Three F15 fighters were carrying Paveway laser-guided bombs.

The U.S. military has a lot of this type of bomb because it is cheap and powerful, and has become a common bomb for tactical strikes by the U.S. military. The cost-effectiveness is at least 50 times higher than that of ordinary bombs.

The only drawback is that the range is a bit shorter, only 10 kilometers.

It is not as good as those air-to-ground cruise missiles.

In the blink of an eye, the three fighters arrived in the airspace above the city of Chepo. When they were about to irradiate the target area, the radar of the H-17A air-to-air missile system vehicle located more than ten kilometers away had already detected it.

Although the vehicle is small, its detection range is still 25 kilometers, which is relatively excellent in field combat.

Moreover, the air defense missiles it is equipped with have a range of 15 kilometers and a firing height of 10,000 meters.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

After locking onto the target, multiple anti-aircraft missiles were immediately launched.

The missiles soared into the sky and headed straight for the target.

At this time, the early warning radars of three F15 fighters in the sky were issuing harsh warning sounds, which meant that the three F15 fighters were locked onto by the enemy's fire control radar and were likely to have launched missiles.

Sure enough, in just two seconds, the electronic reconnaissance radar indicated that a missile was coming.

"Shit! It's an anti-aircraft missile!"


"Pull up! Pull up!"

Without his reminder, the other two F15 fighter pilots also hurriedly took evasive action.

Some of them soared into the sky, and during the climb, they hurriedly released tin foil jammers.

In the dark night, the fire from the jammers was particularly obvious, like flowers scattered by fairies.


An anti-aircraft missile was successfully lured by the jammer 120 and exploded in the air, and flames suddenly burst out.

"I was so scared, but I finally got away with it."

The F15 pilot who had luckily avoided the missile's tracking looked back, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Oh my god, Chris and Chel, they got hit."

""Oh my God!"

The fighter pilot was horrified when he saw two fireballs falling rapidly from below.

"Beep, beep!!"

The early warning radar gave another rapid warning.


Two surface-to-air missiles quickly rose into the air, dragging orange-red flames.

"Fuck, come again!"

After a brief moment of distraction, the pilot of the F15 fighter jet was so frightened that he stepped on the accelerator pedal and quickly pulled the joystick, regardless of everything, increasing the horsepower and soaring into the sky.

However, the anti-aircraft missile was twice as fast as him, and the Mach number was far higher than the flying speed of the F15 fighter jet.


In the sky, a brilliant firework was scattered in the air, and then a fireball was seen falling quickly to the ground.

The US military, the Southern Command

"Beep, beep..."

Admiral Kurt couldn't help cursing when he saw the x symbol on the big screen showing that three of his fighter planes were shot down.

He didn't dare to send any more fighter planes.

He quickly requested the nearby ground forces to quickly reinforce Chepo City.

At the same time, the town of Espave also received an urgent order to reinforce Chepo City.

After quickly assembling more than 2,000 people, with dozens of tanks and armored vehicles leading the way, they quickly reinforced Chepo City.

Halfway through the journey, dozens of red dots suddenly appeared on both sides of the road.


When an armored vehicle was pierced and a raging fire broke out, I realized what was going on.

"Enemy attack!!"

""Enemy attack!"

Panic rang out throughout the convoy. The panicked American soldiers hurriedly got off the transport vehicles.


"Boom boom!!"


One RPG rocket after another quickly blew up every armored vehicle and tank.

Although it was night, the US troops turned on the lights, so they were very conspicuous.

After destroying more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles in succession, the US commander finally reacted and hurriedly shouted to turn off the lights.

""Boom boom!"

Another light armored personnel carrier was blown up.

It was indeed difficult to find the target after turning off the lights. After all, no one could see. Although they could see the brief flash of light emitted by the gun, they could not aim.

"Contact the headquarters immediately and ask for fire support.

Faced with this situation, Florence immediately and decisively sought fire support.

The headquarters

"Report, 2nd Division, requesting fire support"

"Oh? Where are the coordinates?"

Laki frowned.

He couldn't understand. A division was blocking two or three thousand reinforcements, and it still needed firepower support?

"The coordinates have been sent."

"Send it to the artillery."

Although he didn't understand, Laki still decisively ordered artillery support.

It's good to lean on a big tree for shade, and their young army is not short of artillery shells.


A few minutes later.

Between Espave and Chepo. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"What are the artillery doing?"

Seeing that there was no artillery support, Florence couldn't help but frown.

It was dark and the enemy had turned off the lights. Whoever fired at this time would be exposed.

Fortunately, he didn't wait long.

He heard a whistling sound.

Looking up, he saw dozens of lights in the sky falling rapidly.

"Finally, they are here.

Florence was overjoyed.

In contrast, the U.S. military was in a panic.

"Run! Enemy fire!"

The American soldiers saw the shells falling from the sky, and they were so scared that their butts were about to bleed. They ran away quickly.

The remaining armored vehicles did not care about turning on the lights to expose themselves.

They quickly turned on the lights and retreated quickly, trying to escape.

"The opportunity has come, tell them to fight hard!"

Florence was overjoyed and quickly ordered to open fire.[]

""Da da da!!"

Instantly, the sound of machine guns and assault rifles rang out.

Bullets formed a firepower network.

In the gaps between the enemy's armored vehicles and tanks, they quickly opened fire.

Instantly, many people were knocked down.

"Boom! Boom!"

Instantly, the whole road was filled with the sound of artillery fire.���Raid


"It hurts, my! Who can help me?"

""Woo, woo, I want to go home, I want to go home!!"

Dozens of shells fell, instantly destroying more than a dozen armored vehicles and tanks, and several transport vehicles were blown to pieces.

The iron pieces produced by the explosion occasionally harvested some unlucky people in the air.

After leaving behind hundreds of corpses and twenty or thirty armored vehicles and tanks, the support troops quickly pulled back.

The reinforcements from Panama City, after learning of the defeat, immediately calibrated the coordinates, and their BM270 rockets (of the US military) quickly fired at the direction of the 2nd Division.

On this side, Florence was about to announce the good news when he saw hundreds of fire spots in the sky, getting closer and closer.

He immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Retreat, retreat quickly, it's the enemy's artillery fire!!"

Not only did he see it, many people also saw it and hurriedly retreated.


"Boom boom!"

After walking a few steps, the ambush site of the 2nd Division of the Youth Army was filled with enemy artillery fire.

The artillery attack lasted for a full 5 minutes before it stopped.

After counting the number of people, it was found that there were hundreds of casualties.

This made Florence furious.

"Call headquarters immediately and tell them that we have found an enemy group in front of us on the left. They are firing heavily and are requesting an armed helicopter to carry out a fire attack."


The telegram was quickly transmitted to the headquarters.

Seeing the information sent by Florence.

Lackey hurriedly walked to the battle map, looked at the map carefully, and then ordered:"Immediately send the TB-2 reconnaissance and strike drone to conduct reconnaissance in this area."


The order was issued.

In a town in the rear, a TB-2 reconnaissance and strike drone quickly took off from a temporary takeoff runway and flew towards the north.

Through the drone's night vision,

Laki quickly learned about the enemy's situation from the drone.

It was a light infantry brigade with about four to five thousand people.

"Immediately launch armed helicopters and let them carry out fire strikes on the coordinates."

Laki said coldly.

Soon, a formation of more than 20 armed helicopters quickly took off under the rotation of their wings.

Then they flew quickly towards the location of the enemy troops. In a few minutes,

Florence saw that the target was at the location of the fire."

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