Before that, the army needs to be further expanded. It has been growing slowly before, but now the number of air force airports has increased to 24. Louis plans to expand on a large scale to overwhelm the United States.

Otherwise, this bald eagle will harass him frequently, which is very annoying.

32 brigades and 210,000 regular troops are enough for the army.

Even if it is not enough, there are nearly 70,000 people in the Youth Army.

Besides, fighting with the US military is mainly naval and air battles. After all, Colombia and Panama are not adjacent to the United States.

The Air Force currently has 7 Roaring Dragon squadrons, 4 F35A teams, 2 Sharp 16 squadrons, and 1 Sharp 16D squadron, with a total of 168 fighters.

In addition, there are 3 KJ500 early warning aircraft, 1 Globemaster transport aircraft squadron (9 aircraft), 1 mixed transport aircraft formation (5 C-212 transport aircraft and 2 C-130 Hercules transport aircraft), 1 Platypus light attack aircraft squadron (11 aircraft), and 2 Army Aviation Brigades (48 Apaches, 48 WZ10s, 96 Black Hawks, 24 Super Stallions). The total number adds up to 314.

This number is not even comparable to the United States, even compared to the current Iraqi Air Force.���

He decided to add 30 more squadrons of Xiaolong 3, that is, 360 aircraft.

Even if they are not going to be used in the future, they can be sold to other countries. You should know that

Xiaolong 3 is equipped with active phased array radar, even the latest F16C/D model currently used by the United States is still AN/APG-The maximum detection range of the Type 68 fire control radar is only 126km, which is a far cry from the 170km of the Roaring Dragon 3.

So, there is no need to worry about waste.

The code-named Qianlong fighter jets plan to add 15 squadrons, that is, 180 aircraft.

The F35A fighter jets plan to add 6 more, making up 10 squadrons, that is, 72 more aircraft. In addition, the early warning aircraft needs to add 7 more aircraft, making up 19 to make up 10 aircraft.

In this way, the main fighter jets of the Air Force will have 780 fighter jets, and they are all the most advanced fighter jets at present.

The number is small, except for the United States, sweeping all countries, including the Soviet Union.

Even now, the United States' F15, F16, F14 and F18 are estimated to be left with just over 1,000.

After all, the United States has lost a lot of blood in the past two years.

For example, it lost no less than 300 aircraft to the Israeli Snake Country, and later lost 100 aircraft to Pharaoh, Camel and other countries. This time, it lost more than 700 aircraft at one time on the battlefield in the Middle East.

There are only more than 1,000 fourth-generation aircraft (Russian-made) left.

As for the third-generation aircraft, there must be many that are sealed up.

But no matter how many there are, it is useless, not to mention the generation gap.

Even if they are both fourth-generation aircraft, there is a slight difference in performance, so in actual combat, they can lag behind a lot.

What's more, they are still a generation behind.

In addition to fighter jets, he also plans to expand the transport aircraft to enhance the troop delivery capability.

After taking Panama, the north side of the canal became the focus of defense.

Although there is a bridge, what if it is directly blown up when the war breaks out?

At this time, strategic delivery capabilities are very important.

There are currently 16 transport aircraft.

Among them, there are 9 C-17 Globemasters, 2 C-130 Hercules, and 5 C-212 transport aircraft.

C-The 212 transport aircraft has too small a loading capacity and is second-hand.

He plans to sell it.

He can earn some money, or give it to special forces.

The main models are still the Globemaster and Hercules.

After careful consideration, C-17 Globemaster plans to buy 15 aircraft to form two squadrons.

The main reason for buying so many is that the range is long enough.

Up to 11,600 kilometers.

It can realize transatlantic flights, which will also be convenient for transporting US dollars and gold bars to the Middle East in the future.

C-The 130 Hercules transport aircraft is a tactical transport aircraft.

Its range is much worse than that of the C-17 Skymaster, only 100 kilometers.

This aircraft was still in use until he was reborn, and it is a very successful tactical transport aircraft.

There are many models, and he is interested in the C-130J"Super Hercules".

Compared with the old model, the performance has been greatly improved.

For example, the speed has increased by 21%, the take-off distance has been shortened by 41%, the range has increased from 3,800 kilometers to 5,247 kilometers, the maximum flight speed has reached 645 kilometers per hour, and the maximum take-off weight has reached nearly 80,000 kilograms.

It can barely fly across the ocean.

Louis decided to purchase 22 aircraft, plus the existing 2 aircraft, to make up 2 squadrons.

In this way, there are 4 squadrons and 48 transport aircraft.

Under the maximum load, more than 3-4 people can be delivered at one time.

With the transport aircraft, there is also a need for intercontinental flights, so the refueling aircraft must also be equipped. The transport aircraft are equipped with American models, so the refueling aircraft is also preferably American, and there are many models, such as KC-135、KC-

The K-10 is the largest tanker. When fully loaded, it can travel 7,000 kilometers.

Without cargo, it can travel 18,520 kilometers.

It delivers 4,180 liters per minute.

KC-The 135 has a fuel capacity of 90 tons, while the K-130 tanker is much smaller, only 23 tons.

So the K-130 tanker was eliminated first.

After some consideration, Louis finally decided to equip both models to form a high-low combination.

The main reason is that the K-10 tanker is too large and the take-off distance is more than 3,300 meters. Not every airport has such a long runway.

KC-135 is relatively much less, only 2676 meters is needed, and basically all airports can take off.

In this case, there is no need for too many K-10 tankers, 6 are enough

KC-The 135 tanker needs more, which is like a transport plane, which is divided into strategic and tactical types. The KC-135 is a tactical tanker, and buying 15 is more than enough.

Tankers mainly provide refueling services for long-distance combat and military operations.

If there is no long-distance combat, there is no such demand.

The remaining need to make up for it is bombers.

For bombers, he plans to go all the way and directly launch stealth bombers.

The bomber itself does not have the ability to fight against air. In this case, it becomes very important to be able to be invisible and avoid being detected by radar.

It just so happens that the United States is testing the B2 stealth bomber.

The system does sell B21 stealth bombers, but he looked at it and found that the bomb load was 40% less. Although the stealth effect is smaller in the radar reflection surface, the bomb load is small. For bombers, the bomb load is related to the strike results. In addition, with the B2 stealth bomber, the US military's friend-or-foe identification system may even regard its own B2 as a friendly force.

The most important point is that the B2 stealth bomber is smaller than the B21 stealth bomber.���In the system, the price is only 3 million US dollars more expensive.

The system price of a B2 is 49.5 million US dollars.

The price of a B21 is 46.5 million US dollars.

The difference between the two is not too much, so Louis is naturally willing to choose the B2 with a longer payload. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Louis plans to purchase 12 aircraft and form a bomber squadron.

It is mainly used for strategic deterrence and delivery of nuclear warheads. Under normal circumstances, there is no need for bombers to bomb, and it can be done by using the Sharp 16 fighter jets carrying air-to-ground missiles.

The rest is to purchase air-to-air missiles and electromagnetic pulse bombs that can determine the outcome of the war.

In order to increase the distance and improve the combat capabilities of some fighters, he plans to purchase the Archer 5 air-to-air missile with a range of 200 kilometers, that is, the PL15 air-to-air missile, not the foreign trade PL15E.

There were 350 PL10 (Archer 1)s, 140 PL12 (Archer 2)s, and 45 PL15 (Archer 5)s left. There was no need to buy the short-range Archer 1 and Archer 2. They were OK for other countries, but they were definitely not enough for the U.S. military, which was now equipped with a large number of AIM-120 and AIM-54 air-to-air missiles. The

Archer 5 cost $500,000 each.

He bought 1,000 of them at once.

The 5E model, which is the foreign trade version, has a range of 145 kilometers, 10 kilometers longer than the AIM-54 Dead Bird, and costs $200,000 cheaper than the Archer 5, at only $300,000 per piece.

He bought 3,000 of them.

Finally, Louis looked at his purchase list.

360 Roaring Dragons (system price: $1.7 million),

180 J-16 fighters (price: $4.5 million),

72 F-35A fighters (price: $15 million),

7 KJ500 early warning aircraft (price: $9.3 million)

C-17 Globemaster 15 (priced at $38 million)[]

C-48 130J Hercules transport aircraft (priced at US$25 million)

K-10 Tankers 6 (priced at $33 million)

K-15 Type 130 tankers (priced at $21 million)

12 B2 stealth bombers (priced at $49.5 million)

1,000 Archer 5 air-to-air missiles (priced at $500,000)

2,000 Archer 5E air-to-air missiles (priced at $300,000)

500 Archer 4D air-to-air missiles (priced at $400,000))

AGM-158B air-to-ground missiles have a range of 925 kilometers. 100 missiles were purchased (priced at 1.6 million each), and the total purchase price reached a staggering 6.913 billion US dollars.

This is already the largest amount of his single purchase.

And this batch of weapons, if taken out to sell, will probably have to sell for three or four hundred billion US dollars.

Just one B2 stealth bomber, sold to Shaluotuo for 500 million, guaranteed to buy, even if Shaluotuo has no intention of attacking, but buying this thing can be used as a strategic counterattack.

Looking at the sharply reduced account balance, Louis felt a little painful.

No matter how much money he has, he can't buy more than a few times.

And this is the air force.

The naval force has not been purchased yet.

The navy is easy to deal with.

Louis directly chose the Dragon Country series

【Longguo Luyang 3DL-type destroyer】

【Price: $15.5 million】

【Jiangkai 1B frigate】

【Price: $11 million】

【Hongba-class missile boat】

【Price: $1.2 million】

(The above price does not include the 443 anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.)

He prefers these three models, or it is suitable for Columbia at the moment.

As for aircraft carriers, there is no need for them for the time being.

The Renhai-class missile destroyer is indeed powerful, but the price is $26 million, and the most important thing is that it is not necessary.

The Luyang-3DL destroyer has 64 launch units and can carry H-9B air defense missiles and YJ-18 anti-ship missiles. Although the launch units are not as good as the"Burke" class destroyers that the US military is about to serve (with 96), it is better in that the range of the anti-ship missiles it carries is far greater than the Burke-class Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

So it is completely possible to use the Luyang-3DL missile destroyer as the main ship.

The Jiangkai 1B frigate was the latest frigate of the Dragon Kingdom in the previous life. Although it is called a frigate, it is not much different from a destroyer. Its full load displacement reaches more than 5,000 tons. It still uses a full electric propulsion system. Although it has only 32 launch units and even anti-ship missiles need to be tilted, it is mainly used for air defense and anti-submarine.

Some can be purchased appropriately.

As for the Hongba-class missile boat, it can launch 8 YJ83 anti-ship missiles. It is short and compact, which can make up for the near-shore anti-ship capability. The most important thing is that it is cheap.

It can be bought for 1.2 million US dollars.

In the end, he chose 14 Luyang 3DL-type destroyers.

16 Jiangkai 1B-type frigates were selected.

There are more Hongba-class missile boats, a total of 50.

In this way, the two fleets can have 7 Luyang 3DL-type destroyers, 8 Jiangkai 1B-type frigates and 25 Hongba-class missile boats, plus the original patrol boats, torpedo boats and the like, which can be proud of the whole Latin America.

He spent 453 million US dollars to buy these 80 ships.

He spent another 60 million US dollars to equip these ships with various main weapons such as air defense missiles, anti-ship missiles and torpedoes.

After getting the weapons for the Colombian Defense Force, he purchased a batch of weapons for the Youth Army.

48 WZ10 helicopters.

There is no need to equip tanks, which is not very meaningful. Tanks are nothing in front of armed helicopters.

The air defense missiles are equipped with 12 H-17A air missile systems, which can launch 96 air defense missiles. They are the best for intercepting aircraft and have a very high cost-effectiveness.

Subsequently, 1,000 pilots were recruited.

All these weapons and recruited talents were materialized in major air force bases in Colombia.

Then he called Gavin and asked him to distribute them properly, and also informed him of the weapons and equipment of the Youth Army, asking him to transport them to the border and hand them over to the Youth Army.

(Ps: This kind of chapter cannot be ignored. I have tried to write as little data as possible.)

I'm a sabmado

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