
Presidential Palace

"I heard that the ambassador wants to see me, what's the matter?" Ottonier looked at the American ambassador James in front of him with a calm expression.

James' face was cold and arrogant:"Mr. President, your support for the Panamanian Youth Army, our country hopes that you can stop it immediately to avoid affecting the friendship between our two countries. Otherwise, it will seriously affect the diplomatic relations between our two countries."

James' words revealed a fierce threat, as if he would go to war if he didn't agree.


Ottoniel smiled and said,"Ambassador, did you misunderstand? Our country has never supported the Panama Youth Army you mentioned, and we have never even heard of it. How can we support it? Ambassador, you must have heard rumors from outside.

Besides, our country is a friend of your country.

By the way, I heard that your country was defeated by the Youth Army and lost dozens of fighter planes and 3 warships. Is this true?"


Looking at that innocent and curious look, James was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

""Mr. Ambassador, what's wrong? Don't be angry, did I say something wrong?"


After suppressing the anger in his heart and calming down, James said with a blank expression and a cold tone:"I have conveyed my message. I hope that the President can consider it carefully to avoid causing serious consequences."

After that, James turned and left.

"Hey, Mr. Ambassador, don't go. Let's talk for a while. Can you tell me what the consequences are?"

20 Hearing the voice behind him, James' steps became a little unsteady, and he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

He had seen many presidents, but this was the first time he had seen a president as shameless and lying as Ottoniel. He walked a lot faster, for he was afraid that he would not be able to help but go back and beat him up.

Looking at James's flustered back, Ottoniel put away the smile on his face, and his expression gradually became more solemn.

National Defense Building.

Conference Room

"This is the situation. I guess the Americans are planning to attack us. They think that if they defeat us, the Youth Army will lose their support."

Ottonier said what he said when he met with James.

"What are you afraid of? If the Americans dare to come, I will make sure they never come back."

"Even the youth army can handle them, let alone us."

"Just do it, what are you afraid of!"

"In my opinion, we should have fought them long ago. Maybe we would have taken over the Panama Canal long ago."

Everyone was talking at once. The focus of the topic was only one: just fight them.

They were not afraid of the other party being one of the two hegemons in the world.


Louis knocked on the table, and the conference room immediately quieted down.

Looking at the people in front of him, Louis said:"Everyone, although our military strength is growing rapidly, we can't take it lightly. You know, the United States has a large number of allies, and they also have multiple military bases in our neighbors Miru and Ecuador. So once the war starts, the enemy will not come from one direction, but from all directions.

The intensity of the war will not be as drizzle as the young army encountered.

I estimate that the US military will use all its weapons this time, including their cutting-edge weapons, to destroy us in one fell swoop and achieve a deterrent effect."

After a pause, looking at the serious expressions of the people, Louis smiled and said:"I have said so much, just to emphasize one point, the United States will be the most powerful enemy we face, so you need to be cautious and don't underestimate the enemy."


Everyone answered in unison

"Of course, we are not made of clay. We have been preparing for so long just to let the world see our strength."

The words revealed an extremely strong self-confidence.

Louis is indeed confident that he can go head-to-head with the US military.

Although the overall strength of the army is not good, in terms of the air force, the Colombian Air Force is now absolutely qualified to challenge the US military and even crush the US Air Force.

Of course, the United States has not yet industrialized, and its industrial and military strength are still very strong. If it is fully operational and the troops are deployed, it is still very scary.

But Louis has more advantages.

It takes time for the United States to deploy troops, but it only takes him an hour.

Moreover, he can buy advanced weapons that are far beyond this period.

This is his advantage.

In order to ensure that the Panama Canal is not lost, the US aircraft carrier battle group quickly moved south.

At the same time, from domestic military bases, transport aircraft will be used to send rapid response Troops and special forces were deployed to Panama City. In just half a day, 20,000 new troops were added.

This brought the number of U.S. troops stationed in Panama to nearly 50,000.

Of course, this number includes those captured and killed in the Battle of Chepo.

Faced with the increase in U.S. troops, Luis was not idle.

He also began a new wave of military expansion.

Because it may trigger a full-scale war with the U.S. military, and there are U.S. military bases in neighboring Miru and Ecuador, both of which border Colombia. Once the war breaks out, the U.S. Army may also attack from these two directions. Once the army engages in a head-on battle, the 210,000 regular troops of the Colombian Defense Force will definitely not be enough.

Compared with the Colombian Army and the U.S. Army, the gap in weapons and equipment is not big. In this case, human wave tactics are needed.

Therefore, the army has to undergo a major expansion.

Not to mention an army of 500,000 or 600,000, but 300,000 are still necessary, and 400,000 is optimal.

The main reason is that from the direction of Miru and Eguar, where the two countries border, there are a large number of plains and hilly areas, which are very suitable for large-scale mechanized troop operations. Not counting the coastal areas, there are thousands of kilometers of plain terrain in the hinterland border alone.

Once the United States mobilizes hundreds of thousands of ground forces, coupled with NATO and other US allies such as island countries, South Korea, Australia and other countries launching a massive attack from this direction, the existing 210,000 regular troops will undoubtedly be unstoppable. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What's more, these 210,000 ground forces have to defend several other directions.

Therefore, the army must be expanded.

But this time He does not plan to purchase the previous armored brigade to expand the army.

The previous armored brigade was equipped with Type 15 light tanks. Although it has powerful firepower, its armor protection capability is still a little behind that of main battle tanks such as MlA1.

He plans to replace it with Leopard 2A7+ battle tanks to confront the US MlA1 and the British Challenger main battle tanks head-on.

As for the Longguo 99 series, he also looked at it, and always felt that it was a little lacking. What

's more, the price difference between 99 and Leopard 2 in the system is not very large, with a difference of more than 200,000 US dollars.

The Leopard 2A7+ system costs 1.45 million US dollars, and the initial model is 1 million US dollars.

He only plans to replace the tanks in the armored brigade, and other BM270 self-propelled rocket launchers, Boxer armored personnel carriers, AMPV tactical assault vehicles and、PTL-02 wheeled assault guns, 1 battalion 24 PCL-The 181 truck-mounted guns and H-17A air-to-air missile systems are not replaced and remain in the original configuration.

The newly recruited armored brigade simply replaced the original Type 15 tanks with Leopard 2A7+G as a heavy armored brigade.

Or it can be said to be a combined brigade.

One brigade and three battalions have a total of 96 Leopard 2A7+ battle tanks. The tanks alone cost 139 million US dollars. Including other equipment, one armored brigade costs 207 million US dollars in total. This price is really expensive.

At this price, adding another 30 million US dollars can buy equipment for three armored brigades.

Although it is expensive, Louis still decided to buy a few as a heavy armored brigade, the fist force of the army.

After thinking about it, he decided to buy 9.[]

As a facade, the front line of the confrontation, once an armored war really occurs, drones, fighter jets, and armed helicopters can be used to open the cans of the enemy's armored forces.

Including these 9 heavy armored brigades, Colombia has 20 armored brigades, with a total of more than 1,800 tanks (some armored brigades have only 2 battalions of tanks), which is not a large number, but fortunately they are all third-generation main battle tanks.

In addition, he also decided to recruit 7 light composite brigades, remove the original Type 15 tanks, replace them with HJ-10 anti-tank missile launchers, equip 2 battalions (64), BM270 rocket launchers (72 vehicles), 1 battalion PTL-02 wheeled assault guns (48 vehicles), 1 battalion PCL-181 truck guns (24), 1 battalion H-53717A air-to-air missile systems (7 vehicles) and a large number of Boxer armored personnel carriers and AMPV technical assault vehicles, with a total price of 74.

5 million US dollars, which is several million US dollars cheaper than the light armored brigade.

The 16 new brigades cost 2.3845 billion US dollars.

The Army Aviation Brigade will follow the original organization.

That is, 24 Apaches, 24 WZ10 helicopters, 48 Black Hawks, and 12 Super Stallions, a total of 108 armed helicopters.

Due to price reasons, they were too expensive, and one required 607 million US dollars (without recruiting a special forces soldier).

He only recruited 3 aviation brigades.

Including the original 2, there are 5 in total.

That is nearly 500 helicopters.

In addition, he expanded the drone fleet, recruited a large number of operators and purchased drones.

There are currently 4 Yilong 2 drones (the 2 in the Middle East are not counted here.) On this basis, he bought 20 to form 2 drone squadrons.

In addition, he also purchased 24 CH-7 stealth drones (system price: 1.2 million US dollars).

The reason why the attack series is not selected is that the CH-7 has a larger payload.

Moreover, the range can reach tens of thousands of kilometers, and the full-load combat radius exceeds 3,000 kilometers, which is much stronger than some models in the attack series.

As the saying goes, if there are not enough fighter planes, drones can make up for it.

The main feature is that it is cheap.

All the equipment that cost 4.25 billion US dollars was realized in three military bases near Bogota.

Gavin was found and asked to arrange the equipment and the newly added 16 brigades and the defense zones.

Since the army has reached 48 brigades, with a scale of nearly 330,000 people, it has as many as 20 armored brigades, which is a real steel torrent.

(Ps: Some of the names of weapons and equipment are deliberately misspelled because the real name has been banned, and some chapters have not been unblocked until now.

Let me talk about the route later in this book: defeat the United States, station troops in the Middle East, make the Colombian peso an oil peso, and it has since become the system currency, and the protagonist is frantically expanding the army....Beat up Europe, America, the island countries, South Korea and India...

The general route is like this!! ).

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