After receiving this batch of weapons, the Youth Army quickly formulated a new combat plan.

It was planned to launch an attack at 3 a.m., launching PRSM tactical missiles to destroy two military airports and one civilian airport controlled by the U.S. military, focusing on fuel depots, air defense early warning radars and fighter jets, and then runways.

At the same time, firepower strikes were also carried out on the U.S. naval bases stationed there.

After that, the Snapdragon 3 fighter jets carried cluster bombs to carpet bomb the U.S. military camps and important defense strongholds.

The Tianlei-500 cluster bombs were projected.

This type of bomb has great lethality and can easily penetrate tanks and armored vehicles.

It can also cause great damage to solid fortifications.

After eliminating the enemy's air force and armored forces, two armored brigades were the main force and the spearhead force to attack, and the remaining infantry brigades were used as support to carry out coordinated operations.

Once a difficult target is found, armed helicopters or fighter jets are called to carry cluster bombs for bombing.

As for the enemy's fighter jets flying from other bases, the field air defense system will intercept them with all its strength.

As long as the enemy's ground forces are killed, Panama City and the Canal can be taken.

Then quickly deploy the S-400 or S-300 air defense system. Not to mention transport planes, even if bombers and fighter jets come, it will be useless.

The new combat plan was quickly distributed to each combat brigade.

The two armored brigades quickly moved towards the city of Lipo.

Time passed by, and soon it was 2:50 in the morning.

The two BM270 rocket launcher battalions located in El Real and Yaviza areas have loaded PRSM tactical missiles with a range of 500 kilometers into the launch vehicles.

According to one launch vehicle, 4 PRSM tactical missiles are installed.

In the first wave of attack, 100 PRSM tactical missiles can be launched.

Of course, there is no need to launch them all at once. The specific number of launches depends on the locked target area and the effect of the strike.

Laki did not go to the front line. At this time, he was sitting in the base camp, his eyes fixed on the time on his watch, and the combat command room was a busy scene.

"Report: It's 3 o'clock."

Hearing this, Laki checked his watch and said sternly:"Fire!"


The message was passed on.

Soon, the two artillery battalions in El Real and Yaviza areas quickly launched 30 PRSM tactical missiles.

"call out!"


Dozens of tactical missiles flew straight into the sky, heading towards their targets at a speed of Mach 5.

Panama City, radar station

""Ding ding ding!"

Seeing dozens of targets appear on the radar search aperture, the radar operator was frightened and immediately sounded the alarm.

In an instant, the shrill alarm sounded, awakening countless American soldiers.

"Quick! Quick! Get up, the enemy is attacking!"


"These bastards, it's already this late, why are they still fighting?"

Countless American soldiers cursed, but they had to get up quickly and get into combat mode.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

After the radar detected the target, the US air defense system immediately launched air defense missiles to intercept the target.


A tactical missile was successfully intercepted and exploded in the sky, instantly turning into a burning fireball, and then quickly falling to the ground.

Although some tactical missiles were intercepted, there were more that were not intercepted.

A large part of the tactical missiles that were not intercepted flew towards three airports.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The firing speed, as fast as Mach 5, directly tore through the airport's air defense missile system, as if breaking through a layer of protection, and quickly hit the airport's apron.


A violent explosion sounded immediately. The power of a large-yield tactical missile is incomparable to that of an ordinary missile. You should know that the PRSM tactical missile is used to attack surface ships.

The huge explosion instantly destroyed an F15 fighter.

Fragments flew around in the air without any pattern.


Another tactical missile fell, and under the guidance of satellite, it directly hit the fuel depot!!


A huge explosion resounded throughout Panama City, and then a huge fire quickly ignited.

In the night, it was as if a nuclear bomb had hit.

"Oh my god, is that a nuclear bomb?"

"Run, hide quickly!!"

Many residents who did not know the truth panicked, screaming and panicking in Panama City, and the chaotic situation was like a fish in water for the evil forces, looting, smashing, and killing, making Panama City even more chaotic.

The US troops on the front line of Pakora were stunned when they saw the raging flames in the rear.

But they did not realize that a tactical missile was landing quickly.


Instantly, everyone around was killed, and the bodies flew in the air. The scene was even more horrific.

"Enemy attack!!!"

"The enemy is firing, get down!!!"

Some nearby American soldiers quickly woke up, shouted in panic, and lay down in the trenches or behind the armored vehicles.

"Boom boom!"

The armored troops at the stronghold were attacked by intensive artillery fire.

The American division commander stationed here saw that his side was passively attacked, and immediately asked the signalman to call the headquarters for fighter support.

"Command!! Command please answer!!"

"This is the command center...This is the command center"

"Our unit was attacked by enemy missiles. Please send us fighter jets to reinforce us. Please send us fighter jets to reinforce us!!"

"Feel sorry...Many bases have been attacked by enemy missiles and are temporarily unable to provide fire support!!"

Hearing this, the communicator stood up and walked quickly to the U.S. division commander:"Report to the general, there is a call from the headquarters."


"They said the airport was under heavy enemy attack and they could not provide fire support in a short time. Repeat, they could not provide fire support."

""fuck" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing that he could not provide fire support immediately, the American division commander was so angry that he threw the receiver of the phone to the ground!

El Real and Yaviza areas.

After launching 30 tactical missiles, the on-site strike situation map was transmitted back through the drone signal.

Seeing that the US military was urgently repairing the artillery shells, and some fighter planes had not been destroyed.

Laki quickly ordered:"Notify the artillery battalion, each battalion will launch another 10 tactical missiles!"

"In addition, pass on the target they want to attack"


After receiving the order and instructions, the artillery battalion immediately fired 20 tactical missiles towards the airport and port.

"Boom boom!"

Seeing the drone, the scene in the picture was filmed.

Tactical missiles fell from the sky, accurately guided, and hit the target.

Instantly destroyed several fighter planes at the airport and the ground runway.

The three airports were completely paralyzed.

Even if they were repaired, it would take a while.[]

Seeing that the strike was very effective, destroying the enemy's air force and gaining air supremacy, Laki issued a second order.

"Pass my order, have the Snapdragon 3 fighter squadron quickly take off with cluster bombs, and attack the enemy's armored forces and ground strongholds directly to launch a fire attack."

0 flowers

"Order the two armored brigades and infantry brigades of the ground forces to prepare for battle and immediately encircle and destroy the remaining enemy forces after the bombing."


At the Yavisa Airport, the ground crew was busy loading the Tianlei-5 cluster bombs onto the fighter planes.

Due to the weight, a Xiaolong fighter plane could only carry two.

""Go go"

After the ground crew gestured and indicated OK, the guide waved his hand and signaled the pilot to start taxiing the fighter.

The fighter slid for a distance and arrived at the take-off runway.

Soon, a blazing flame burst out from the tail jet of the fighter, and the fighter slowly slid. Under the gaze of the ground crew, the fighter's gliding speed became faster and faster, and the Mach ring at the tail also appeared.

After meeting the take-off conditions, the pilot quickly gripped the pull rod and stepped on the accelerator.

The fighter's engine burst out with powerful power. Under the huge thrust, the fighter successfully took off and flew straight into the sky.


"Successfully took off!!"

""Quick, next one!!"

At the same time, a similar scene occurred at the El Real regional airport.

After all, such a heavy bomb had never been hung before.

Fortunately, it took off successfully.

The fighters formed a formation in the air, and with the assistance of the Columbia early warning aircraft in the border airspace, they flew towards their respective targets.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the Columbia reconnaissance satellite and communication satellite were fully operational.

Several important US military targets in the Panama region were quickly transmitted to each Snapdragon 3 fighter through data links.

The fighter formation that received the order flew quickly towards the target.

Soon, the fighter formation was detected by the remaining radars of the US military, prompting an early warning.

However, the anti-missile system was successfully destroyed in the first round.

Vinier, a pilot of the Youth Army.

At this time, he was driving a Snapdragon 3 fighter. After seeing that the target had entered the range, he said with a ferocious face:"Darn white dog, taste your grandfather's express delivery!"

After saying that, he quickly pressed the launch button.

The left wing buckle opened, and the Tianlei-500 cluster bomb fell more than ten meters, and then the tail thruster instantly sprayed out flames, and under the action of thrust, it quickly flew towards the target.

The right side was the same.

Following the same pattern.

After launching two Tianlei-500 cluster bombs, Vinier immediately drove the fighter plane back.


Launched two Tianlei-500 cluster bombs, after flying more than 50 kilometers, it arrived above Pakora, where the main ground forces of the US military gathered.

Then it fell quickly, and with 300 to 400 meters left, the shell separated.

240 bullets were quickly fired in different directions.

"Boom boom!!"

"Boom boom boom...."

Instantly, a series of explosions sounded around.

Countless American soldiers were blown to pieces before they could react, and even tanks and armored vehicles were not spared.

When the second Tianlei-500 separated and exploded, almost no one was spared in the surroundings, and the land was blown up, as if it had been plowed.

Only thick smoke and a large number of dismembered bodies and scarlet blood were left at the scene.

The tragic scene made people vomit.

The remaining American soldiers in the distance saw the hell-like scene in front of them.

Instantly, they vomited with a"wow".

With a terrified expression, he trembled and said:"Cluster bombs!!! Demons!! They used cluster bombs!!"

However, few people at the scene could respond to him again..

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