"Mr. President, you have to know that this time it is a NATO joint force, and there are also island countries, South Korea, Australia and other countries. According to the analysis of our intelligence department, this time the joint force is likely to mobilize thousands of fighter jets, and the US military will also assemble 9 aircraft carrier battle groups. With such a large force, can your country's military strength compete with it?"

"Huh? Michel, are you sure the intelligence is correct?"Sadamu was frightened.

It was not the hundreds of thousands of coalition forces, but the thousands of fighters and nine aircraft carrier battle groups.

The Ik Army is known as the third or fourth in the world, relying on the steel torrent.

The navy is very poor and can be ignored.

The air force is not bad. It has bought nearly a hundred fighters from Galaxy Trade twice, but the number is far less than that of the coalition forces.

"It's almost certain. If you want to win this war, don't even think about relying on the Iron and Steel Flood. Our company's Military Strategy Planning Office has made many deductions and concluded that if you want to win and hurt the coalition forces, you must spend a lot of money to gain air superiority. Once you lose air superiority, your country's Iron and Steel Flood will be useless and can only become a target for the coalition forces."

Michel said solemnly.

Although he hoped that Sadam could buy more weapons, he was also sincerely making suggestions.

After all, Colombia needs Sadam to hold back the U.S. military and cause them to suffer heavy losses.

This is in the interests of both Iraq and Colombia.

Looking at Sadam, who looked a little flustered, Michel went on to say,"Once your country is defeated by the coalition forces, I don't need to tell you what will happen to the President's family."

This sentence undoubtedly touched him. Although Sadamu is a dictator, it does not mean that he will ignore his family after 20/09/20. He still has family affection, just like he treats his youngest son Qusay better and regards him as his future successor.

Looking at Sadamu, whose face changed slightly, he continued:"So, sometimes you need to spend a lot of money. As long as the power is still there and you are still the president, there will be plenty of opportunities to make money."

The plan has been made very clear. Michelle believed that Sadamu could hear the meaning of his words clearly.

Sure enough, Sadamu took a deep breath and said with a firm look in his eyes:"Michelle, you are right. As long as the power is there, nothing else matters. What is lost will always be taken back in the future."

"I raised the budget to $30 billion. I need a big killer weapon that can cause heavy damage to the coalition forces."

"OK, no problem!"

Michelle smiled and said,"As long as your budget is sufficient, it will be no problem to repel the coalition forces. You can even hire our company's troops to help you fight."

"What? Your company has an army?"

Sadamu was surprised.

"Of course!"

Mi Xiu said:"You can hire our company's army to operate these equipment. They are experienced veterans who can quickly form combat effectiveness."

Hearing that they are experienced veterans who can quickly form combat effectiveness, Sadamu was somewhat tempted.

It takes a long time to train a veteran.

Especially for pilots, an experienced pilot has at least 3-5 years, and at most 7 or 8 years. Ik Country is short of good pilots.

"Is there a pilot?"

"Of course, we can provide you with as much as you need."

Hearing this, Sadamu smiled and said,"Buy the equipment first, and then we can talk about hiring."

""Okay, sure!"

Michel picked up the list, then asked someone to get a pen and a piece of paper, and said as he wrote:"Your country's main target is the US military's battle group, so there must be enough anti-ship missiles. If the other side comes with 9 aircraft carrier battle groups, I suggest purchasing at least 50"Dagger" hypersonic missiles. Even if it is worth using 5 hypersonic missiles to exchange for one US aircraft carrier, it is worth it."

"The need to launch the"Dagger" hypersonic missile requires the MiG-31 fighter as a launch platform, but the MiG-31 can only carry one Dagger hypersonic missile. Even if it is fired twice, it will take 25 fighters."

"In addition, the US military has a large number of military bases in the Middle East, such as Camel and Shatuo, where there are many fighter jets, and they will quickly reinforce after the war, so my suggestion is to arm a large number of Xiaolong fighter jets."

"Although your country has hundreds of fighters, most of them are old-fashioned fighters, and there are less than 100 aircraft capable of beyond-visual-range combat. I think it is unlikely that you can gain air superiority with this number, so I suggest that you buy at least 300 Xiaolongs. With the 100 aircraft your country already has, you will have 400 of the most advanced fighters currently available."

"With fighter jets, we must have air-to-air missiles with long range. The AIM-54 has a good range, but the distance cannot be extended. Our company has developed the Archer 5E, which has a range of 145 kilometers, 10 kilometers more than the AIM-54. It costs 1.5 million per missile. It is recommended to be used with the AIM-54."

After a pause, Michel said,"By the way, how many air-to-air missiles does your country currently have?"

"I'm not sure about this. Wait a minute, I'll ask someone right away."

Sadamu personally called the Air Force Commander. He came back and said to Michel:"I just asked and found out that there are more than 600 AIM-9 Sidewinders left, and more than 130 AIM-54 Deadbirds left."

Michel nodded:"Short-range air-to-air missiles are enough, mainly long-range"

"If you want to take advantage of the Xiaolong fighter, you have to equip it with long-range missiles. My suggestion is to purchase 2,000 AIM-54 Death Bird missiles and 300 Archer 5E missiles, so that you can form a low, medium and high combination. Your country also has 3,030 air-to-air missiles, which is enough for a high-intensity war."

Among the 3,000 air-to-air missiles, there are 2,430 long-range air-to-air missiles. Even if 2 missiles are exchanged for 1 missile, it can still shoot down thousands of fighters.

After several aircraft carrier battle groups were destroyed, this number is already very exaggerated.

Sadam nodded and agreed with Michelle's suggestion.

"YLC-2E radar, although one is enough���But I think it is better to buy 3 sets, in case one is destroyed, there are still 2 sets to work."

"E-The 2T early warning aircraft is the command center of the fighter. I suggest buying 10 of them. Anyway, the price is not expensive, just the price of one fighter."

"Mk.84HPM/EMP bomb electromagnetic pulse bomb, this is a magic weapon to destroy enemy electronic equipment. It is recommended to buy 10"

"The total price of all the above weapons and equipment is 18.375 billion US dollars."

Michelle put down the pen and looked at Sadamu opposite with a smile:"With these, basically the air supremacy will not be controlled by the enemy in the first time, and if the plan goes well, we may be able to defeat the coalition forces."

Iraq is in the Persian Gulf, and the coastline is only a few kilometers. There is no need to spend money to arm the navy.

And no matter how armed it is, it is not as strong as the US military.

The ground armored force is strong enough, even if the US Army comes on the field, it will have to give up.

You know, Iraq has a steel torrent of 5,500 tanks, more than 8,000 armored vehicles, and 3,500 large-caliber artillery.

Such a powerful ground armed force does not need to be armed at all.

As for the air defense force, it is also powerful, with more than 70 air defense front headquarters, 16 air interception centers, and 4 air defense combat centers..

With such a strong force, and veterans who have fought for many years, the US Army was defeated.

As for why Iraq lost in the previous life. The main reason was that it lost air superiority. Fighter planes, air-to-air missiles, radars, etc. were all useless.

The radar was destroyed as soon as the war started, which was equivalent to losing eyes. How could it fight?

If the shortcomings of the air force were made up, it would be impossible for the United States to take down Iraq in a few dozen days. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, the powerful ground forces do not need to be strengthened.

The only thing to be strengthened is the air force strength and long-range counterattack capabilities.

"There are still more than 10 billion left, Michel, you decide which area should be strengthened."Sadamu asked

"If we want to strengthen it, I suggest we should strengthen the air defense force."

"Our air defense capabilities are very strong now, with hundreds of air defense positions. Do we still need to strengthen them?"

"Most of your country's air defense is SAM series, which has a relatively short range and cannot hit enemy high-altitude bombers, especially stealth bombers. Our company has a system called Roaring air defense missile system, which has a range of 400 kilometers, a firing height of 31,000 meters, a speed of 10 Mach, and can intercept any target including tactical missiles and strategic bombers."

"Oh?" Sadamu became excited:"How much does this air defense system cost?"

"200 million US dollars per unit........."


Sadamu was shocked. This price was dozens of times more expensive than the SAM he bought from Su Xiong.

Michel explained:"Don't look at the high price, but this thing is really powerful, and it has 8 launchers, which can launch 32 anti-aircraft missiles."

Hearing that there were 8 launchers, Sadamu thought about it and decided to buy some.

"Then let's get 10 sets of these Roaring air defense missiles."

"OK, no problem!"

Michel added 10 sets of Roaring Air Defense Missile Systems to the list.[]

This air defense system has another alias, that is S-400.���At present, the S-400 has not been developed yet, so it is not appropriate to use this code name, so Louis changed the name and sold it to the foreign market as"Roar".

10 sets are 2 billion US dollars.

The total price has exceeded 20.3 billion US dollars.

"Mr. President, there is another weapon that I think is worth buying."

Michelle suddenly thought of a weapon.

Sadamu became interested:"What weapon?"

"Electronic warfare aircraft!"

Michel said:"Electronic warfare aircraft are mainly used to detect enemy radar, radio equipment and guidance, conduct electronic reconnaissance, interference and attack. They have great combat uses and play an important role in gaining air superiority."

Sadamu didn't know much about this, but Michel said he needed it, so out of trust, he directly asked the price:"How much is one?"

"This is more expensive, one costs 100 million US dollars, and its combat power is doubled when equipped with AGM-88G anti-radiation missiles"

"AGM-88G anti-radiation missile? I know this. When we fought Persia before, the Air Force used this missile to destroy the Persian ground-to-air guidance radar. 7 of the 8 missiles were hit."

Since the president knows, then he knows that with this fighter, we can completely suppress the opponent's communication and radio equipment, and can also simulate and mislead the enemy's radar."

"Well, how many do you think we should buy?" Sadamu asked. Michel thought for a moment and said,"We don't need too many. Nine will be enough. If you buy one, you will get four AGM-88G anti-radiation missiles for free. If you buy missiles separately, it will be 5 million US dollars per missile."

Sadamu nodded.

After thinking it over carefully, he said,"Then let's get 9 and buy 30 extra missiles."


Michelle quickly calculated the total price on the list.

"Mr. President, take a look. This is the total price, a total of 21.425 billion US dollars. You don't have to pay the remaining 5 million US dollars. It's a discount for you."

Michelle said with a smile, handing the list to Sadamu.

"4.7 In addition, you still have more than 8 billion US dollars left. Although you haven't purchased weapons, I suggest you keep it here with us. Once the war breaks out, if you need anything, we can deliver weapons to your country within 24 hours."Michelle didn't forget the remaining 8 billion US dollars. Sadam nodded and didn't object.

At this moment, the only thing on his mind was how to defeat the coalition forces and get through this difficult time.

"The list is fine, just follow it."

Sadamu said after looking at the list carefully.

"OK! It's still the same old rules. Once the payment is received, we will ship the goods as soon as possible. We can promise that it will take no more than a week."


He could still wait for a week.

After deciding on the weapons to be purchased and the quantity, the two parties signed a formal contract, and Sadamu needed to deposit the money into the Xinghai Bank account within 3 days.

Before leaving, Michel suggested that Sadamu communicate with Shaluotuo.

It would be best if Shaluotuo did not participate in the coalition's actions.

At the same time, it could be considered to divide Koluotuo into two and give them to Shaluotuo, so as to form an alliance.

Shaluotuo is next to Ik.

Once it sides with the coalition, even if the coalition does not use aircraft carriers, it can take off from the Shaluotuo base.

Sadamu said he would seriously consider Michelu's proposal.

Michelu said no more. Now that things have come to this, it depends on what Sadamu does.

(Ps: The fighting will start in the Gulf in the next chapter. As long as the fighting starts here, the protagonist in Colombia will attack Panama and seize the canal)

I'm a sabmado

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