Compared with the battle in the field, the battle in Chepo City was fierce. After losing the outer positions and a large number of armored tanks were destroyed, the US military hid in the city to fight back.

The two sides fought back and forth.

Although the US military likes to suppress firepower, facing competitors, most of them are single-soldier terrorists and armed forces. It is like fighting against regular troops with armor and artillery, especially after losing air superiority and armor, the combat effectiveness plummeted. The combat effectiveness has declined a lot, but it does not mean that they are bad.

It's just that they are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they don't have the spirit of heroic sacrifice.

The Youth Army is different. The backbone is 2,000 special forces, followed by ordinary soldiers. In terms of single-soldier combat capabilities, they are not inferior to the US military. What

's more, the advantage is on the side of the Youth Army.

Seeing that Chepo City is in danger, Admiral Kurt immediately ordered to dispatch several destroyers and frigates in the port to provide fire support for the defenders of Chepo City. At the same time, a U-2 reconnaissance plane took off urgently.

Vacamonte Naval Base.

Three Spruance-class destroyers and two Perry-class frigates quietly sailed out of the port.

To say that they quietly sailed out of the port is only for those who do not have reconnaissance satellites. Ever since the Youth Army went to war with the US military, Colombian military reconnaissance has been keeping an eye on all US military bases in the Panama region.

This includes sending electronic reconnaissance aircraft, stealth drones, etc.

It can be said that the movements of the US military are being observed in all directions.

Vacamonte Naval Base.

The movements of the five ships were detected at the first opportunity.

Gavin, who learned of the situation, reported to Louis as soon as possible.

Louis also felt that things were a bit troublesome.

It would be fine if there were fighter jets, but if there were no fighter jets to attack warships, anti-ship missiles would be the only option.

Or rockets.

Thinking of rockets, Louis suddenly remembered that Dragon Country had a long-range missile that seemed to be useful.

As for land-based anti-ship missiles, it is better not to use them unless it is absolutely necessary, especially those that can attack aircraft carriers.

"OK, I understand the situation. I will contact you in 10 minutes."

After saying that, Louis got up from the bed, looked back at Qiu Suzhen and Wang Zuxian who were still sleeping, got up and walked to the study, locked the door, opened the system mall, and quickly found the long-range rocket.


Intent on finding the long-range artillery of the Dragon Kingdom, Louis accidentally discovered that the M270 self-propelled rocket launcher can also launch long-range rockets.

Well, to be precise, it can launch tactical missiles.

It launches the MGM-140 Block-IVA tactical missile with a range of 300 kilometers.

However, he does not plan to buy this model, but to buy the PRSM model of tactical missiles, which are more accurate and have a range of 500 kilometers. He does not believe that these US warships deliberately run farther and then attack the ground and the shore.

At most, they hide at a distance of more than 100 kilometers to attack.

This distance can completely avoid the range of rockets and various artillery.

To be on the safe side, he still used the PRSM missile, the most important thing is that it can hit moving targets at sea.

This is much better than those rockets that can no longer be guided after being fired, and the power is also much greater.

The price of one is not too expensive, about the same as the price of the air-launched Archer 5 air-to-air missile, which is 500,000 US dollars.

A BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher can carry 4 PrSM missiles.

He bought 30 missiles to attack 5 warships, an average of 6 missiles per ship. Even if he could intercept 3 or 4, they would hit, and it is impossible to intercept all of them. After all, it is a hypersonic missile with a speed close to Mach 5. Of course, it cannot be compared with hypersonic missiles such as the Dagger.

He bought 50 missiles.

Then, he found the village of El Llano on the map. The artillery of the Youth Army was nearby.

The 50 PrSM missiles were placed nearby.

Then he took out his phone and quickly called Gavin:"The supplies have been delivered to the village of El Llano. The specific coordinates are...You ask them to transport it away quickly."

"Got it!"

After hanging up the phone, Louis stretched himself.

He got up and left the study, returned to the bedroom, looked at the two women who were still sleeping, and thought about Li Meifeng in the other room. Louis walked over

"What are you doing?"

"It's okay. I miss you."

"Stop it, I’m so sleepy!"

"It's okay, you won't feel sleepy after doing it for a while."

Soon, a blushing voice rang out in the room.

Panama battlefield.

Laki received a call from Gavin and learned that the US warships had been dispatched. His heart tightened. After learning that Louis had delivered supplies to the artillery position and could attack the enemy fleet, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"OK, I understand. Thank the boss for me. Sorry for the trouble...."Okay, I'll go and thank you in person after the battle is over."

After hanging up, Laki picked up the phone again and quickly dialed the artillery position communication number:"Arrange someone to go there immediately....Go to this coordinate, transport all the shells back, and then quickly reload. The specific launch coordinates will be told later. Get ready first...."

After leaving the port, the three destroyers and two frigates of the US Navy deliberately drove a distance away. After learning that the Youth Army had rocket launchers, they decided to keep a distance to avoid being covered by enemy firepower. They drove until they were about 95 kilometers away from the coastline before stopping.

At the same time.

In the airspace around Chepo City, a U2 reconnaissance plane was flying at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, detecting the radar and air defense missile system of the Youth Army.

Once the air defense missile system and radar of the Youth Army were destroyed, the US military would have the advantage, and the fighter planes would be able to quickly reinforce the battlefield and suppress the firepower of the Youth Army.

However, it would be difficult to find the air defense force without turning on the radar.

Despite this, some radar signals were intercepted and the coordinates were quickly transmitted to the warship.

What he didn't know was that the coordinates were deliberately leaked. After all, this was a field air defense vehicle with a limited detection distance. He didn't want to be detected by others, so he had to separate one, three or four kilometers away. In this way, even if it was exposed, only this H-17A air missile vehicle would be attacked.

The U.S. fleet, which was staying in the waters near East Otok Island, received the coordinates from the U2 reconnaissance plane.

Fleet commander Major General Pitt immediately ordered fire coverage of the coordinates.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Tomahawk cruise missiles quickly took off, forming an arc in the sky, and then quickly flew towards the target coordinates.

At the moment of firing, the artillery position of the Youth Army.

When loading the PrSM missile into the launch vehicle, it also received the coordinate data from the satellite.

"Target coordinates....Repeat target coordinates xxxx...Has it been entered?"

"Reports target coordinates entered"




""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In an instant, five launch vehicles fired 30 PrSM tactical missiles in a row within a dozen seconds, flying towards the sea target.

At sea.

The US fleet.

The destroyer Oldendorf

"Report, radar scan shows 30 missiles coming towards us."

The radar operator suddenly reported.


Pete's face changed drastically, and he quickly walked to the radar operator and saw that the spectrum was densely packed and was rapidly approaching the red dot.

"Shit! Enemy attack, quick, activate the air defense system to intercept."

At the same time, the other four warships around were also in a panic, and they all activated the air defense interception system. At this moment, no one thought about why the Youth Army had long-range anti-ship missiles.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

One after another, the Standard-2MR air-to-air missiles quickly took off.


"Boom boom!!"[]

The two missiles collided, causing a loud bang and bursting into flames.

"Boom boom!"

Missiles were intercepted one after another.

But not every missile was intercepted. At this time, the anti-aircraft machine guns on the warship were needed, which is also called the short-range air defense system.

Soon, the four machine guns on the destroyer Oldendorf opened fire quickly, and the bullets were like tongues of fire, attacking the approaching missiles.

"Boom boom!"

There will always be fish that slip through the net, evading the interception of the Standard 2 air defense missile and the Sea Sparrow air defense missile, and being blown up by machine guns the moment they approach.

Flames appeared on one side of the warship, and then the wreckage quickly fell into the sea.


The tail of a Spruance-class destroyer was hit, and there was a violent vibration and explosion in an instant.

The surrounding seawater was blown up, splashing in the air, and then fell heavily on the sea.

"Shit, the Nicholson was hit!"

Pete exclaimed as he looked at the warship with billowing black smoke.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Two more missiles hit.

The destroyer Nicholson was shaking and completely lost power. The cold seawater rushed in quickly.

"Quick, order the Nile to rescue!"

Seeing this, Pete quickly gave the order


A Perry-class frigate was hit.

The missile dropped from the sky, tearing through the armor like a film, and exploded inside the warship.

It seemed that the oil depot

��There was a loud explosion.

Even the sea water was shaken.

A moment later, a huge fire broke out, directly lighting up the surrounding sea area.

Even the residents of Dong'ao Tok Island more than 20 kilometers away could see it.

Dong'ao Tok.

Dozens of island residents who were awakened in the middle of the night were looking at the distant place in horror.

"Oh my god, another ship was hit"

"Looks like it hit the fuel tank, that's terrible"

"Who was attacking? U.S. warships?"

"Could it be Colombia?"

A few minutes later.

Pete breathed a sigh of relief.

The enemy's attack was finally over.

Although it was over, Pete looked very unhappy.

Three of the five warships in the fleet were hit by multiple missiles.

They were about to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Another frigate and the destroyer he was on were also hit by a missile each. Fortunately, the ammunition tank and fuel tank were not hit, otherwise they would have followed the fate of other ships.

Although they did not sink, the warships were also severely damaged.

Especially the remaining Perry-class frigate, a large hole was blown in the waist, and seawater was spreading into it. If it does not return to the port for repairs quickly, it will sink in a few hours.

(Ps: Some jams!!!

I write slowly, but don't worry, there will still be 5 updates, and the update volume will be maintained at 15,000 words. Two).

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