanted to directly annex Camel Komsomol. In this way, he would not have to pay back more than 10 billion US dollars in foreign debt, but he could also gain a large oil region and expand Iraq's seaport.

It can be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

After learning that Camel Komsomol had previously torn up the order with Galaxy Trading Company, Saddam became interested and actively made an appointment with Michel. He rushed from Damascus, Syria to Baghdad, Iraq. As soon as he got off the plane, he was picked up by Saddam's son Uday and met Saddam at the Presidential Palace.

"Mr. President, you are looking for me so urgently, but what's the matter?"

After drinking a glass of water to moisten his dry throat, Michel looked at Sadamu in front of him.

"Michelle, I want to tell you something, please judge for me..."

Sadamu first told the story of how he proposed to Koloto to reduce oil production and was rejected.

"You said that this is obviously a good thing. Oil production has been reduced, prices have soared, and everyone can make more money.

We in Iraq can also pay them back faster.

But Camel Kuwait didn't know the good intentions and increased production instead. This is clearly a thorn in Iraq.

Mr. Michel, you said that Camel Kuwait didn't know the good intentions in this matter?"

"Well...According to what the President said, the Camel's actions were indeed inappropriate."

Seeing that Michelle agreed with him, Sadam said happily:"I plan to use military force against Camel. I wonder if your company is willing to help me?"

"Use troops?"

Michel pretended to be surprised, his eyes widened, looking at Sadamu in shock:"Mr. President, did I hear you wrong? You said you plan to send troops to Kolo?"

"Yes!!"Sadamu explained:"This Camel is originally the territory of our Iraqi country. Back then, Britain relied on their strength to forcibly divide Camel from Iraqi territory. Now it is time to take Camel back."

Michel hesitated and said:"Mr. President, if you do this, I am afraid it will cause serious consequences.

Shaluo and other Middle Eastern countries will be dissatisfied.

Moreover, the power behind Camel is the United States, and it is also a major oil-producing country in the world. If you occupy Camel, I am afraid it will cause anger among European and American countries, and they will even send a large army to attack Iraq."

"Come on, I have millions of soldiers, so why fear a fight?"

Looking at Sadamu who was full of confidence, Michelle did not persuade him.

The boss wanted Ike to launch an attack as soon as possible, capture Camel, and then drag the US troops into the water.

In this way, the Caribbean side would have an opportunity to capture Panama.

"Your country's military strength is indeed beyond doubt. It is the third most powerful military country after the United States and the Soviet Union."Michel praised.

Sadamu could not hear the perfunctory tone in Michel's words. He thought Michel really believed that their Iraqi country was strong in military strength, and smiled.

"Michelle, you are right. Our Ik's military strength is definitely ranked third in the world."

"Um~~"Michelle echoed, and then asked,"Then I wonder, Mr. President, what do you mean by helping you just now?"

"It is like this, I hope that once the war starts, if I order weapons and equipment from your company, I hope that I can be the first to deliver them. At the same time, I hope that during the war, weapons will not be sold to countries such as Shaluotu and Koluotu."

Sadamu said with a serious face.

Although he seemed to be extremely arrogant, he knew very well that once he sent troops to occupy Koluotu, it would likely cause strong dissatisfaction in Shaluotu and even direct hostility.

It would also cause hostility from other small countries in the Gulf region.

Of course, he was not afraid of these. What he was afraid of was whether the US military would intervene.

However, he thought that there was Suxiong Country behind him, and now there was the support of the Galaxy Trading Company. Even if the US military intervened, he had the confidence to fight.

"There is no problem with delivering the weapons first. As for not selling weapons to Kolot during the war, this is fine, but not to Shalot. They are an important customer of my company. Even if I agree, the company's board of directors will not agree."Michelle said.

Hearing this, Sadamu nodded and no longer forced Michelle. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if Shalot got advanced weapons, he didn't believe that Shalot would dare to take the initiative to attack their country of Ik.

That group of old soldiers has very poor combat effectiveness and is no match for their country of Ik.

After chatting for a while, Michelle left.

He returned directly to his manor in Damascus and quickly contacted Louis.

After the call was connected and he heard the familiar voice from the other side, Michelle hurriedly said:"Boss, I just went to see Sadamu today. Just like what you said, this guy is going to take action against Kolot."

"Oh? Really? It seems he can't help it."

Louis on the other end of the phone was very happy to hear that Sadamu was going to take action.

"Mishou, once Ike takes down the Camel, you'll go to sell weapons to him."

"Emphasize the fate of NATO and exaggerate the strength of the United States, so that he will spend money to buy weapons."

Pressure is motivation.

As long as NATO is emphasized, Sadam will definitely find Galaxy Company to buy weapons in order to seek a sense of security.

"Got it, boss, don't worry, I will go find him in person after he takes down the camel."

"Hmm!! If there is any movement over there, please contact me at any time"


With the support of Galaxy Trading Company, Sadam was able to let go of his hands and feet completely. He convened intensive meetings of senior military officials to discuss tactics and unexpected events.

After many deductions, the military quickly formulated a feasible action plan.

After reading it, Sadam thought it was feasible.

In order to have a legitimate reason and avoid arousing dissatisfaction from the entire Arab world, he found a reason for himself.

He claimed that the Camel of Koloman had disregarded the entire Arab world in order to satisfy the selfish desires of one country.���The interests of the Gulf region, the sale of oil at a low price, led to the cheap sale of oil resources in various countries. As a member of the Gulf region, Iraq has the obligation to uphold justice.

Moreover, it denounced that the Iran-Iraq War was not fought for Iraq itself, but for the entire Arab world. Kuwait not only did not forgive the debt, but also disrupted Iraq's economy.

In order to avoid further stimulating Saudi Arabia, Saddam only named Kuwait, but in his previous life, Saddam named Saudi Arabia and some other countries. Kuwait naturally did not admit Iraq's remarks and refuted them harshly.

As the situation between the two countries heated up, the Middle East big brother Pharaoh came out to mediate. The two countries met in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. On the core interests, Kuwait refused to reduce production, but agreed to reduce some interest on foreign debts. Saddam made such a big scene, of course, not for that little interest.

What's more, the interest was not reduced in full.

After the unpleasant parting, just when countries around the world thought that the two sides would continue to negotiate.

At 1 a.m. the next day, Sadam directly issued a combat order to the border troops. They attacked Kolok in one fell swoop.

It took only a few hours to attack the capital of Kolok and surround the palace. After several hours of fierce fighting, the palace was finally captured and Prince Fahd of Kolok was killed.

The king escaped.[]

The next day, the entire territory of Kolumbu was occupied.

When the news came out, the entire Arab world was shocked by the actions of Iraq.

Immediately, the oil-rich countries headed by Saudi Arabia strongly condemned the actions of Iraq and demanded an immediate withdrawal.

Faced with condemnation from many countries including Saudi Arabia, the Iraqi government headed by Saddam did not put up a hard fight, but just delayed time and explained why they did it. In private, they were moving the wealth of the Kolumbu royal family, such as various gold and the US dollars in the Kolumbu treasury.

Moreover, the occupation of Kolumbu's rich oil fields and crazy exploitation, almost plundering, made Iraq's wealth grow rapidly..

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