As the main party in the incident, Iraq kept a low profile and did not issue any news, nor did it announce its battle record and losses.

After the combined fleet was hit, Gaul, Britain and other countries could no longer sit still. They do not have as many aircraft carriers as the United States.

Both of Gaul's aircraft carriers participated in the war.

If they were sunk, it would undoubtedly be a major blow to the Gallic navy.

Britain is similar, and it has long lost its former glory.

And this time it sent the"Ark Royal" aircraft carrier.

The two countries immediately deployed nearby fleets to the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf regions.

Other countries were similar, sending warships one after another.

As one of the world hegemons, the United States immediately dispatched an aircraft carrier battle group, departing from its homeland, crossing the Atlantic and then entering the Mediterranean. The aircraft carrier battle group docked in Southeast Asia also quickly reinforced the Persian Gulf region.


"How is the situation? How big is the loss this time?"

Before, there were only blurry videos and photos sent back from the scene, and the specific damage was not very clear. After all, what can you see at night? At this time, a four-star admiral said solemnly:"Mr. President, the loss this time is huge. It is the most casualties since World War II.

According to the report sent back by General Norman of the"143rd" Department of the Central Command, the military bases in the Gulf region such as Camel and Camel were electronically suppressed by the enemy at the beginning, and our radar and communication systems were destroyed and suppressed and could not be used.

The enemy did not open fire immediately, but continued to move south, and then launched more than a dozen supersonic missiles in the UAE.

It is speculated that the warhead of this missile carries an electromagnetic pulse.

The outer air defense system discovered and intercepted it at the first time, but the enemy's supersonic missile was too fast and failed to intercept it.

Then it hit the"Midway" aircraft carrier, and then the power system collapsed, so the electronic equipment was burned, and the radar, including the air defense system, fighter jets and other electronic equipment systems, were all paralyzed, and lost the ability to counterattack....


Looking at the gloomy faces of the crowd, the four-star general continued:"The current statistics show that the Midway, the United States, the Raider, the Kennedy, and the Saratoga have all sunk. The Roosevelt was severely damaged and will not be able to recover its combat effectiveness in a short time.

Nine Ticonderoga-class cruisers, 16 Perry-class frigates, and 14 Prunus-class guided missile destroyers have been lost....In addition, the battleships"Wisconsin" and"Missouri" were also attacked by dozens of bombs and sank near the Persian Gulf.

In addition, more than 20 ships were damaged to varying degrees. At present, these damaged warships have been removed from the scene."


Although everyone present was prepared, they were still shocked by the loss and couldn't help but gasp.

How many years have passed?

Even in World War II, there was no such heavy loss in a single battle with the Japanese army in the Pacific battlefield.

What's more, the aircraft carriers at that time were simply incomparable to now.

A full 5 aircraft carriers sank.

This is almost a loss of one-third of the aircraft carriers.

Although there are currently 15 aircraft carriers, there are only seven or eight that are actually in combat, and the others are basically maintained in the port.

And this does not include the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carriers.

Six aircraft carriers have lost at least more than 300 fighter planes.

This is still the fleet, including the bases stationed in the four Middle Eastern countries.

The number of lost fighter planes is probably more than 600.

"How is the personnel situation?"

Bush asked with a grim face.

"According to statistics, there were about 12,000 casualties, about 46,000 injured, and thousands missing."

The four-star admiral of the Navy replied.

Hearing this, Bush Sr. was furious, staring at everyone present, and said angrily:"Listen, with such a huge loss, is this still the extremely powerful United States? Is it still the beacon country that gallops across the four oceans?"

Everyone was silent.

Obviously, there was nothing to say.

Bush Sr. stood up suddenly, his eyes grim, and his tone stern:"Such a huge loss is more serious than the island country's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor that year, with tens of thousands of casualties!! As the President of the United States, I declare that I will make Iraq pay the price in blood, and I must destroy the Saddam regime and wipe out the Galaxy Company with all my strength. Even if they hide in Antarctica, they must be found."

Soon, the U.S. government held a press conference and announced the losses of the U.S. military in the Middle East. This caused an uproar among the reporters present.

Although the outside world speculated that the losses would be relatively large this time, they did not expect them to be so large.

5 aircraft carriers.

More than 40 warships sank.

More than 60,000 casualties.

Nearly 700 fighter jets and hundreds of tanks were lost.

The reporters present all showed incredible eyes.

When has the powerful United States ever suffered such heavy casualties?

On the other side, George H.W. Bush also said to the TV camera with a heavy face:"The evil Saddam regime launched a sneak attack on the great coalition army without declaring war, causing heavy casualties to the coalition army. In this regard, on behalf of the United States, I officially declare war on Iraq. The powerful America will surely destroy the evil Saddam regime."

The video of Bush's declaration of war and the losses reported by the Secretary of State shocked the entire American people.

Such a huge loss made the whole American people angry, and under the guidance of public opinion, the American people supported the government's declaration of war on Iraq.

This huge war machine was fully operational.

The Pacific Fleet has allocated two aircraft carriers to the Middle East.

In addition to military mobilization, more severe economic sanctions have been imposed.

At the same time, a diplomatic offensive was launched, contacting NATO allies, and actively wooing other non-NATO countries, with a great momentum of overwhelming pressure. The domestic war machine, major factories received orders like snowflakes.

Of course, these are all superficial.

The US military will not end easily without solving the electromagnetic pulse bomb.

They don't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Moreover, more than 700 fighters were lost, including more than a dozen advanced F-117A bombers.

Whether it is supplies or weapons and ammunition, it takes time To prepare.

It will take at least half a year.

Moreover, so many people have been sacrificed this time.

It will also take time to appease and compensate.

Therefore, as the United States announced its losses and declared war, countries around the world were in an uproar.

They could not believe that the US military had suffered such a huge loss.

Even in the Annan War and the Peninsular War, they had not lost so many warships, fighter planes and aircraft carriers. Fighting a small country like Iraq, they actually lost so many.

This is just the United States.

You know, the coalition forces are composed of troops from dozens of countries.

Even if those who are just there to make soy sauce are excluded, it is terrifying.

The United States has suffered such a huge loss, so what about other countries?

Many people turned their eyes to Britain and Gaul in Europe.

The two countries followed closely. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They announced their own losses one after another.

A British aircraft carrier sank, and 7 warships sank, more than 7,300 people died, more than 200 fighter planes, and nearly 800 tanks and armored vehicles were lost........

This is undoubtedly a major loss for Britain, whose strength is not as strong as before.

Almost half of the national strength has been lost.

Gaul is even worse.

Two aircraft carriers sank, nine battleships were sunk, more than 100 fighter planes were lost, more than 10,000 personnel were injured, and nearly 5,560 people died.

With the announcement of these news, the whole world was shocked.

Iraq is too powerful.

Not only did he challenge the entire coalition forces on his own, but he also caused such heavy casualties. It is indeed worthy of being the third most powerful military country in the world, and its strength is beyond words.

Unlike NATO countries that are gritting their teeth for revenge, the people of Arab countries in the Middle East took to the streets to cheer for victory.

After all, the strength shown by Iraq has greatly improved the face of the Arabs.

You used to bully us at will, but now someone will take care of you.[]

In Iraq, the people cheered and were even more excited.

The internal gap and social dissatisfaction were also suppressed briefly after this battle, and Saddam, as the president, was regarded as a spiritual leader and an object of worship by countless young Iraqis at this moment.

In particular, after Iraq announced that it had achieved such a great victory with only two fighter planes lost, the people of the entire Iraqi country were inflated and full of pride.

In the Middle East,

Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was also holding a grand celebration ceremony.

If the Iraqi soldiers were a little arrogant and underestimated the enemy before, then the Iraqi military was a little arrogant at this moment.

Even shouting the slogan of the world's number one power.

And shouting this slogan is reasonable.

After all, who can achieve such a great record by fighting against the coalition forces?

Moreover, with only two fighter planes damaged, 8 coalition aircraft carriers, hundreds of warships and thousands of fighter planes were destroyed.

Iraq was inflated, and Michel did not interfere too much.

Instead, he reminded Saddam not to take it lightly.

Facing Michelle's kindness, Sadamu said he knew, but deep down, he was already 5.4% inflated, thinking that no one could defeat Iker.



Louis, who learned of the situation, was not surprised.

The power of the electromagnetic pulse bomb is not in vain.

"You don't need to worry about Sadamu's affairs. He has become arrogant now and won't listen to anything you say."

"This time, you have caused so many casualties to the coalition forces. The other side will definitely try every means to kill you, so you should keep a low profile during this period. It is best not to show up and return to Damascus as soon as possible."

""Yes, I understand. I will rush to Damascus as soon as possible."

Michel said.

At this time, how could he not know that he had become the blacklist of intelligence organizations such as CIA and CIA-6.

But he was confident to deal with it.

After hanging up the phone,

Louis tapped the table with his fingers, and his mind was working quickly.

Now the US aircraft carrier battle group has lost one-third.

Now another one-third is to be transferred. Now is the weakest time for the US military. If a war against Panama is launched at this time, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to Colombia.

Thinking of this, Louis has already made a decision in his heart.

Take this opportunity to launch a war against Panama. Let the

Youth Army control Panama..

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