After a screening, no suitable target was found.

Dajiang UAV has a model that is quite suitable.

Mini series.

Although the altitude is only 500 meters, it can completely break the limit.

But the disadvantage of this drone is that the flight speed is too slow. The maximum horizontal flight speed is only 960 meters per minute. At this speed, it is useless to attack the president.

And this is the horizontal flight speed, and the ascent and descent speeds are only 3-5 meters per second.

If the speed can be 30-50 meters per second, it is almost the same.

At 3-5 meters per second, people can react immediately after discovering it.

So I was afraid to pass it.

For this kind of decapitation attack, military drones are needed.

After considering and comparing the size, endurance time, flight speed, carrying weight and distance in multiple dimensions, Louis finally chose the American Switchblade UAV 300 model.

The reason for choosing this drone is that it is small enough, and the flight speed, flight distance, altitude and other aspects are relatively excellent. It only weighs 2.5 kilograms including ammunition.

And it does not adopt a four-axis layout, which is not so conspicuous.

The four-axis layout can be seen at a glance that it is not a bird.

The system is not expensive. Including the transmitter and controller, it costs only 5,000 US dollars. It is perfect for suicide attacks.

The attacker can hide 10 kilometers away and launch, and then it only takes more than 2 minutes to arrive.

In order to ensure the success of the attack, it can even be launched within 5 kilometers.

In this way, it takes only 1 minute to attack the target.

After the attack, they will immediately escape, and the machine will not be used, and no weapons will be carried. After being attacked, they must quickly search within 1 km, 2 km, and 3 km.

No one would think of a long-distance attack.

Even if they thought of it, they would have slipped away.

So this attack suicide drone is completely suitable for decapitation missions.

Louis bought 2 directly.

He did not rush to materialize 803, but waited until the day of the operation, and it would not be too late to materialize it.

If it is materialized now, it has to be transported to the United States, which is too troublesome.

It is better to materialize the system directly at the scene.


Due to the large-scale increase of US troops in Panama, the offensive of the Youth Army was curbed.

Panama City was about to be captured.

Now, the U.S. military has pushed back to the frontline area of Chepo City.

The U.S. military relied on powerful armored forces and helicopters, fighter jets, electronic warfare aircraft, bombers, etc. to launch large-scale operations, and the Youth Army was defeated step by step.

A large number of cluster bombs were also released, causing heavy casualties to the Youth Army.

Although the offensive was reversed, the U.S. military lost a large number of fighter jets and helicopters, at least a hundred of them.

However, a large number of H-17A air-to-air missile vehicles of the Youth Army were also destroyed, almost all of them.

Even rocket launchers and truck guns were lost a lot, and many helicopters were shot down.

The overall offensive was repelled by the U.S. military.

The Youth Army will definitely not win this kind of fight at all costs, unless Colombia personally intervenes. It is definitely not okay to intervene now.

After all, the Youth Army has not yet seized power. If he intervenes now to support it, it will inevitably cause international criticism.

Although he does not care about this criticism, after being sanctioned by the world, it will inevitably affect the Colombian economy.

Once the economy is in chaos, there will be more rebellions and demonstrations in the country.

This is not what he wants to see.

As for why the United States can do it.

It's very simple. The puppet regime supported by others is currently the legitimate government in Panama.

The United States also has dozens of allies in the international community, including many regional powers, so it can ignore the rules.

So the current situation is that it can only continue to give blood transfusions to the Youth Army.

Just like on the battlefield in the Middle East, the United States continues to give blood transfusions to the Snake Country. (cadi)

However, this kind of blood transfusion was done secretly before.

No big killer weapons were delivered.

Now that the showdown has come, there is no need to hide it.

When seeing the arms order for aiding the Youth Army handed over by Gavin, he directly rejected the weapons and equipment on it.

"I will be responsible for the equipment of the Youth Army. You should prepare and have Reynold find a suitable time to test-fire an intercontinental missile.

Although the Soryu-class submarine is conventionally powered, it can still launch the Trident C-4/D-5. Intercontinental missiles. This type of missile is one of the submarine-launched missiles of the United States. It has a range of 7,400 kilometers and can carry 8-10 nuclear warheads with an equivalent of 100,000 tons.

Once launched, it will inevitably shock the US military and government.

It will also terrify the American people.

There are three consequences.

First, the US military and government will resolutely attack Colombia and overthrow Colombia at all costs, and kill the threat while there are no nuclear warheads.

After all, Colombia is too close to the United States. Once an intercontinental missile is launched, the interception time is only a few minutes.

The second is economic sanctions, giving up the use of force, like the siege of Havana.

Initiate comprehensive sanctions against Colombia.

The third is to choose to show goodwill or ease the situation, hoping to pull Colombia into the US chariot.

Of course, this is when the US military and government are not clear about the relationship between Colombia and the Galaxy Trading Company. If they know the relationship between Galaxy Trading and Colombia, there will be no third choice at all.

After all, the premise of easing relations is that Colombia is not a threat to the US arms trade.

You know, the arms traders are backed by the Ansas.

If anyone touches their meat, they will definitely fight to the death.

Now Galaxy Trade is an object that must be eradicated in the Ansas group in the United States.

For Louis, he hopes that the United States can choose the third option and let him annex Panama.

Let him let go and build his Great Columbia.

But this possibility is very low.

Unless Louis is willing to give up taking Panama.

However, this is simply impossible. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Columbia without the Panama Canal is like the West without Jerusalem.

The Columbia Navy cannot gallop across the two oceans.

Therefore, this is an unsolvable problem.

Columbia and the United States are bound to have a war.

There is no escape.

There is no way to hide.

After hearing that Louis is willing to be personally responsible for the weapons and equipment of the Youth Army, Gavin naturally agreed.

He has a lot of things on hand now. He must complete the training of the troops as soon as possible and study the possibility of a full-scale war.

After sending Gavin away, Louis opened the system mall and purchased another 100 PRSM tactical missiles.

In addition, according to Colombia's light tank armored brigade (Type 15 tank), 2 brigades were recruited, including personnel, each brigade spent 88.55 million US dollars (plus an H-17A air missile battalion with 6 vehicles). The

Youth Army base camp, El Real and Yaviza, two towns near the airport.

24 Snapdragon 3 fighters were purchased.

And 200 Tianlei-500 cluster bombs were purchased.

This missile can be guided by satellite and has a range of 60 kilometers. It is mainly used to destroy the ground. It weighs 500 kilograms and contains 240 bombs.

Through cluster bombs, obstacles are cleared for ground armored forces.[]

Since the Americans dared to launch it, he didn't have to be polite. He also bought 100 Archer 4E air-to-air missiles with a range of 145 kilometers.

At night,

Louis put all the weapons, ammunition and fighter planes in the two military bases of El Real and Yaviza.

Then he called the commander of the Youth Army, Laki.

"A new batch of supplies has been delivered to the two regional airports of El Real and Yaviza. Please arrange for someone to receive them. This time I have prepared for you a powerful weapon, two armored brigades and two squadrons of fighter planes. Within three days, I hope to hear the news that the Youth Army has captured Panama City."In

Panamachepo City.

Hearing what Luis said, Laki said solemnly:"Please rest assured, boss, we will definitely capture Panama City and control the Panama Canal within three days, otherwise we will end our lives."

"Very good!! I'm waiting for your good news."

After saying that, Louis hung up the phone.

The matter of Panama should not be delayed any longer.

It must be taken.

Taking it will open up communication between the two oceans.

And it can also cut off the traffic routes between the US 2nd Fleet and the 7th Fleet.

Once the Panama Canal is taken, he will immediately deploy long-range radar and intensive air defense systems in Panama.


Laki in Chepo City hung up the phone.

He took a deep breath.

Then he immediately summoned the backbone of the Youth Army in Chepo City.

The brigade commanders and chiefs of staff of each brigade.

Looking at everyone in the conference room, Laki's face was serious and his voice was loud:"I just received a call from the boss. He is very dissatisfied with our current progress."

Hearing that Louis was dissatisfied with the progress, several people opened their mouths and wanted to argue, but finally swallowed it back.

Laki saw their reactions and said in a deep voice:"I have promised the boss that if Panama City cannot be taken and the Panama Canal cannot be controlled in three days, I will end my life."

Everyone's heart tightened when they heard this, and they looked at Laki in shock.

Laki said coldly:"Don't look at me, the words have been said, if you can't take it down in three days, you will do the same as me."

"So, from now on, we must win at all costs."

"Of course, I know this is difficult, but the boss has given us reinforcements. In addition to two armored brigades, we have also added fighter jets and weapons of mass destruction, so there is no need to worry about firepower. You must abandon your previous combat thinking and don't care about sacrifices. Now we must go all out to capture the target. Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

Everyone responded in unison

"Meeting adjourned!"

Seeing that the matter had been discussed, Laki did not waste any words and immediately rushed to the rear El Real and Yaviza areas to receive new equipment.

He wanted to see what powerful weapons were available.

Then he arranged a new combat plan.

More than an hour later, he arrived in Yaviza. He first saw a large number of armored vehicles and tanks.

Later, he saw 12 Snapdragon 3 fighters at the airport.

When he learned that there were 200 cluster bombs and 100 PRSM tactical missiles, he was overjoyed.

Not to mention the PRSM tactical missiles, the results were still very significant.

They sank many US warships.

Cluster bombs were no strangers.

A large part of the casualties of the Youth Army this time were caused by cluster bombs, resulting in more than 3,000 casualties.

Now that his side has them too, how can he not be happy.

Looking at the missiles and bombs in front of him, Laki's face showed madness.

This time, he was determined to beat the US military into a pile of shit.

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I'm a sabmado

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