The war is about to break out.

The atmosphere in the center of Baghdad is becoming more and more solemn.

Presidential Palace.

Michel did not leave. He will serve as the temporary chief of staff of the Iraqi Army, responsible for commanding the Iraqi Air Force and ground air defense forces.

One is Michel's record on the Syrian-Israeli battlefield and the Sixth Middle East War.

Second, this batch of weapons were mainly purchased from Galaxy Trade. The people who are most familiar with the weapons must be the people of Galaxy Trade Company, so Sadam directly hired Michel.

Of course, there is another factor here. Sadam wants to tie Iraq and Galaxy Trade Company together by hiring Michel, so that the chances of winning will be greater. Michel naturally thought of this strategy of his, but in order to implement Louis' strategy and drag the US military into the quagmire of the Middle East battlefield, he did not refuse this appointment.

It was late at night.

Michel came here.

Sadam was surprised to learn that Michel came to visit late at night. He knew that there must be something important, otherwise Michel would not come to visit late at night, and he hurriedly got up to receive him.

"rice���" Mr. President, the situation is not good. Our intelligence personnel have detected the latest news that the coalition forces intend to launch an attack in the early morning of a few hours.



Sadamu's face changed drastically:"Is this news reliable?"

"Absolutely true"

"That...So what should we do now?"Although he was prepared, when the time came, Sadamu was still a little flustered. He had been hoping that the coalition forces were just trying to deter them and did not want to go to war with them.

"Now we have two choices. Before the enemy fighter planes take off from the aircraft carrier, we should attack the US fleet with hypersonic missiles carrying electromagnetic pulse bombs, causing heavy casualties to the coalition forces, which will naturally have a deterrent effect. However, the consequence of doing so will inevitably anger the US military, which may then launch a full-scale counterattack and mobilize more fleets to destroy your country."

Sadamu's face changed again and again, and he asked,"What about the second option?"

"The second option is to wait for the US military to launch an attack, and then immediately launch a counterattack to destroy the enemy aircraft carrier after the first wave of attacks. However, this situation will not have much effect, because the enemy fighters have already taken off, and destroying the aircraft carrier is just a carrier platform. The US military has many bases in the Middle East, and even if the aircraft carrier is gone, they can land at these US military bases.

Moreover, if this option is chosen, the air defense force will face great pressure. Once the radar of our side is destroyed by the enemy, the situation will be unfavorable to us, and we will not be able to contact the troops in various places."

Michel said with a serious face.

What he said was also what Lus told him.

In fact, in the last century, the Iraqi army had its radar and communications destroyed by the coalition forces, which led to command chaos. The army and brigade could not contact the lower-level troops, and the entire electronic communication system was destroyed by the US military.

Sadamu's face became much more solemn.

Thinking about what Louis said.

Choosing the former is undoubtedly the most beneficial to Iraq, but starting a war first and destroying the enemy's aircraft carrier will undoubtedly lead to an irreconcilable relationship with the United States, which will suffer a more serious blow, and will also be isolated internationally, after all, it was Iraq that started the war first. As for why the United States started the war first, it will not be condemned by the world.

That's because they have a strong fist and a group of younger brothers behind them, and they are all developed countries.

Choosing the second option, although it will get some support, the war situation will be more dangerous, after all, it has lost the initiative.

Michel did not urge, and waited quietly for Sadamu to weigh the pros and cons. No matter what Sadamu thought, he would strongly ask Sadamu to launch an attack first, so that the damage to the US military would be the greatest.

"Michel, which one do you think we should choose?"

After thinking for a while, Sadamu still couldn't make up his mind, so he had to turn his attention to Michel, wanting to hear his opinion.

"If I were to choose, I would choose the first one"

"Your country and the coalition forces are in a deadlock situation, and there is no possibility of reconciliation. In this case, why not strike first? At least it can reduce the enemy's offensive, and maybe some countries in the coalition forces will be scared off?"

After a pause, looking at Sadamu who seemed to be thinking about something, he decided to provoke him again.

"I know what the president is worried about. If you choose the first option, you will definitely offend the United States, and they will definitely retaliate wildly. But what I want to say is that they are ready to destroy you. It's either them or you. In this case, why worry so much? Even if your country really faces that situation, our Galaxy Company will not sit on the sidelines. When necessary, we will provide your country with nuclear weapons to deter the coalition forces."

"What? You...You still have nuclear weapons?"

Sadamu looked at Michelle in horror.

"Yes, as long as the money is in place, we can sell any weapon in our galaxy."

"Well, can your company sell nuclear weapons to Iraq now?"

"Not now!" Michel shook his head. Under Sadamu's puzzled gaze, he explained,"Nuclear weapons are powerful weapons that bring too much harm, so they are generally not sold. Mr. President and your country are important customers of our company. We have the responsibility and obligation to protect your country. So if we really encounter the situation of national destruction, I will apply to the company for sale. Not now."

Sadamu nodded. Although he was a little disappointed, he felt much more relaxed when he thought of Michel's promise that he would agree to sell nuclear weapons in the event of national destruction.

A smile appeared on his face.

With nuclear weapons, what was he afraid of from the United States' retaliation?

Thinking of this, Sadamu made up his mind.

He looked up and looked at Michel with a firm look in his eyes:"Sir, you are right. Since we are already mortal enemies, there is no need to worry about the consequences. I choose the first one."

Hearing this, Michel smiled:"Mr. President, you made a wise choice."

Hearing this, Sadamu smiled and looked much more relaxed:"Michel, let's go to the command center!"


The two came to the underground fortress.

This fortress was built during the Iran-Iraq War. Now it has been expanded a lot on the original basis, making the fortress more solid. Even if it is hit by a nuclear attack, it will not be destroyed.

Of course, the nuclear attack here refers to the shock wave and radiation generated after the nuclear explosion.

When the two arrived at the underground fortress, they had been notified in advance that the commanders of various troops had arrived.

The commanders of the three armed forces, the air defense force, and the strategic force were all present.

"Mr. President."

Seeing Sadamu coming, everyone stood up. Those who could become senior military officials of Iraq were undoubtedly Sadamu's diehard fans. They were all tied to Sadamu.

Sadamu nodded to everyone and then came to the main seat.

Michel was the first one to his left.

Everyone knew Michelu, after all, Sadamu had introduced him to them at the meeting before and personally announced the appointment of Michelu as the interim chief of staff.

"We called you all here late at night because we have received the latest reliable intelligence that the coalition forces will launch an attack in the early hours of the morning.

"Please rest assured, President. If the coalition forces dare to come, our army will definitely defeat them and let them know that we, the Eagle of Babylon, are not easy to mess with."The army commander held his head high and said confidently.

That look seemed to think that the U.S. military was vulnerable.

But his words made the air force commander unhappy. The air force commander, whose strength had greatly increased, said confidently:"If their coalition forces come, they will definitely taste the feeling of being shot down."

Other generals and commanders in the conference room also expressed their desire to beat the coalition forces.

No wonder they are so arrogant and insolent.

According to strength, the Iraqi military does have the capital to challenge the U.S. military at this moment.

After all, with millions of steel torrents, hundreds of modern fighter jets, and thousands of air-to-air missiles, this strength is indeed second only to the United States and the Russian bear.

Seeing the generals clamoring to beat the coalition forces, Sadamu's mouth twitched. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In fact, he was like this before.

However, after Michelle's intimidation, he was much more rational.

"" Bang, bang, bang!"

Sadamu knocked on the table, his face serious:"Everyone, be quiet."

The noisy and quarrelsome meeting room suddenly became quiet.

Sadamu glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and then said in a cold tone:"This is the headquarters, not the vegetable market. And you are all arrogant and do not take the coalition forces seriously. You claim that you want to defeat the US military. If the US military is so weak, can it still be the world hegemon? Can it still fight against Su Xiong for so long?

Wake up!..."

After scolding him, Sadamu continued,"Let's get down to business. I have discussed with Michelle and decided to launch an attack first to destroy the enemy's aircraft carrier. This way, once the war starts, we can also reduce the threat from the enemy's air force."

Hearing that they would take the initiative to attack the coalition forces first, everyone expressed their support.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Sadamu smiled.

"Since everyone agrees, from now on, all air defense forces, strategic forces and air forces will be commanded by Michel."

At this point, Sadamu turned his head and signaled Michel to arrange the strategy.

Michel nodded, stood up, walked to the front, pointed to the strategic drawings hanging on the wall, and began to explain.

"The specific military deployment is divided into two parts.

The first part is to simultaneously launch air strikes on US military bases in Bahrain, Kabul, and the United Arab Emirates to destroy US radars and airports there.

Specifically, electronic warfare aircraft carrying anti-radiation missiles destroy enemy radars.

Remember, before destroying them, the MiG-31 must take off from the airport, with the assistance of early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft, carrying Dagger hypersonic missiles, and head straight for the four aircraft carriers of the US"Zulu" battle group docked near the Gulf of Oman, namely the"USS"、"Roosevelt���、"The four aircraft carriers, USS Midway, USS Raider, should be destroyed first.


After that, a formation of F16 fighters will carry Paveway guided bombs to destroy the remaining enemy ships."

After a pause, Michel pointed to the Mediterranean region again:"The second part and the first part are carried out simultaneously, and the operations are slightly different.

At the beginning of the war, electronic warfare aircraft will suppress the enemy's communications and confuse the enemy's radar.

After the Dagger hypersonic missiles carried by the MiG-31 enter the range, they will be launched at the enemy, and the Gallic Clemenceau, São Paulo, Britannia Royal Ark and the USS Saratoga, Kennedy and other aircraft carriers will also be destroyed first.

Afterwards, the F16 will also carry ground-to-ground Paveway bombs and Exocet air-launched anti-ship missiles to destroy the remaining enemy ships."

"Remember, the key to this battle is whether you can suppress the enemy's radar, communications and other electronic systems."

"What about the coalition forces stationed in Ottoman Empire?"

Someone asked.

Michel said:"Don't worry about the Ottoman Empire. After all, Ottoman Empire is a powerful country and borders Iraq. If we take the initiative to attack, it will inevitably cause large-scale land combat, which will not be worth the loss. The ground forces and air defense forces just need to be on alert.

Once we destroy the enemy's aircraft carrier battle group and burst out with combat power, we may be able to deter Ottoman Empire from easily leaving the field and participating in this war."

Sadamu nodded slightly and agreed with Michel.

After hearing Michel's explanation, everyone felt it was reasonable.

Although there are many coalition forces in Ottoman Empire, the number of fighter planes is not large.

The main direction of the coalition forces is still the aircraft carrier fleet in the Persian Gulf and the air forces stationed by several small countries.

"There is another question. When we attack the Mediterranean coalition fleet, we will have to pass through the Syrian airspace. Will they agree to it?"The Air Force Commander asked a very critical question.

Michel smiled and said,"This question is indeed very critical, but you don't have to worry. I have a very good relationship with President Hafez. I have already communicated with him. Under this special situation, the Syrian airspace can be opened to Ik, but afterwards, Syria must be paid 500 million US dollars."

Hafez is also a profit-seeking person.

If you want to open the airspace, you can, but you must pay.

In the previous life, that would definitely be impossible.

In the previous life, Syria joined the coalition.

But in this life, due to the appearance of Galaxy Company and Michel's repeated help in Syria defeating the Israeli Snake Country, Hafez gave him face.

Otherwise, even if he was paid, he would not agree.

""Okay, we'll pay the $500 million."

Sadam immediately agreed.

As long as they could destroy a few aircraft carriers of the coalition forces in the Mediterranean, it would be worthwhile to pay a toll of several hundred million dollars.

Although everyone was dissatisfied with Syria's toll, they didn't say anything when they saw that Sadam agreed.

"Any more questions? If not, then follow Michelle's orders. Remember, from now on, Michelle's orders are my orders, and the entire army must obey them unconditionally."Sadamu looked serious and glanced at everyone.

Everyone answered in unison:"Yes!"

Michelle didn't waste any words and said directly:"Action!"

Soon, several air force bases in Baghdad, Basra and other places became busy immediately.

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