Not only this one, but all the US military bases along the Pakora line were attacked by cluster bombs.

Airports, garrison bases, and radar stations were all attacked by bombs comparable to nuclear weapons.

Although only eighty cluster bombs were dropped in total.

But each one contains 240 sub-bombs, and the power of each sub-bomb is much stronger than that of a grenade.

This is 19,200 bombs.

Among them, the Pakora line is a key defense area for the US military. The US military has more than 20,000 people here. In order to destroy this line of defense, the Youth Army dropped a full 70 cluster bombs here.

In this area of only more than 160 square kilometers, carpet bombing was carried out, and 16,800 bombs were dropped.

There are more than 100 bombs per square kilometer on average.

This is still calculated on average.

Large killers like this are more likely to hit gathering points, that is, target points with large populations.

"My goodness, this weapon is too lethal. If this wave goes on, I'm afraid there will be thousands of casualties."

"The Air Force is really powerful. With such a powerful weapon, why didn’t they use it earlier?"

"It's not too late now! The last time the White Japs dropped this thing, nearly half of the 2nd Brigade was killed or wounded. Now, let them have a taste of it too."

"On the"630" front, two young soldiers were lying in the trenches, looking at the American troops being attacked on the opposite side with happy smiles on their faces.

"Ding ding!"

At this time, the assembly whistle blew

""Gather, hurry up!"

The two sentinels did not dare to look any further and left in a hurry.

At the same time, the two armored brigades also received orders from the headquarters.

The two armored brigades moved forward in unison and quickly rushed towards the trenches of the US Army.

Behind them were the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Infantry Brigades of the Youth Army, with nearly 20,000 people, pressing forward.


The engines of tanks and armored personnel carriers roared.

Driving in the muddy dirt

""Da Da!"

From time to time, the sound of machine guns rang out.


A tank fired and hit accurately, instantly blowing away the machine gunner's position.

The machine gunner on the armored vehicle, as soon as he heard the sound of gunfire, quickly fired a burst of bullets.


Seeing the approaching armored group, the remaining US troops quickly retreated.

Just crawling out of the trenches would make them sitting ducks.

"Da da da!!"

Hundreds of machine guns opened fire, interspersed with tank fire from time to time. The American troops who lost air superiority and armored vehicles and tanks either fled or chose to throw away their guns and raise their hands in surrender.

Compared with running away and being shot, surrender is obviously safer, at least your life is saved.

Moreover, the US military does not have the courage to fight to the death like some countries. The US military is best at fighting a smooth war and relying on powerful firepower output.

But if they encounter a situation where they have no advantage in firepower, they will be very weak.

Of course, it does not mean that the combat capability is weak, but that they do not have the determination to risk everything and survive.

"Don't kill me? I surrender, I surrender!!!"

In the trench, several American soldiers saw the young soldiers and machine guns on the armored vehicles rushing up, and decisively chose to throw away their guns and raise their hands to surrender.

"Tie them up!"

A company commander saw the scene and waved his hand to signal to tie up the prisoners.

Prisoners are useful.

The purpose of capturing these prisoners is to make money and to threaten the United States.

When the war is over, if the United States wants these prisoners, they will have to pay money to redeem them.

Doesn't the United States care about human rights?


One American soldier will be released for $1 million, otherwise he will continue to be detained.

Soon, nearly 4,000 American prisoners were captured along the Pakora line, most of whom were injured.

Either missing an arm or a leg.

In the cluster bombing Under the missile attack, not to mention humans, even elephants would be defeated.

So many prisoners need to be cared for, and the wounded American soldiers need treatment, so the 2nd Brigade, which had suffered serious damage in the previous battle, was left behind to guard and treat the wounded.

The rest continued to advance towards Panama City.

At this time, the US troops in Panama City were also evacuating quickly. A large number of armored vehicles and tanks were lost, and fighter planes and warships were destroyed one after another. Now the enemy is coming, and if they don't evacuate, they will be unable to escape. It's not that they don't have the fighting perseverance. force.

But facing the youth army armed to the teeth, the US military, which has lost its heavy firepower, really can't win.

Although the US military has many elite individual soldiers, the youth army is not inferior at all. It has nearly a thousand special forces, which is no worse than the US military, and it also has firepower advantages.

When encountering stubborn places, you can immediately call for air support or ground armor and tank support.

How can you fight in this situation?

Port terminal.

Groups of US soldiers directly forced by force to rob more than ten yachts, and if there were no yachts, they would rob fishing boats.

It's just that the number is limited, and it is impossible to transport more than 20,000 people.

Most people robbed vehicles and fled to the northern Colon area.

At noon, the gunfire in Panama City stopped.

In the city, at a military base.

The original Stars and Stripes had been thrown on the ground by the soldiers, and the flag of the Youth Army was raised.

A large number of Youth Army soldiers poured into the city and seized various important strongholds, such as the presidential palace, the vault and other strongholds.

When Laki arrived in Panama City, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

He took a car to the presidential palace.

Looking at the military flag that had been raised high, a smile appeared on his face


Several brigade commanders stood up immediately when they saw him coming. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Sit down, everyone."

Laki smiled and said,"Everyone has done a great job this time. The progress is better than I expected. I originally planned to take two days, but it only took one day. Not bad, it exceeded my expectations."

"Although we have captured Panama City now, it is not the time to relax. I heard that there is still fighting on the north bank of the canal?"

"Yes, the US military blew up the bridge, making it���"I can't get through."

When Laki heard that the US military had blown up the bridge connecting the north and the south, his face turned black.

You know, there are only two bridges on this long canal.

The other bridge is 60 or 70 kilometers away.

It will undoubtedly take a long detour.


"The US military thought that we could do nothing to them just because they blew up the bridge?"

"I will coordinate and resolve the issues on the north bank. Your first priority is to control the entire city and the south bank of the canal."


Everyone answered in unison.

Waving his hand to signal everyone to disperse, Laki picked up the phone and quickly dialed Louis' number.


Hearing the familiar voice coming from the phone, Laki hurriedly shouted:"Boss, good news, Panama City has been taken over by us?"

"Oh, really? They took Panama City so quickly?"Louis was a little surprised..0

"Yes, boss, we have taken control of Panama City and the southern bank of the canal."

"What about the North?"

Louis asked

"The US military blew up the bridges in the northern region, so we can't get through now. We can only infiltrate in small groups."

"OK, I know."

Louis thought about it carefully and decided to buy some more transport helicopters for the youth army so that they could be replenished quickly.

"The north bank must be taken, and important troops must be deployed to prevent the US military from counterattacking."

"As for how the troops get there, I will drop a wave of supplies and weapons and equipment into Kapo City, and you will arrange for someone to receive them."

"Yes, boss!"

When he heard that Louis was going to deliver another batch of supplies, Laki looked much more excited.

"In addition, you can hold a press conference to announce the establishment of a new Panamanian government and then announce the alliance with Colombia.

This is the top priority.

At that time, he can send troops to Panama.

"Good boss!"


He hung up the phone.

Louis opened the mall system and purchased 10 sets of FK-3 air defense missile systems and related operators. He then purchased 24 Black Hawk helicopters and 12 CH-47 transport helicopters in the system, and purchased 100 helicopter pilots.

The former can deploy half a battalion of troops at a time.

CH-The 47 transport aircraft is a heavy transport aircraft that can not only deploy troops but also lift tanks and armored vehicles.

Together with the remaining 34 WZ10 helicopters of the Youth Army, the number of helicopters of the Youth Army has reached 70.

As for the separate ground radar, Louis was not in a hurry to materialize it.

After all, the territory is not solid at the moment.

Moreover, the Voronezh-DM radar system equipped by Colombo can detect a distance of 6,000 kilometers.

After completely taking over the northern part of Panama, it can be considered to install 5.3 Voronezh-DM radar systems.

After all, the strategy has extended more than 600 kilometers.

The purchased weapons were materialized near the city of Chepo.

Afterwards, he called Laki and told him the specific coordinates of the supplies.

After getting the location of the supplies, Laki quickly ordered the nearest troops to receive them.

When he saw more than 20 Black Hawks and 12 CH-47 transport helicopters, Laki's eyes lit up, and he said happily:"With these transport helicopters, crossing the canal is no longer a problem"

"Send me orders���The special forces assembled urgently and 15 minutes later, they boarded a transport helicopter to the north bank of the canal."

"WZ10 armed helicopter provides fire cover and clears ground obstacles and enemies in advance"


The order was quickly issued to all units. After receiving the order, the"Flying Tiger Special Service Regiment" quickly assembled and rushed to the boarding point.

The regiment is the backbone of the Youth Army, consisting of 2,000 special forces in the early days.

However, after many battles, some were assigned to serve as the backbone of the infantry brigade. Now there are only more than a thousand people.

The nature is similar to the Columbia Special Service Regiment, which belongs to the spearhead force. ( Ps

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