Louis learned the news on the day of the operation.

He did not act rashly.

Now that the Americans and NATO have not yet taken action, it will not be too late to take action after the United States participates in the Gulf War.

However, the previously planned Middle East strategy can be implemented in advance.

And the red giant bear in the north will soon disintegrate, so he must get a share of the pie.

Thinking of this, he opened the system-talent recruitment interface

"System, recruit 100 spies, ethnicity is Russian"

"Ding recruitment is successful, deduct 500,000 US dollars, whether to cash it out immediately"


These spies were concretized near Moscow and Kiev.

The orders given to these spies were to climb up as high as possible and infiltrate the army and government.

"The system recruits another 1,000 special forces soldiers, whose race is Arab"

"Ding, recruitment is successful, 5 million US dollars will be deducted, do you want to cash it out immediately?"

On the virtual map, Louis chose the northern part of Iraq, which is sparsely populated. No one would notice the sudden appearance of hundreds of people.

The order given to this group of special forces is to infiltrate the Iraqi military, and then climb up to control the military power.

Just as Louis was proceeding step by step.

The United Nations was also holding an emergency meeting. Many countries condemned Saddam

's blatant invasion and annexation of other countries. 11 agreements condemning and sanctioning Iraq were passed, requiring Iraq to withdraw unconditionally before January 15, 1991.

The Americans took the opportunity to freeze Iraq's assets in the United States, and urgently negotiated with their allies to launch an action plan called"Desert Shield", intending to mobilize multiple aircraft carrier battle groups. If Iraq does not withdraw its troops, they will launch an attack. It will not be easy to mobilize troops and organize a coalition force.

Moreover, according to the action plan, this time, it will cost hundreds of billions of dollars in military expenditure.

This It is impossible for the US military to pay for such a large amount of money, so they have to find someone to share the burden.

Therefore, the US Secretary of State and the Vice President frequently visited various countries, formed alliances, and looked for investors.

At the same time, the White House also issued a serious statement, demanding that Iraq must withdraw unconditionally, otherwise all consequences will be borne by Iraq itself.

After this statement, NATO countries, including island countries, South Korea, Australia and other US allies, followed suit.

Many countries disagreed and declared war on Iraq.

With the statements of these countries, the world situation suddenly became tense, and it seemed that a war was about to break out.

Middle East, Baghdad.

Presidential Palace.

The statements and reactions of the United States and other NATO organizations undoubtedly exceeded Saddam's expectations.

He expected that the United States would use fierce words, but he did not expect that the United States would actually send troops to intervene and even declare war on Iraq. This reminded him of what Michelle said to him two months ago.

Now, it seems to have come true.

""Father, Mr. Michel is here."

Uday walked in to report.

Hearing that Michel was here, Sadamu was cheered up and said quickly,"Quick, ask him to come in."

Michel is now undoubtedly his last hope. He thought that after the war, the Soviet Union would increase its support, but the attitude was very ambiguous and he was unwilling to have too many disputes with the United States, which made Sadamu very disappointed.

You know, one of the reasons why he dared to attack and occupy Kolutuo was that he firmly believed that the Soviet Union would always stand on his side.

In this situation, Su Xiong can no longer be counted on.

He can only ask for help from Michel.

"Mr President"

"Sir, please take a seat."

Seeing Michel, Sadamu stepped forward enthusiastically, shook his hand, and then invited Michel to take a seat.

He personally poured a cup of milk tea for Michel, and then sat down and said,"Sir, you should have heard about the situation. Now, things are really as you expected. The United States and NATO countries are showing signs of preparing for war. I wonder if you have any way to solve the current problem." Hearing this

, Michel put down the milk tea in his hand and said seriously,"The situation is indeed a bit bad, but there is a way to deal with the multinational forces led by the United States."

"Oh?" Sadamu's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly,"I wonder if you have any solution, sir?""

"The US military's combat strategy focuses on firepower output and air superiority. The ground forces do not need to worry, as your country's steel torrent is enough to deal with it.

The United States is far away in the Americas, and its main combat relies on aircraft carrier battle groups. As long as the US aircraft carriers are destroyed, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Our company can export anti-ship missiles and electromagnetic pulse bombs to your country to help your country win the victory."

""Sir, I know about anti-ship missiles, but what is this electromagnetic pulse bomb?" Sadamu asked in confusion. It was the first time he heard this term.

Not to mention Sadamu, the electromagnetic pulse bomb, currently only the United States, Russia and China have this technology in the research and development.

However, the technology is still very primitive and is far from the real electromagnetic pulse bomb.

Hearing this, Michel explained:"This electromagnetic pulse bomb is a kind of microwave weapon, which itself has no lethality."

"What? No lethality? Then what's the use of this thing?"

Sadamu complained. Michel explained:"Although this weapon cannot cause harm to the human body, it can quickly destroy all the enemy's electronic equipment, such as radar, communications and any other electronic equipment, including missile systems, fighter jets, etc. If the electronic equipment is burned out, won't it be a living target?"


Sadamu understood instantly and took a breath of cold air.

"All electronic devices?"

"Yes, all electronic devices."

"How much does this weapon cost?"When he heard that it was aimed at all electronic equipment, Sadamu eagerly asked the price.

"The price is still unknown. I need to ask the headquarters. After all, this thing is a top-secret weapon and has never been sold before."

When Sadamu heard this, he hurriedly said,"Mr. Michel, I'll leave this matter to you. We in Iraq will buy this weapon no matter how much it costs."

"Well, I also want the anti-ship missiles you mentioned that can hit aircraft carriers."

"Well, don't worry. To target the coalition led by the United States, these alone are not enough. We also need advanced radar systems. As far as I know, the United States now has a stealth fighter-bomber in service that can avoid radar detection."

"What? Can it avoid radar? How is this possible, Mr. Louis, are you kidding? How can an airplane avoid radar?"

Sadamu couldn't believe it.

Facing Sadamu's question, Michelle said seriously,"Mr. President, I know this is a bit too shocking for you, but what I want to say is that it is not impossible to avoid radar by using special coating materials."

"All right~~"Seeing that Michel was so serious, Sadamu had to put aside his doubts and said seriously,"Since you said there are planes that evade radar, there must be countermeasures, right?"

"Yes, we have an anti-stealth fighter radar that can detect stealth fighters at a range of 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers."

3,000 to 4,000 kilometers?

Sadamu's eyes popped out.

Nowadays, many radars have a detection range of within 1,000 kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers.

Only the top five have a 3,000 to 4,000-kilometer radar.

"Doesn't that mean that with this radar system, we can detect enemies three to four thousand kilometers away?" Sadamu asked. Michel nodded:"Yes, that's the principle, unless there are special circumstances."


Sadamu took a breath of cold air.

Then he became excited.

If we have such a radar system, why should we fear the United States?

""Sir, how much is this radar? I bought it from Iraq." Sadamu said proudly.

During this period, the Iraqi army has made a lot of money in Koluotu.

Although Koluotu is small and has a small population, it is really rich. The per capita income is much higher than that of Shaluotu.

The per capita GDP has reached 11,000 US dollars.

You know, this was in the early 1990s.

"Don't worry, take your time, I will introduce you to other equipment."Michelle smiled, and her smiling face was a bit like an old fox seducing Little Red Riding Hood.

Sadamu didn't realize that at this time, he had already been attracted by the various advanced weapons and equipment thrown by Michelle.

"The radar is the first step to discover the enemy. Once the enemy is discovered, we need to find a way to kill it. I expect that the US military will send fighters to sneak in and destroy your radar system as soon as possible. So in this case, your fighters also need to be strengthened.

Especially the Xiaolong fighter and air-to-air missiles"

"Yes, our air force does need to be strengthened. Sir, if we place an order at this time, how long will it take to deliver it?" (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Normally it takes half a year, but your country's current situation is a special case. I can deliver the fighter jets ordered by other countries to you first, but the price may be one or two million dollars more expensive."

Don't say a word.���It's a million dollars. Even if it's more now, he has to grit his teeth and buy it.

"No problem! As long as it can be delivered as soon as possible"

"In addition, your country also needs early warning aircraft. With this thing, even if the ground radar is destroyed, the planes in the sky will not fly around like headless flies."

"Does your company have one too?"

"Of course, you can have as many US E2 early warning aircraft as you want."

Sadamu nodded. He had heard of early warning aircraft, but the US military and the Soviet Union would not sell them, so he could only do nothing.

Unexpectedly, the Galaxy Trading Company actually had them.

Sadamu said happily:"How much is this thing?"

"Well, I need to go back and ask for the specific price. So, I will list the weapons you need and give you a quote. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, but I want it to be faster."

"OK, I'll go back and call and ask, and then come back to see the President after I figure it out."


After leaving the presidential palace, he stayed at the manor provided by Sadamu, and then quickly contacted Louis in Colombia through a satellite phone and told him what was going on.

He was very happy to learn that Sadamu wanted to buy weapons, and the transaction amount was likely to exceed 10 billion US dollars.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately opened the system and searched and reported the sales price one by one according to the list listed by Michel.

The next day, Michel came to the presidential palace again and met with Sadamu.

"Mr. President, take a look. This is the price of various weapons.

Michel took out a piece of paper and handed it to Sadamu who was sitting opposite him.

Sadamu took it and read it carefully.

【JF-17 fighter】

【Price: $30 million per piece] System price: $1.7 million

【E-Type 2T AWACS】

【Warning range: 480 km】

【Price: $23 million] System price: $7.5 million

【YLC-Type 2E Radar】

【Capable of detecting stealth targets within a range of 4,000 km】

【Price: $100 million] The system price is $13 million

【"Kinzhal hypersonic missile】

【Range over 2,000 km, speed Mach 10】

【Price: $100 million】-The system costs $2.1 million

【MiG-31 fighter】

【As a carrier of the"Dagger" supersonic missile】

【Price: $23 million] - System price: $1.2 million

【Mk.84HPM/EMP shell】

【Magnetic pulse bomb】

【Price: $50 million] The system costs $800,000

【AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missile】

【Price: $1.2 million] - The system is priced at $300,000.

Seeing the list, even though he was prepared, Sadam was still shocked.

He didn't expect the so-called electromagnetic pulse bomb to cost 50 million dollars. He thought it would cost at most 10 million dollars.

But considering the damage caused by the other party, it seems worth the price.

"Mr. Michel, I would like to ask if your company collects gold?"

"Yes, we also accept gold. According to the current international gold price,"

"That's good."

Hearing that the payment could be made in gold, Sadamu felt relieved. This time when they fought against Koloto and robbed the palace, they had robbed a lot of gold.

It was worth at least tens of billions of US dollars.

After carefully looking at the list again, Sadamu looked at Michelle and said,"Sir, you know these weapons better than me. Can you tell me which one is the best way to buy them?"

"It depends on how much the president wants to buy. Different budgets mean different choices."

"About 10 billion US dollars."

Sadam thought about it.

But Michel was not satisfied with this figure. The intelligence department found out that Sadam himself had 30 to 40 billion US dollars in wealth.

He made a lot of money in the more than 20 years since he became president.

Moreover, the Iraqi army looted the Kuwaiti royal family's wealth and the treasury, and at least 20 to 30 billion US dollars. Now they are still occupying Kuwait's oil fields and selling them at low prices in exchange for wealth.

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