As the second batch of MiG-31"Dagger" supersonic anti-ship missiles carrying non-electromagnetic pulse warheads joined the battlefield, the joint fleet, which had lost its ability to counterattack, was almost a sitting duck and was killed one by one.

The two fleets in the Gulf of Oman and the Mediterranean region were like the end of the world, with aircraft carriers, destroyers and a large number of carrier-based aircraft sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Not only the two fleets were attacked.

Balin (Ballin), Qatar, and all the bases of the four countries, including the bases of these four countries, were bombed together. It was like purgatory, and the flames burned on the territories of the four countries.



Half an hour after the Emirates, Qatar and other countries were bombed, King Fahd knew the news and quickly asked someone to find Prince Sultan.

Seeing his brother rushing over, King Fahd said quickly,"I just got the news that half an hour ago, the Iraqi Air Force launched an attack, using a mysterious weapon to instantly destroy the radar and communication systems of Qatar, Pakistan, and the UAE, and then carpet bombed the military bases of the four countries. According to our people, the effect was surprisingly good, and there was almost no resistance."

As he spoke, he handed the intelligence list to Prince Sultan.

After a moment, Prince Sultan, who had read the content, said,"It seems that the strength of Iraq is much stronger than we thought."

"Indeed." King Fahd nodded:"According to the intelligence, the coalition bases in these four countries have suffered almost devastating blows, and I'm afraid they have lost no less than two or three hundred fighter planes and a large number of armored and mechanical troops."

"What about the fleet? The coalition has hundreds of warships and nine aircraft carrier battle groups stationed in the Gulf of Aman and the Mediterranean. What is the situation in these two places?"

"Sultan, you mean that Ik dared to attack these two huge aircraft carrier fleets?"

Fahd stared at him with wide eyes and horror.

Prince Sultan said:"If I am not mistaken, this operation must be commanded by Michel."


"Yes, only he has the courage. From my understanding of Sadamu, although he is crazy, his strategic vision is still a little lacking. His thinking is still stuck in the continental army thinking. This operation is completely dependent on the air force system. From the intelligence, the other side dispatched hundreds of fighters to suppress the radar weapons of the coalition forces. They should have dispatched electronic warfare aircraft. Sadamu doesn't understand these at all.

He doesn't understand, how could he have the courage to attack the four countries, so I guess the commander this time must be Michel.

From my understanding of him, since he is determined to start the war first, he will definitely not only destroy the coalition bases of the four countries.

After all, if this is destroyed, the coalition still has the ability to counterattack.

It doesn't make much sense.

Therefore, I guess that when attacking these four countries, they must have launched attacks on the two aircraft carrier fleets at the same time, otherwise this operation will not make much sense."

It must be said that after having been in contact with Michel, Prince Sultan still knows his friend very well.

Seeing that his analysis was reasonable, Fahd thought about it carefully and felt that this was possible.

Thinking of the Iraqi Air Force attacking the two major fleets of the coalition forces, King Fahd felt a little excited and nervous:"Do you think the Iraqi Air Force can succeed?"

"It's hard to say. After all, there are so many warships and aircraft carriers gathered this time. I don't think it's very likely that Ik will destroy them with air force power."

Prince Sultan analyzed.

He admitted that the Galaxy Trading Company was powerful and Michel's command ability was excellent, but he thought it was unlikely to defeat the huge multinational aircraft carrier fleet.

It's even impossible.

If the aircraft carrier fleet was so easy to be sunk, it would not make countries feel afraid.

However, it wasn't long before Prince Sultan was slapped in the face.

At two o'clock in the morning.

The director of intelligence hurried over and reported to the two of them:"The latest news is that the joint fleet gathered in the Gulf of Oman was attacked.

According to our people in Oman, several aircraft carriers of the joint fleet were hit, two of which have already sunk, and it is estimated that they will sink completely to the bottom of the sea in a few hours.

The other two aircraft carriers were also attacked by a large number of supersonic missiles, and it is estimated that they will also sink.


King Fahd: ???

Prince Sultan:....

After a brief moment of shock, the two men came to their senses.

"you...Are you sure this intelligence is correct? Did the Iraqi Air Force fighters just charge straight into the aircraft carrier battle group? Didn't the frigates and destroyers of the United Nations launch anti-aircraft missiles to intercept them?"

"They intercepted them at first, but then for some reason, the entire joint fleet did not seem to fight back, and allowed the Iraqi Air Force fighters to bomb their aircraft carriers and destroy their aircraft carriers and warships."

"No counterattack?"

"Yes! There is indeed no counterattack"

"this...How could the frigates and destroyers of the combined fleet not have intercepted them?"

King Fahd was puzzled.

Prince Sultan was not much better. He could not understand why the warships of the combined fleet did not fight back.

"In addition, the combined fleet in the Mediterranean was also attacked by the Iraqi Air Force, and the result was the same. There was no sign of counterattack at all, and the Iraqi Air Force bombed them."

I heard that even the combined fleet in the Mediterranean was the same.

Prince Sultan said solemnly:"There must be something else we don't know about. The combined fleet cannot help but fight back. In this situation, it must be that Iraq has used some technology, which has prevented these warships from fighting back. And it is very likely that this technology was provided by the Galaxy Trading Company.

Otherwise, with Iraq's strength, it is impossible to develop such a weapon."

"So, the huge coalition army has not yet begun���Has the entire army been wiped out?"

"So far it seems"

"this...This is incredible. Fortunately, we did not intervene, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses this time."King Fahd was relieved.

If they, the Camel Army, had also intervened in this war and joined the coalition forces, they would have followed the footsteps of the four countries and been attacked by the Iraqi Air Force.

"Sultan, luckily you persuaded me."

Sultan calmed down, put away his thoughts, looked at his brother seriously, and said:"From the current point of view, the Galaxy Trading Company definitely has weapons that can crush the US military. We should increase cooperation with them and establish a more solid relationship."

"You are right!! Then do you think we should drive the US troops away?"

King Fahd said.

He knew that the Galaxy Trading Company was very hostile to the United States and the Israeli Snake Country.

"Don't worry, wait two days."Prince Sultan thought for a while and said.

King Fahd nodded and thought that he would wait and see the situation. If he drove them away now, it would definitely offend the United States.

The United States.

The Pentagon. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The president, vice president, secretary of state and other senior officials of the US government and military gathered in the conference room, and in front of them was a TV, showing the Mediterranean Joint Fleet, as well as the bases of Camel, Camel and other countries being attacked and bombed.

Looking at the burning aircraft carriers and warships, and the fighter planes falling to the bottom of the sea, everyone in the conference room was dumbfounded and couldn't believe the pictures on the TV.

Their proud aircraft carrier battle group was sunk just like that?

"How could this be possible? How could the powerful combined fleet be attacked so easily by the Iraqi Air Force? Why didn't the fleet's frigates, fighter planes and radar soldiers intercept them?"

A navy general in dark black questioned angrily.

No one answered his question.

The facts were already in front of them, how could they not believe it?

"Judging from the few words we have heard so far, I suspect that the Iraqi Air Force used an extremely rare"electromagnetic pulse weapon" this time. Only this kind of weapon can destroy all electronic equipment and command systems in a short period of time. That is why we cannot contact them...."

A soldier analyzed.

When they heard that it was an electromagnetic pulse, everyone in the conference room changed color.

They were certainly familiar with electromagnetic pulse missiles, because the United States was also developing them.

A long time ago, a small nuclear bomb was developed to destroy all nearby electronic equipment through the huge electromagnetic waves generated by the explosion.

However, this technology is not mature.

The US military was only experimenting, and they did not expect that the Iraqi army would actually use it in actual combat.[]

"Damn, where did they get these weapons?" Bush asked angrily

"Su Xiong doesn't have the ability to make such a weapon. I suspect that this was developed by Galaxy Company."

"It must be Galaxy Company, otherwise, with the strength of Iraq, it would not be possible to develop it."

Bush said coldly:"Issue a global wanted order immediately. Anyone who reports Galaxy Company and provides useful clues can get a bonus."

Obviously, he was really angry this time.

"Mr. President, the most urgent task now is to rescue the fleet. If we wait too long, we may suffer more losses."

"Yes, the most urgent task is to send reinforcements as soon as possible."

Bush Sr. reacted.

Thinking of the hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East war, Bush Sr. said quickly:"In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should release news to the world, accusing Iraq of attacking..."

The next morning, many media in the Gulf region reported that Iraq had launched an air strike against the combined fleet, destroying several aircraft carriers and hundreds of warships of various types.

The news caused a sensation around the world.

No one could believe that the Iraqi army had won.

"Isn't today April Fool's Day?"

"How can this be!"

"fcuk!! The coalition forces are too weak, they were destroyed by hundreds of warships and hundreds of fighter planes in one encounter, it's too bad."

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