El Valle Island, Colombia Overseas Province.

At the island airport.

A C-17 Skymaster transport plane landed at the airport. After slowly taxiing for a distance, the military plane landed on the airport apron.

Several military vehicles and dozens of soldiers armed with live ammunition rushed in.


With the sound of the airlock, the rear hatch of the transport plane slowly descended until it was flat on the ground. A S-400 air defense missile system launcher, a radar detection vehicle, etc.

More than ten minutes later, four vehicles had parked at the airport.

A radar detection vehicle, a command center vehicle and two launchers.

After unloading the weapons and equipment, the C-17 Sky King transport plane did not stay for too long and quickly took off and left the airport, because there were two more planes in the sky that needed to land.

Soon the other two C-17 Sky King transport planes were also unloaded, and since then a complete S-400 air defense missile battalion was unloaded.

Under the escort of several military vehicles, they drove out of the airport and headed towards the hinterland of the island.

El Baye Island has a population of more than 20,000, mainly distributed in the coastal areas around the island.

Because the middle of the island is mountainous, most of the people living here are also engaged in fishing.

A large number of military vehicles driving on the road immediately attracted the attention of local residents.

"What's this?"

"My God, look, that should be a missile, right? So big?"

"Hiss! The diameter of this missile is too big"

"Is this going to be a war?"

"It should be, didn't you read the newspaper? The American ambassador threatened us"

"It's too abominable. A diplomatic ambassador actually threatened the president of a country. The United States is too arrogant."

The military vehicle quickly drove away from the town and arrived at the central area of the island.

Many barracks have been built here, and many soldiers are guarding here.

The convoy drove into the camp.

Radar vehicles, command vehicles and launch vehicles all arrived at the designated positions, deployed one after another, and entered a state of being ready to launch at any time.

The purpose of deploying an anti-missile system here is very simple. This small island is located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. The US aircraft carrier fleet, or fighter jets flying from the mainland to Colombia and Panama, can deploy an anti-missile system here and immediately detect everything, especially the detection of US ballistic missiles.

The island is more than 600 kilometers away from the Colombian coastline, and with anti-missile missiles, the range is 400 kilometers.

Setting up an anti-missile system on the island will undoubtedly increase Colombia's ability to resist ballistic missiles. missile depth.

For this anti-missile system, a battalion of National Defense Force soldiers was specially arranged on the island.

In order to achieve the goal of taking down Columbia in one battle.

The strategic plan formulated by the Pentagon, in the navy, the main force is the cooperation of the 2nd Fleet and the 7th Fleet.

The 2nd Fleet dispatched the USS Eisenhower, the USS Carl Vinson, and the USS Abraham Lincoln. The three aircraft carriers formed an aircraft carrier strike group responsible for operations in the Atlantic.

The 7th Fleet dispatched the USS Kitty Hawk and the USS Lexington to form a strike group responsible for operations in the Pacific. The

USS Lexington was originally scheduled to be retired at the end of the year. This aircraft carrier, built during World War II, has been in service for nearly 50 years. Now, in order to strike Columbia, the retirement plan has been canceled and it will cooperate with the USS Kitty Hawk to form a strike group.

This It is the navy.

The United States is also actively coordinating with Miru and Eguar.

The latter is basically a follower of the United States, and almost does whatever the Americans say.

A country with a small population and a poor economy has no resistance at all under the threat of the US stick and US dollars.

Miru is not small in Latin America, and its economy is similar to that of Eguarana next door.

There are a lot of US capital investments in the country.

It is a traditional ally of the United States.

The purpose of coordination is to send a large number of troops into the two countries.

It is planned that the two countries will take advantage of the border with Colombia to allow the army to enter the Colombian territory and then form an encirclement.

If attacks are launched at the same time, the Colombian Defense Force will definitely not be able to respond at the same time.

Faced with the United States actively visiting Miru and Eguarana.

Colombia is not idle either.

Ottonil sent Deputy General President Sanchez visited the country of Huvana.

This country has been anti-American for many years and can be regarded as the anti-American pioneer in the Americas. It can be said to be Colombia's natural ally.

Of course, there is no hope for this ally to exert his strength. What can a country with only 60,000 standing troops do?

The only advantage is that it is very close to the mainland of the United States.

It is only 300 kilometers away from Miami, an important city in the southern region of the United States.

Deploying intercontinental missiles in Huvana will undoubtedly cover the mainland of the United States.

Although it does not expect to send troops, it is also good to have one more ally.

As for another anti-American country, Venezuela did not send anyone to win it over. Venezuela is a medium-sized country.

Although it is anti-American, it is actually willing to get close to the United States in its bones, and it does not really want to be anti-American.

They are just forced to be anti-American, just like Persia in the Middle East.

They clamor for anti-Americanism, but in fact they are close to the United States in their bones.

But the Americans look down on him and want to overthrow the regime.

They suppress nationalists and want to support a puppet regime that is pro-Western.

There is no way, and the interests conflict, so the Persian government in power has to raise the banner of anti-Americanism.

In addition, there is another important reason for not sending people to win over Venezuela.

That is, Luis wants to rebuild the Great Colombia.

The so-called Great Colombia existed in the last century. It is composed of Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and the Loreto Region in the north of Peru. It is a country with an area of 275.8 square kilometers.

Moreover, Venezuela is rich in oil. Although a lot of it is heavy oil, it is at least there. Once Venezuela is annexed, Colombia will be able to leap up and become one of the top three oil countries in the world.

In addition to the Panama Canal, it can be nothing, and it can make tens of billions of US dollars every year.

Mineral resources are also rich.

After annexation, it can also increase strategic depth.

It is for this reason that Luis did not stop the Americans from actively instigating Peru and Ecuador.

On the contrary, he was happy for the two countries to join the war against Colombia, so that there would be a reason to annex the two countries later.

It can be like some shameless countries, such as the Middle East, and declare the two countries as Colombian territory.

And unlike the fabrication of the Snake Country, in the 19th century, the Great Columbus really existed.

So for these purposes, they did not win over the anti-American Venezuela, fearing that selling weapons and equipment to the other side would increase the difficulty of attacking in the future.

Facing the aggressive American army,

Louis naturally would not give the other side time to slowly gather strength. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On this day, Mingyue Manor.

A person came.


The head of the American region of Galaxy Trading Company


Seeing Louis coming over, Davis quickly stood up.

Louis nodded slightly, sat in the main seat, and said with a smile:"Sit down!"

"I asked you to come here mainly to ask you something."

Hearing this, Davis said seriously:"Boss, you tell me!"

"This is it, can the assassins you arranged in the United States kill the President of the United States?"



"It's a bit difficult."

Davis frowned:"If you want to kill the President of the United States, you must control his entry and exit time, route, and location.

Moreover, the other party often arranges police forces within a radius of one or two kilometers. It is difficult to kill him with ordinary firearms, unless you use long-range weapons to shoot him."

Louis nodded. It is impossible to kill the President of the United States with ordinary firearms, and you can't get close at all.

Unless you bribe the captain of the bodyguards and the driver around the president, otherwise, you can only shoot him from a long distance.

Thinking of long-range firearms, Louis thought of a gun in his mind.

"Can the Barrett work?"

Davis said,"I'm not sure. The effective range of this gun is 2,000 meters. Even if the distance is suitable, the sniper must be very strong to kill at such a long distance."

Louis frowned.

Sniper rifles are not good.

At such a long distance, we have to consider wind speed, ballistics and other issues. I guess even if we recruit an ace sniper, we can't guarantee that he can kill.


Louis suddenly thought of a way.

His eyes lit up.

"Davis, do you think it would be possible to use a small drone to carry bombs or grenades?"


Davis was slightly surprised.

"Yes, small drones can evade the enemy's radar system at low altitudes."[]

"In addition, the president's bodyguard team mainly guards against the ground, and its ability to protect small air targets is very weak."

After all, drones are still a rare thing at this time.

There are basically no civilian drones.

Military drones are relatively large and can be quickly detected by radar.

Small drones, such as the Black Hornet drone, are only the size of a palm and cannot be detected by radar at all. Even if���If a sophisticated radar detects it, it will only think it is a bird.

It will never be thought of as a drone.

As for why Louis wants to kill the US president, it is very simple. After George H.W. Bush dies, even if the vice president takes over, there will be chaos for a while. Taking advantage of this time, he can support the youth army to seize the Panama Canal and the Panamanian regime in one fell swoop.

Then quickly announce an alliance with Colombia.

In this way, the Colombian navy and a large number of military aircraft can quickly enter Panama and cut off this vital throat.

As for the consequences of assassinating the US president,

Louis doesn't care at all.

(Wang Haohao) The US intelligence agency and agents often assassinate presidents and politicians of other countries.

Can't they give them a taste of their own medicine?

"If we use micro drones, it is not impossible, but the special forces have used Black Hornet drones before. If anyone wants to investigate, they will definitely find out that it was us Columbia who did it. I am afraid that the war will become more intense."

"Don't worry, I will have the submarine force test-fire an intercontinental missile in the next few days."

Submarine-launched intercontinental missiles were originally planned, and the purpose is to deter the US military from thinking about launching a nuclear war.

Conventional wars can be fought, but if they want to think crookedly and make nuclear bombs, maybe one day conventional warheads can be replaced with nuclear warheads.

"If you don't consider the consequences, you can use a micro drone. The success rate of dropping bombs is indeed much higher."Davis thought for a while and said


Louis nodded and looked at Davis in front of him:"Let me talk to you about this matter first, how to do it, what kind of drone to use, and I will contact you when I think it through."

"What you need to do is to have our people in the United States start paying attention to and investigating the travels of the President of the United States, so that we can be prepared for any emergency."

"Got it!"

Davis stood up and said,"I'll arrange it right away!"


Louis nodded and watched him leave.

Then, he came to the study. He opened the system's mall and looked for a micro drone that could drop bombs.

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