I don't know if it was because he was afraid of death or what, but in less than two days, Sadam collected 30 billion US dollars and handed over this huge sum of money to the Xinghai Bank's vault in Baghdad.

Michel, who learned the news, specially dispatched two military transport planes to transport the money to the Galaxy Trading Company's vault in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa.

This has become the Xinghai Bank's vault in Africa, Asia and Europe.

After that, the money will still be shipped back to Colombia in batches. After all, it is not as safe as putting it in someone else's territory.

After transporting the money away, Michel contacted Louis and told him about the matter.

Knowing that Sadam purchased 30 billion US dollars, Louis felt that the big oil companies were rich.

It is estimated that this is not Sadam's limit.

Of the 30 billion, the money he actually paid is estimated to be less than 10 billion.

Although it is not clear how much money Sadam robbed from the Camel Royal Family of Congo this time, the Camel Royal Family's overseas assets alone are more than 100 billion US dollars.

It is conceivable that the royal family of Kolumu must be making a fortune every year.

They have been developing steadily for more than ten years.

Unlike Ike, which fought a war for 10 years.

They lost two or three hundred billion US dollars.

This does not include the loss of assets.

No matter how strong Ike is, it has nothing to do with him. To a certain extent, Michel actually agrees to annex Kolumu.

As long as you stand on the side of the United States, you are his enemy.

He wrote down the purchase of armed equipment. Now there is no need to fax. With his own communication satellite, he does not have to worry about being monitored by the Americans. 18

According to the list, Louis opened the system to purchase, but the system balance was not enough.

This time he directly recharged 10 billion US dollars.

The assets in his personal bank account are only more than 45 billion US dollars.

It is a sharp decrease.

Fortunately, the money for the weapons ordered by Sadamu will be transferred to his personal account in a while.

Half an hour later, Louis finally finished purchasing the weapons.

After a look, he spent a total of 1.756 billion US dollars, and there was still a balance of 200 million US dollars in the account.

Two days later.

When it was 9 o'clock in the evening in Ik, Louis contacted Michel, informed him of the coordinates of the weapons to be delivered, and asked him to take people to look after the weapons and equipment as soon as possible.

As for the fighter planes, the relationship between the two sides is now tense because of Ik's capture of Kolutuo.

In addition, the US military is now gathering in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.

So this batch of fighter planes was directly divided into batches and manifested in the Ik Gobi.

Although it is a Gobi, as long as it is slightly leveled and paved with cement, it will become an airport. At

9:20 in Baghdad, Louis delivered this batch of weapons. Nearly 100 kilometers away from Baghdad, a place called Samarra Gobi suddenly appeared with a large number of weapons, ammunition and densely packed fighter planes.

Michel arrived at the scene 10 minutes after the manifestation. Seeing the weapons and equipment in front of him, he immediately contacted Sadamu.

In the small town of Balaid, 20 kilometers away, Sadamu was waiting anxiously.

The reason why he appeared here was because Michel told him that the weapons would arrive tonight, so he rushed here from Baghdad.


At this moment, the satellite phone next to him rang.


"Mr. President, the goods have arrived. The location is Samarra. The coordinates are..."

""Okay, I'll come in the evening."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Sadamu walked out of the room with an excited look:"Go to Samarra Gobi quickly." Soon, this elite Republican Guard that accompanied Sadamu here quickly headed towards the direction of Samarra Gobi.

When the Ik soldiers at the scene saw the scene in front of them, they were shocked and speechless.

Even Sadamu opened his mouth wide at this time, looking like he had seen a ghost.

Fortunately, he had experienced the delivery method of Galaxy Trading Company before.

Although it was a bit weird, he didn't ask much.

The main reason was that he was afraid of offending.

That night, when thousands of people urgently leveled the land and compacted the ground, fighter planes took off directly on the dirt road. If there were deep marks on the runway, they would be repaired immediately.

Of course, only a small amount can be flown away in this way.

In the end, the ground must be hardened.

So that night, all the nearby cities, trucks and cement plants were notified.

Transport cement and gravel over.

It took a full week to transport this batch of weapons.

United States.

White House

"Fuck? Did a donkey kick the head of the Shaluo?"

When Bush Sr. learned that Shaluo was unwilling to pay for the military operation against Iraq, he was so angry that he slammed the table.

You know, the main military funds for this time were raised by Shaluo and Kuwait.

The latter promised to pay 2.5 billion US dollars, and the UAE promised to pay 880 million US dollars.

Now the dog tycoon is unwilling to pay?

Who can he ask for the remaining billions?

"Aren’t they worried that after Ik annexes Keluotuo, they will attack Shaluotuo?"

"I talked to King Shah about this issue, and he said they have dozens of ballistic missiles that can quickly destroy Baghdad........

Seeing Bush's gloomy face, the Secretary of State continued,"In addition, they disagree with launching operations against Iraq from their Shaluotu territory, saying they are neutral!"

"What about the camel?"

"Yue Luotuo directly refused!"


Bush couldn't help but swear.

He never thought that Sand Camel would be neutral.

You know, Sand Camel had agreed and was willing to provide funds for this operation.

Now two months have passed, and everything has been assembled.

Just waiting for the time to start. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) But now you tell me that you have given up, you don't want to pay, and you don't want the coalition forces to take off from Sand Camel.

It would be strange if Bush was not angry.

"Damn it, someone must be behind this. You have to go to Shaluotu and tell them that they don’t have to pay, but they must provide a base." Bush said angrily.

"Then I will go to the Middle East again." Secretary of State Baker also knew that if the Sand Camel did not participate, the coalition forces would have to enter from the Persian Gulf.

In this narrow place, it would not be conducive to the US military's operations.

"In addition, you can go to Husky (Ottoman) again. They are also a member of NATO and are obliged to provide military bases for the coalition forces."

Ottoman and Iraq are also neighboring countries.

The border line is also very narrow, and the straight-line distance is only 200 kilometers.

This is the last option.

Once the Shaluotu is firm and firmly disagrees to use the Shaluotu base, then attacking from Ottoman will become the last choice.

In this way, one south and one north.

The north will take off from the Ottoman base.

The south will still attack Iraq from the Persian Gulf.

Although it can form a pincer attack from the north and the south[]

But the US military still wanted to take off from Shalutuo because the border between the two countries was very long, up to thousands of kilometers.

This was conducive to the joint army's surprise attack.

Two days later

, US Secretary of State Baker left Riyadh again in disappointment and went to Ottoman

"Sultan, do you think Iraq can withstand the NATO forces?"

Fahd asked with a worried look.

He originally agreed to join the coalition, provide the coalition with money, food and other living supplies to fight against Iraq.

After all, Iraq's military strength is too strong.

A million-strong army. They are all veterans who have fought in wars.

It is simply not something that they, the Camel of Shah, can resist. In order to avoid becoming the next Camel of Koba, he supports the coalition.

But just a month ago, Iraq sent people to have a secret talk with them.

The content was to divide Camel of Koba into two.

Divide Camel of Koba together.

The condition was that Camel of Shah would not join the coalition and would not provide the coalition with 560 bases.

With such tempting conditions, how could King Fahd not be tempted.

In fact, he also wanted to annex Camel of Koba, but he had never dared to do so.

After all, the underground oil in Camel of Koba is the most densely distributed oil area in the entire Middle East.

Prince Sultan smiled when he heard this:"Under normal circumstances, Iraq will definitely not be able to beat the coalition, but I got the news that Galaxy Trading Company provided Iraq with a large amount of weapons and equipment, which shows that Galaxy Trading supports Iraq and Saddam.

You also know the strength of Galaxy Trade.

If they choose to support Ike, then Ike may not lose."

After a pause, Sultan continued:"It would be best if Ike wins, but it would not be a loss for us if he loses. As long as we are neutral, all forces will try to win us over."

Prince Fahd nodded and agreed with Prince Sultan's statement.

Faced with the refusal and emphasis on neutrality by the Camel, the US military had to change its strategy and launched a pincer attack from the Ottoman direction and the Persian Gulf, one in the south and one in the north.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was mid-January.

The US military gathered 6 aircraft carrier battle groups in the Mediterranean and in the waters near Oman.

Originally there were 9, but now the strategy has changed because the Camel and the Camel prohibit transiting airspace.

It has been reduced from 9 to 6.

It was announced that exercises would be conducted in these two waters, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that this exercise could become real at any time.

Sadam was not idle either.

In order to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, a week after the weapons arrived, he found Michel and hired thousands of people, including more than 300 pilots.

The time came to January 16.

Bush Sr. signed an order to fire at Iraq to Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the Central Command. It was decided to launch an air strike in the early morning of the next day.

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