Basra Air Force Base.

Three EA-18G electronic warfare aircraft took off from the airport first.

Following closely, an E2 early warning aircraft, more than a dozen F16s and more than thirty Xiaolong fighters took off.

At the same time, at Baghdad Air Force Base.

After more than a dozen Xiaolongs took off, MiG-31s carrying"Dagger" hypersonic missiles also took off, forming a formation in the air and flying towards the Persian Gulf and Oman.

At the air bases in Mosul and Erbil, two major cities in the north of Iraq, several F-31s also took off intensively./A-18G Roar electronic warfare aircraft, several E2 early warning aircraft, more than a dozen MiG-31 fighters carrying electromagnetic pulse warheads and Dagger hypersonic missiles, escorted by dozens of Xiaolong fighters, took off urgently.

The time was 11:32 in the evening.


Many radars suddenly found that the screen was distorted, and the screen was densely packed with various confusions, as if there was a problem with the signal.

This was also the case with the radar station at the US military base.

No one thought about the direction of electronic warfare aircraft. After all, only a few countries such as the United States have electronic warfare aircraft. There are a few of the five permanent members who do not have them, let alone Iraq.

However, what they don’t know is that this is the Iraqi F/A-The 18G Roaring electronic warfare aircraft did it. After suppressing the enemy's radar and communication systems, it did not attack the military base in Pakistan, but went all the way down.

It would not be difficult to destroy the US military base in Pakistan.

But once the war starts, the US military in the neighboring Kaluo will be alerted and the purpose of the sneak attack will not be achieved.

You know, Pakistan and Kaluo are countries across the sea.

The distance between the two countries is only more than 30 kilometers.

Dropping bombs in the dark, the burning flames will definitely be discovered by Kaluo, and compared to these garrisons, destroying the US aircraft carrier fleet is the top priority.

Of course, if the vanguard is not destroyed, it does not mean that the Xiaolong and F16 formations in the rear will not be destroyed.

If it is not destroyed, wouldn't it be hit on the return journey?

After destroying and suppressing the radar and communications of the Emirates 643.

Driving a formation of MiG-31 fighters carrying electromagnetic pulse warheads, with the satellite coordinates provided by the early warning aircraft, ground radar and Columbia, they quickly launched 12 Dagger hypersonic missiles, then quickly turned around and returned to Iraq, intending to carry them again.

Here, the F16 formation carrying ground-to-ground Paveway bombs also began to bomb the coalition bases, mainly air force bases, in the three countries of Camel, Pakistan and the UAE.

In order to make up for the insufficient range of the fighters on the southern line, the combat aircraft that attacked the Persian Gulf and the Aman Sea this time were specially equipped with three refueling aircraft.

In order to carry anti-ship missile fighter formations and F/A-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft provides refueling service.

Otherwise, with the combat radius of the F16 and Xiaolong, these two fighters can't reach the coalition fleet at all.

As for the Mediterranean direction, there is no need to worry, it is already within the combat range.

The Aman Sea.

Hundreds of warships gathered in this sea area.

The four aircraft carriers are like behemoths and very conspicuous.

Although there are more than 2 hours before the attack, the coalition forces are already making final preparations.

At this time, the outermost Perry-class frigate, this frigate, is equipped with AN/SPS-49(V)Air defense radar, the detection range of this air defense radar is 460 kilometers

"Shit, what is this?

A radar operator suddenly looked at the radar screen with a look of horror.

He immediately reacted.

""Enemy attack!! We have detected several missiles coming!"

The radar detector shouted in horror.

The commander of the ship changed his expression and immediately ordered the alarm to be sounded and the battle to be launched.

Soon, missiles were launched one after another."RIM-"66G" anti-aircraft missiles were launched.

As the frigate sounded the air defense alarm, the entire fleet was awakened.

However, for a hypersonic missile, the speed is as high as Mach 10, 3.4 miles per second, less than 400 kilometers away, which is only 2 minutes for a hypersonic missile.

Moreover, the flight speed of the US ship-borne anti-aircraft missiles is only more than Mach 2, which is impossible to catch up.

Even if the trajectory is calculated in advance, it is common to miss the target. Otherwise, why do countries fear supersonic missiles?


A"Dagger" supersonic missile flew over the frigate and launched an anti-aircraft missile, directly hitting the deck of the"Midway" aircraft carrier, causing an instant explosion, and a huge electromagnetic wave radiated out from the hit point instantly.



Instantly, a large number of electronic devices went black. The engines of several fighter jets that were preparing to take off also shut down after a burst of electricity. At this moment, aircraft carriers, carrier-based aircraft, and ships all shut down.

Including radars and communication systems.

The circuit system was also destroyed at this moment by the extremely high-power electromagnetic pulse released by the electromagnetic pulse bomb.

All the warships around seemed to have failed at this moment.

"What happened? Why is there a power outage?"

"The fighter plane can't start"

"The radar circuit board was burned out"

""Fuck, this is not an electromagnetic pulse bomb, right?" someone exclaimed.

This thing is not rare. It was studied as early as ten years ago, but there have been few results. The real results were not achieved until after the millennium.

With the Dagger supersonic missiles that broke through the interception network, they attacked several aircraft carriers in the Gulf of Oman, causing the entire aircraft carrier battle group to lose its combat capability at this moment. All electronic instruments and equipment, radars, and electronic components were burned. Even air defense missiles had to be grounded.

Unless there is no electricity or electronic components, nothing can move.

Just when the entire Zulu battle group was in a panic.

The early warning aircraft also commanded the F16 and Xiaolong fighter formations carrying Exocet anti-ship missiles and Paveway bombs to carry out precision bombing strikes on aircraft carriers that had not yet sunk.

"Boom boom!!"


One bomb after another, anti-ship missiles, were thrown at several aircraft carriers, including the Ticonderoga-class cruiser, which also became the focus of the attack.

Suddenly, flames burst out and explosions resounded throughout the Gulf of Oman.

"oh god!!"

"It's over, it's all over!"

Some destroyers and frigates of the combined fleet that had not been hit looked at the aircraft carriers that were attacked in groups with horror, revealing despair.

Some merchant ships sailing near the Gulf of Oman also looked at the aircraft carrier battle group in the distance with horror.

"Oh, shit, look at the sea over there,"

"Oh my God, that seems to be the US aircraft carrier battle group, why was it bombed?"

"Did the Soviet Union go to war with the United States?"

After being bombarded by more than 20 missiles, the USS Midway was the first to collapse. A large amount of seawater poured in from the hole after the explosion, causing the aircraft carrier to lose balance in an instant. The fighter planes on the deck fell to the bottom of the sea, and it was inevitable that it would sink.

""Boom boom!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A missile hit the ammunition depot of a Ticonderoga-class cruiser, causing a violent explosion in an instant, like a mushroom cloud, and a raging fire. The huge flames illuminated the surrounding sea.

Countless coalition soldiers jumped into the sea, crying and shouting for help.

"Quick, hurry over there and save people"

"Report, the ship can't start, the control system has been burned by the enemy"

"Fuck! Then release the lifeboats!!"

The coalition fleet that woke up, some frigates and destroyers that were not attacked, hurriedly lowered the lifeboats.

As for the counterattack, don't joke, the battery pulse explosion has a characteristic, that is, the burned circuits and electronic equipment are irreparable, that is, they can only be replaced, and cannot be repaired.

This kind of high-tech war, some people have not even heard of it, let alone deal with it.

Just after the coalition fleet in the Gulf of Aman was attacked, the coalition fleet in the Mediterranean region was also attacked.

Although several missiles were intercepted in advance, the electromagnetic pulse released at the moment of the explosion instantly caused all the instruments and communication equipment of the entire fleet to suffer a devastating blow.

A carrier-based aircraft, just took off and then because the electronic equipment was destroyed, the engine stopped turning directly, and then fell into the sea.

The early warning aircraft and the Iraqi Air Force formation over Syria.

After learning that the coalition radar and power system were destroyed[]

Join the battlefield immediately

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!"

One after another, air-launched anti-ship missiles were quickly fired at the five aircraft carriers of the coalition forces in the Mediterranean.

Boom boom boom!!

The explosion sounded in the distance on several aircraft carriers.

Compared with the ships in the Gulf of Oman, there are undoubtedly many more ships in the Mediterranean.

The passing ships were all stunned and dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

This is being suppressed.

After all the electronic equipment was destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse missiles, the coalition naval fleet had almost no ability to fight back and could only passively take the beating.

Watching the bombs blow up and the missiles hit one by one and being powerless.

On the sea, thousands of people were swimming to escape.

However, this is not the end. Although the second wave did not carry electromagnetic pulse warheads, the dagger hypersonic missiles were extremely powerful.

Even if it is an aircraft carrier, if it is hit, it will basically sink if it cannot be repaired urgently.

In less than half an hour, in the joint fleet in the Mediterranean, except for the frigates that were not attacked, all the destroyers and aircraft carriers were hit hard.

Lost combat capability.

It became a one-sided massacre.


Underground fortress

"Report, call from the front, all enemy electronic equipment has been destroyed"

"Report: The bombing formation has received news that they have launched fire attacks on several aircraft carriers including the USS Roosevelt and the USS Midway. Among them, the USS Midway and the USS Roosevelt have begun to sink, and the other two are seriously damaged."

"Report, the Mediterranean strike group has received news that the bombing mission is being carried out."

Listening to the news from the front line, Sadamu showed an ecstatic look.

"Michel, you are amazing! Oh my god, we destroyed two large fleets of the coalition forces.

Michel was not so happy, but his eyes still showed a joyful expression.

"Mr. President, you can't be happy yet. You should immediately have all the MiG-31s fire at the remaining aircraft carriers and cruisers of the two fleets again. The faster the better."


Sadamu followed Michel's advice meticulously.

Soon, a large number of MiG-31s carrying"Dagger" supersonic missiles launched a second round of firepower strikes.

According to what Louis said, all the coalition aircraft carriers must be sunk.

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