In the small town of Valle , a border town between Colombia and Panama, more than 2,000 young soldiers gathered.

Seeing the H-17A airborne system vehicles and BM270 rocket launchers crossing the border and driving into Panama, the young soldiers said happily:

"Finally some hard stuff"

"Damn, we were bombed by the Americans before. With these, we don't have to worry about the American fighter planes anymore. No matter how many planes come, we can shoot them down."

"Tsk tsk, look at that back, there is a BM270 rocket launcher, that's great, there must be 2 rocket launcher battalions, with this thing, I'm afraid the US military will be beaten to a pulp"

"Not only that, don't you see the PCL-181 truck gun in the back?"

"Hey, it's true. Wow, we've invested a lot of money now. With these, our firepower has been greatly enhanced."

"Oh my god, look at the sky, my God, don't tell me those helicopters in the sky were also handed over to us."

"Yes, you saw it, even if you didn't see it, it was flying towards us."

"It seems that the boss intends to take over Panama in one battle this time. He actually handed over so many weapons and equipment."

"I think it's a good idea. It should have been done a long time ago. If we had these weapons earlier, we would have driven the US troops away long ago."

"Haha, it's not too late now."

Just as the soldiers of the Youth Army were handing over weapons and equipment to the Colombian Defense Force, Laki was also talking to the commander of the 7th Army, Veron.

Veron was originally the commander of the 5th Brigade of the National Defense Force, but with the expansion of the National Defense Force, he was also promoted to army commander.

Because the defense zone is connected to the territory of the Panama Youth Army, the two have met several times before and are quite familiar with each other.

Looking at the truck guns, rocket launchers and anti-aircraft missile vehicles, Veron said to the Youth Army commander Laki standing next to him;"This time to enhance your firepower, the boss even handed over part of our army's active weapons and equipment to you, with the goal of hoping that you can defeat the US garrison in Panama. How about it, are you confident that you can win this time?"

"Of course I have confidence"

"When we didn't have so many weapons, we could have dealt with the U.S. military. What's more, with so many weapons and equipment, it's not a problem to take Panama City and the canal and drive out the U.S. military."

Laki said confidently.

The youth army he led had a strength of more than 70,000 people and a large number of individual weapons. If the U.S. military had not relied on fighter planes, artillery and naval firepower to cover, he would have driven out the U.S. military long ago.

Peron smiled and said,"It's enough to have confidence. Let's take Panama sooner and we can become one. We don't have to be so sneaky anymore.""

"Don't worry, it won't be long."

"By the way, if we attack Panama City and the canal, the US fleet in Panama will definitely intervene, and our weapons can't reach them."

Laky frowned.

He didn't take the US Army's combat power seriously. The only concern he had was the US warships.

Although the US warships here only had 3 destroyers and 2 frigates, they could launch Tomahawk cruise missiles and attack the ground thousands of kilometers away.

They could fully provide fire cover for the army.

"Don't worry about that. Someone will definitely take care of the US Navy's affairs when the time comes."

Laki nodded. He also believed that if something really happened, the boss would definitely not sit idly by.

"Report to the general, all weapons have been handed over"

"Report to the commander, the weapons have been received."

At this time, two officers in different uniforms trotted over and reported to their respective leaders.

The two nodded.

Peron turned around and looked at Laki beside him with a serious face, saying:"Laki wishes you victory, and hope you can capture Panama City as soon as possible and drive out the US troops."

""Thank you!"

Laki said.

Then the two separated.

Veron left with his men.

Looking at Veron's departing back, Laki took a deep breath, and then looked at the hundreds of artillery pieces and anti-aircraft vehicles and dozens of WZ-10 helicopters below, and suddenly became very proud:"Pass my order to transport the things to Avisa~"

Avisa is the location of the Youth Army headquarters.

After the order was issued, the Youth Army soon drove these truck artillery pieces, anti-aircraft vehicles and self-propelled rocket launchers along the valley road towards the town of Avisa

WZ-10 helicopters flew at low altitudes to avoid being detected by the US radar system.

In the next week, the young soldiers were busy.

While getting familiar with weapons and equipment, they called for supplies and made final preparations.

It was early March.

After a period of familiarization, the Panamanian young soldiers had mastered the BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher.、H -17A air-to-air missile system and other weapons and equipment formed combat effectiveness.

After communicating with Gavin, the commander-in-chief of the Colombian Defense Force.

Laki decided to launch an attack in the early morning three days later.

The reason for the early morning was mainly to keep it secret and avoid being detected by the US military to mobilize the intention of the troops, which would then create a defensive mentality.

Another reason was to facilitate the mobility of the troops and transport the weapons and equipment to the forefront.

The time soon came to 10 o'clock in the evening of March 12.

It was late at night.

It should have been time to go to bed.

However, in the southern part of Panama, there was a team of tens of thousands of people on the move.

Truck guns, BM270 self-propelled rocket launchers and H-17A air-to-air missile system vehicles were moving quickly, and there were more than 50 transport vehicles behind them.

At 3 o'clock in the morning on March 13, the vanguard had crossed the Chepo River and moved to a hill 4 kilometers away from Chepo City.

This place is 50 kilometers away from Panama City.

If you want to take down Panama City, you must first take down Chepo City.

The intelligence department has already collected the housing conditions in Chepo City.

Stationed here are the 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army (missing 1 battalion) and 1 brigade of the 7th Infantry Division (only 1 regiment).

In addition, there is the"Sharp Knife Task Force", which is composed of the 6th Mechanized Infantry Battalion, the 5th Infantry Battalion, and a light tank platoon. There are more than 8,000 US troops stationed in Chepo, accounting for almost 35% of the US troops stationed in Panama. Such a large number of troops is to guard against the Youth Army. Although there are many people, they are all army troops, and there is no air force.

The US Air Force is concentrated in Panama City and bases north of the canal.

In addition, these more than 8,000 people are not all in Chepo City.

Some of them are stationed in the town of Espave, which is only 13 kilometers away from Chepo.

If the reinforcements are fast, it will only take a dozen or twenty minutes.

Lackey has arrived at the front line.

With him are the 1st Division Commander of the Youth Army, Huffman, and the 2nd Division Commander Florence.

The two divisions have a total of 25,000 people.

At this time, in a tent, Lackey pointed to the map

"Huffman, your 1st Division will be the main force this time. Move here before the artillery fire. After the artillery fire, take advantage of the enemy's panic and quickly seize these strongholds. If fire support is needed, the helicopter fire battalion will fully cooperate."

"Florence, after the 1st Division launches the attack, the defenders in Espave will definitely come to support. You should lead the 2nd Division to ambush on both sides of the road in advance. Don't rush to fight a war of annihilation, just delay their reinforcements. The main thing is to destroy their tanks and armored vehicles, and create a situation of encirclement and annihilation for the 1st Division and the other two divisions that will catch up later."

The two looked at the map and nodded.

It means that there is no problem.

Whether it is to block the reinforcements from Espave Town or to annihilate the defenders of Chepo City, they are superior to the opponent in terms of military strength.

What's more, the 3rd and 4th divisions will arrive soon.

There is no need to worry about the problem of military strength.

As for the problem of firepower, it is true that the US military is powerful, but now it is equipped with a large number of rocket launchers and truck guns, and armed helicopters are fully cooperating. It is no problem to take down the defenders of Chepo City.

"Any questions?"

Laki looked at the two of them.

"no problem!"

"I have no problem with this either."

Seeing that both of them had no problem, Laki said directly:"Then 15 minutes, 3:17, launch the attack"


After receiving the order, the two did not linger, and hurriedly left the camp and acted according to the plan.

At this artillery position in the rear. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

One BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher and PCL-181 truck gun slowly rose and entered combat status.

Waiting for the order to fire at any time.

At the same time, more than ten kilometers behind, 48 WZ-10 helicopters also entered combat status, loaded with rockets.

According to the plan, they will be responsible for providing fire support to the ground forces after the artillery attack, destroying the enemy's remaining armored vehicles, tanks and fire points, and ensuring the smooth progress of the ground forces.

In a blink of an eye, it was 3:17.

Artillery position

"Hello? Commander....Yes, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, the artillery leader shouted into the megaphone:"Fire!"

As soon as the words fell, the artillerymen who had already prepared pressed the firing button one after another.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The first to fire was the BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher.

48 self-propelled rocket launchers quickly fired hundreds of rockets, attacking several major US military targets such as the main firing points, ammunition depots, armored vehicle camps, radar stations, etc. in Chepo City, more than 20 kilometers away.

".Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of truck guns followed closely behind and fired at the target.

In the quiet night, the sound of the guns was like thunder, deafening.[]

Rockets and artillery shells traced parabolas in the air and fell towards the target area.

"Beep, beep, beep!!"

At this time, a radar station in the US military camp was frantically alerting


"Fuck, is this an enemy attack? Oh shit."

Seeing the prompt on the radar screen, the radar operator was frightened and quickly sounded the air defense alarm.

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the city.

Countless people were awakened immediately.

The awakened American soldiers realized that there was an air raid, and quickly picked up their clothes and pants, put them on while walking, and rushed outside.

""Boom boom boom!"

Rockets have already landed in the designated area.

Suddenly, explosions and fire were heard in the city.

Anti-aircraft missiles are good at intercepting missiles, but it is still difficult to intercept rockets and artillery shells.

The main reason is that rockets and artillery shells fly at low altitudes and are small targets.

Moreover, the distance is short. Unless it is a professional anti-rocket system, ordinary anti-missile systems can intercept them, but the effect is definitely not as good as that of intercepting missiles.



The violent explosion also made the people in the city panic. Great fear spread in the city, and screams could be heard everywhere.

"What's going on? Did Columbia declare war on us?

Montero, the highest commander in Chepo City, rushed to the headquarters.

The first thing he asked was whether Columbia had attacked.

After all, in his opinion, it could only be Columbia with such powerful firepower.

The monkeys hiding in the mountains to the south did not have the strength to do so.

"Report to the colonel, the situation is still unclear"

"So how many enemies are there now?"

"Well...It's not clear yet!" (Liao Liao Zhao)"Fuck! I don't know what you are doing here, go and find out." After scolding his subordinates, Montero came to the roof of the headquarters, holding a telescope and looking at the direction of the artillery fire and the bombed area in the distance.

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

The bombed places were all military targets.

This shows that they have already figured out the details.


I hurried downstairs.

I walked to the signalman and immediately contacted the headquarters and said that we were under enemy fire and requested the air force to strike the target artillery position with the coordinates at...Range."

The Southern Command received an urgent call for help from Chepo City. The person who answered the phone immediately reported the news to his superiors.

Kurt soon got the news and rushed to the headquarters.

After learning the situation, he immediately ordered:

"Immediately order the air force base to launch fighter jets to launch a fire attack on the target area and blow up those rats."

"Order the town of Espave to send reinforcements"

""Yes!" The communications officer quickly contacted the air force base.

Soon, three F15 fighters carrying air-to-ground missiles took off from the Panama City air force base.

Just after these three fighters took off, the Columbia radar had already detected them and quickly passed the news to the young army.

"Commander, the US military has dispatched three fighter jets to the artillery position."

When Laki heard this, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he said slowly:"Don't panic, it's something we have expected a long time ago, just waiting."

At this time, the artillery position immediately started to move. At the scene, the radar of the H-17A air-to-air missile system vehicle was running, and the weapon system launch cabin was ready to be in place

, just waiting to lock the target and launch immediately.

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