U.S. Southern Command

"What? The naval fleet was attacked by dozens of anti-ship missiles?"

Admiral Kurt was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

Then he thought of something and said angrily:"Fuck! Colombia must be secretly providing them with weapons, so we should send troops to destroy Colombia."

"General, although the fleet was severely damaged, we destroyed the enemy's air defense position, which means we have completed the mission."

When he heard that the navy had destroyed the enemy's air defense position, Kurt's face changed instantly, and he said with surprise:"Good, well done!! You have worked hard, and I will take care of the rest."

He hung up the phone.

Admiral Kurt's face became serious, and a crazy look appeared on his face:"Contact the air force base immediately and tell them that the enemy's air defense base has been destroyed. Immediately bring ground-to-ground missiles and bombs to kill those rats. I will use their blood to make up for the sins they have committed. Those who dare to attack the lighthouse countries such as Wei must pay the price."

After receiving Kurt's order, the head of the air force base did not dare to neglect it.

He immediately ordered the base's F15, F16, F14 fighters, and A-10 attack aircraft, a total of 28 fighters to take off urgently.

Heading towards the"600" battlefield.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright.

The radar station in Medellin had already monitored the fighters taking off from the US Air Force base.

After all, the straight-line distance between the air force base and Medellin is only more than 600 kilometers.

And Colombia currently uses the most advanced ground radar with a detection range of up to 4,000 to 5,000 kilometers.

Not to mention taking off from Panama, even if it takes off from New York, this side can detect it. If

Colombia knows about it, then the Youth Army will also know about it.

"My suggestion is, don't turn on the radar in a hurry. Wait until it is about to enter your range before turning on the fire control radar. Maybe you can get a surprise this time."

Gavin said with a smile while holding the phone.

Lackey's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what he meant. He said with a happy look:"Haha, I didn't expect that before I just wanted to avoid the air defense missile vehicle from being attacked by the US military, but now I can completely create an information gap.

Now the US Air Force is out in full force, and it must be believed that the previous bombing has shot down our air defense missiles.

But I didn't expect that it only shot down one.

There are still dozens of others.

You are right, we have to give them a surprise."

Seeing that Lackey understood what he meant, Gavin didn't say anything more.

After hanging up the phone with Gavin, Lackey quickly called the air defense force.

Don't hang up the phone.

Don't turn on the radar, and wait for his notification at any time.

Time passed by every second.

Report, Columbus called and said that the enemy fighter formation will enter the air defense force's range within 20 seconds"


Laki quickly picked up the phone and said loudly:"Did you hear that? Time it yourself and call the fire control radar. Remember, we are going to give them a big surprise."

"Got it!!"

It was six in the morning.

The sky was slightly bright, the first ray of light illuminated the sky, and the sun rose slowly.

In the sky, a large formation of fighter planes was approaching the battle zone quickly. Through the white clouds, one could vaguely hear violent explosions below.

"We have reached war zone airspace, boys, it's time to give them a taste of the big sausage from the Lighthouse Country"

"Hail, send them to God!"

"" Haha!"

The American pilots laughed loudly and had already started to open the bomb bays, preparing to launch an attack on their targets.

"Beep, beep!!"

The early warning radar suddenly sounded the alarm.

"what happened?"

"How come I'm locked out?"

"Damn, I'm locked in too"

"Fuck! There are missiles, there are missile attacks!"

"Oh, shit! What happened? Weren’t the enemy’s radar and air defense systems destroyed?"

"oh god!! i am hit, i am hit!!"


""Quick! Hide! Pull up, quick! Faster, baby!"

At this time, the US bombing formation in the air no longer had the arrogance it had just had. Seeing hundreds of missiles on the radar, they fled in panic and quickly pulled the ascending joystick, desperate to increase the flight altitude.

"Bang bang bang!!!

Several fighter planes fired tin foil jammers.



From time to time, there were explosions in the sky, and from time to time, fireballs appeared and burned, and then quickly fell to the ground.

Faced with the sudden attack.

Many pilots who reacted slowly, followed him and the fighter plane had fallen.

Some pressed the emergency ejection cockpit and floated in the air.

More turned into brilliant fireworks, blooming at this dawn.

Panic, it was only 15 kilometers away.

Under the 4-hertz air defense missile, such a short distance, only 10 seconds.

With such a short reaction time, how many people can escape?

Moreover, at this distance, it belongs to the inescapable area. Basically, as long as you are locked, you can't escape.

It was also this group of US fighter formations that took it lightly, thinking that the air defense system of the Youth Army was destroyed. It didn't expect that it was destroyed at all, but it was just used to confuse them.

As a result, stupidly crashed into the ambush net.

It can be said that it was a free gift.



One after another, fighter planes were shot down and burned into fireballs, like a rain of fireballs.

On the ground.

The troops in Chepo City and Panama City were all stunned when they saw their own warships falling from the sky. They looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

The extremely powerful Lighthouse Air Force was shot down like this?

Having lost air superiority and seeing their own fighter planes falling, the morale of the US military plummeted. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In addition, the Youth Army truck guns, rocket launchers and WZ10 armed helicopters continued to provide firepower. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the US military, which could not hold on, had to retreat. As for the US troops in Chepo City, they were like turtles in a jar. After being surrounded, they lost the possibility of escape.

The US military did not dare to send helicopters to greet them.

Faced with thousands of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, as many as came would fall.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the US troops in Chepo City, with several times the number of troops and superior firepower, finally chose to raise the white flag...........

The Youth Army immediately captured the city of Chepo.

More than 3,000 people were captured and nearly 2,000 people were killed.

With the fall of Chepo, the defenders of the town of Espahue also quickly retreated to the town of Pacora.

This town is a town outside Panama City, only 5 or 6 kilometers away from Panama City.

The entire Panama City is still very large.

Almost more than half of the people in the country live here.

After occupying the city of Chepo, the Youth Army took over the town of La Mesa without stopping.

The soldiers surrounded Parique and marched straight to Panama City.

At this time, the people in the city were like ants on a hot fire.

The rich people left on civilian aircraft.

They were afraid that they would be too late and that they would not be able to leave.[]

The news of the Panama War spreading around the world quickly attracted the attention of countless people. It turned out that the US military was suppressed by a group of militants, losing dozens of fighter planes and warships, and suffered heavy casualties.

"What is wrong with this world? Has the U.S. military's combat capability degraded to this point?"

"It's incredible that the US military can't even defeat the militants now"

"The US military has lost two wars in a row. Isn't it too weak? And they still brag about it."

The US military's defeat again has undoubtedly made people all over the world question the US military's combat capability.

They suspect that the US military's strength has been exaggerated.

In the Pentagon, a group of generals are arguing about what to do next.

"The rebels have anti-ship missiles, rocket launchers, and armed helicopters. It is clear that Colombia is supporting them. Their goal is to control the Panama Canal. If we do not recommend sanctions and destroy their regime, it will not be long before they become the second Saddam."

"Right, I second the proposal! Now there is a lot of discussion outside. If we don't fight a good war, it will shake our global strategy. We must launch an attack while Columbia has not yet fully grown to 0.6."

"I object. In the current situation, we should not expand the scale of the war. We should repair diplomatic relations with Colombia. Our primary enemy is Iraq. The underground oil in the Middle East is the economic foundation for maintaining our US hegemony."

"Wrong! If we retreat now and let Colombia control the Panama Canal, it would be like cutting off our economic lifeline, especially causing a major obstacle to our naval strategy. We must defeat Colombia first before considering the war in the Middle East."


While everyone was arguing, Bush, who was upset, said with a gloomy face:"Although the Middle East is important, the Panama Canal is more important to us. Letting a hostile country control this throat is undoubtedly a stupid decision.

I decided to send troops to Colombia and defeat Colombia!!!

Stabilize the rear!"

With Bush's final word, the generals who advocated military action against Colombia were shocked.

It was like chicken blood.

Seeing this, the others stopped trying to sabotage.���Start to study the strategy.

(Ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe.

The climax is coming!! All-out war!!!)

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