More than ten minutes later, more than a dozen WZ10 armed helicopters took the lead.

Black Hawk general-purpose helicopters followed closely behind.

Finally, the CH-47 Chinook transport helicopters came. They were divided into three formations. They did not fly over the original bridge, but took a detour from the outside to avoid being attacked by the US military's individual air defense missiles on the other side.

Although they went around in a circle, it was safe.

Sure enough, the helicopter formation successfully crossed the canal, arrived at the north bank of the canal, and stopped in a wasteland in the wild.

The strong wind caused the grass and trees on the ground to be blown all over the place.

After stopping steadily, a soldier from the"Flying Tiger Special Service Regiment" came down from it, immediately entered a combat posture, and looked around vigilantly.

A few minutes later, more than 300 soldiers from the"Flying Tiger Special Service Regiment" got off the helicopter.

Several"Boxer Armored Personnel Carriers" and"AMPV Tactical Vehicles" were unloaded by the CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter.

After unloading, the helicopter formation returned to Panama City again.

The round trip was only 20 kilometers.

In less than an hour and a half, the entire"Flying Tiger Special Forces" was transported to the north bank, along with 10 tanks, more than 15 Boxer armored vehicles and more than 20 AMPV tactical vehicles.

"According to intelligence provided by the prisoners, the base originally had more than 4,000 people, but was hit by air force missile attacks and cluster bombs, so there should not be many left."

"Cruz, you lead the 1st, 2nd and 3rd squadrons to the base."

"I will lead Team 4 and be responsible for dealing with the enemies on Cohen Mountain."

Cruz looked at the map and nodded,"No problem!"

"Is one squadron enough? How about you take the 3rd squadron as well?"

Oros shook his head:"No need, the enemy's main force is at the base, there shouldn't be too many enemies on Cohen Mountain, after all, the bridge has been blown up by them, and if it's really difficult, just call for air fire support."

Seeing his friend say this, Cruz thought about it and stopped persuading him.

Soon, the"Flying Tiger Special Service Regiment" of nearly a thousand people was divided into two and headed in different directions.

Oros led the 4th squadron and was about to reach Cohen Mountain when they were ambushed.

"Da da da!!"

The machine gun bullets fired from the top of the mountain hit the armored vehicle, making a"ding ding" sound.

""Quick, get off the car, there is an enemy attack!"

The soldiers got off the car, relying on armored vehicles and tanks as a barrier to fight back.

However, the effect was not good.

The enemy was high above them, and they were looking up, so the shooting angle was not good.

Oros looked at the surrounding terrain, which was all flat and could not be covered.

If this continued, it would be increasingly disadvantageous to their side.

"Call the headquarters immediately and request to bomb Mount Cohen."

Oros said loudly to the signalman.

Upon hearing this, the latter quickly put down his gun, squatted on the ground, and turned on the radio.

"Flying Tiger 4 calls headquarters. Flying Tiger 4 calls headquarters."

"Command has received it. Command has received it. Please speak. Please speak."

"Flying Tiger 4 requests bombing of Mount Korn...coordinate..."

"Command has received the information. In 10 minutes, coordinates will be updated...."

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

Two Snapdragon 3 fighters arrived and dropped four Paveway laser bombs on Mount Cohen.


"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, violent explosions sounded on the top and halfway up the Cohen Mountain.

The explosions produced flames, setting the surrounding trees on fire and forming multiple plumes of black smoke.

"Boom boom!"

Two more bombs were dropped.

After seeing that there was no shooting below, the two pilots drove away with satisfaction.

At the foot of the mountain,

Oros looked at the black smoke on the top and halfway up the mountain.

He estimated in his mind that more than half of them should have died.

Regardless of whether there were that many dead or not, the most urgent thing was to rush over first.

"Go! Go!"

Compared to the slow progress on Oros' side,

Cruz's progress was much smoother.

On the flat ground, several tanks led the way. There were

10 armored personnel carriers and 5 AMVP tactical vehicles. The machine gunners operated the machine guns on the roofs, pulled the triggers, and fired crazily.

"Da da da da..."

The bullets fired continuously from the machine gun formed a fire net.

They kept harvesting.

It was useless to hide behind the car.

The heavy machine gun fired wildly at the fuel tank.


A Hummer was blown up.

The two American soldiers hiding behind the car vomited blood before they could react. If you are unlucky, you can choke to death even if you drink water.

The blown Hummer rolled over and fell down, hitting the bodies of the two American soldiers.


Blood spurted out immediately.

"Da da da..."

""Boom boom!"

Under the strong push of ground tanks and armored vehicles, the Sky WZ10 armed helicopter fired a rocket from time to time to destroy the stubborn strongholds.

In less than an hour, the base was completely taken down.

Nearly 500 US soldiers chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

There was no way, they didn't want to surrender.

However, the strength of the Youth Army was too strong, and there was air fire support.

And in terms of individual combat capabilities, the"Flying Tiger Special Service Regiment" was stronger than many of them.

If you don't surrender, you can only eat bullets.

At the same time,

Cohen Mountain was also swept away.

Mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Without air superiority, the ground forces are lambs to be slaughtered.

Panama City

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the special forces called and have taken over the US military base on the north shore."

Upon hearing this, Laki was overjoyed. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He hurriedly ordered:

"Quick, send an armored brigade over here by helicopter"

"Check the passing ships at the port and transport the 1st and 3rd Infantry Brigade. Remember to also transport some engineers to repair the airport."


The signalman responded immediately and urgently conveyed the instructions to the relevant departments.


Laki called his adjutant

"Commander, are you looking for me?"

"Well, you go to the Presidential Palace right away to make arrangements. I'm going to hold an inauguration ceremony. Remember to invite TV stations and reporters from various newspapers in the city. Um, foreign reporters too."

"Got it!"

Dulong nodded and quickly took people to make arrangements.

The reporters were reluctant to come, but after seeing the armed soldiers, they were scared and came to the scene.

The official Panamanian TV station also urgently sent a cameraman to the Presidential Palace.

The blood and messy paper scraps on the ground had been cleaned up and a new carpet was laid.[]

At this time, there were more than 20 reporters from various newspapers standing in the audience, as well as reporters dispatched to Panama by world-renowned television media. The main reason why these overseas television reporters and newspaper reporters appeared in Panama was that there was a war going on here.

War has always attracted the audience's attention.

What's more, the US army is also fighting here.

It's different from the calmness before.

Now that Panama City has been captured by the Youth Army, these overseas reporters are a little uneasy.

Especially reporters from the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and other media in the United States.

They gathered them together, thinking that they were going to be attacked.

Just when everyone was uneasy.

The closed door was pushed open from the outside.

Then a large number of soldiers came in, surrounded them with live ammunition.

Now, these reporters are even more panicked.

"What do you want to do?...We are civilians, you can't kill us."

"I am British! If you dare to shoot me, it will cause serious diplomatic problems...."

However, the soldiers around them did not respond to their muttering.


At this time, footsteps were heard.

The soldiers around immediately looked solemn, holding up their guns, and looking at the man who came in with firm eyes.

Laki, dressed in military uniform, walked in front, followed by a group of senior members of the Youth Army.

Laki waved to the soldiers.

Then he walked straight to the stage.

The adjutant said at the right time:"Let us use warm applause to welcome the commander-in-chief of the Youth Army, the new president of Panama, General Laki to the stage and speak to everyone!" As soon as the words fell, applause broke out immediately.

The reporters in the audience stared at each other, and many of them saw Laki for the first time.

Although they were not willing to applaud, in the face of the threatening eyes and actions of the soldiers around them, these foreign reporters had to applaud.

In an instant, the applause became much louder.

Laki walked to the middle of the stage with a smile, reached out and took the microphone in front of him, and pointed it towards himself

"Hello everyone, I am Laki, the new president of Panama"

"After the soldiers fought bravely, we successfully overthrew the puppet regime, defeated the Americans, and took back the Panama Canal."

"Here, I declare that glory belongs to every Panamanian"

"In addition, I would like to announce a few more things here."

"First, urge the United States to withdraw from Panama immediately, otherwise it will bear the consequences"

"Second, our army captured four and a half U.S. troops.���Soldiers"

"Third, in order to strengthen Panama's security and defense, Japan and Colombia signed a security agreement to strengthen military cooperation between the two countries and jointly oppose hegemony...."


As Laki announced the information one by one, the faces of the reporters in the audience changed drastically, with expressions of astonishment, shock, sadness, etc., but they all took up pens to write down the information, intending to send it back to the headquarters later.

There is no doubt.

The capture of more than 4,000 American soldiers and the security agreement between Panama and Colombia, these two things will inevitably cause heated discussions around the world.

Let’s not talk about the former, such a big defeat.

So many people were captured.

I’m afraid this is the first time that the United States has captured so many people since World War II.

The second one is even more eye-catching, and it will even change the geopolitical landscape in Latin America.

Because the so-called security agreement is actually a military alliance. It means that if you go to war with Panama, it is equivalent to going to war with Colombia.

Colombia has become increasingly powerful in recent years, and its military strength has become a powerful country in Latin America. Now that Colombia is gone, does the United States dare to send troops to attack Panama on a large scale?.

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