"We will promote the integration of Panama and Colombia's defense and strengthen bilateral military and economic cooperation"

"...Yes, what I said before is that more than 4,000 American soldiers were captured."

"The question of releasing the prisoners? This depends on the United States. After all, the United States brazenly invaded our country, causing countless civilians and soldiers to be injured. It also blew up the bridge, causing immeasurable losses to our country.

They should have been strangled, but for humanitarian reasons, we still hope to negotiate with the United States.

As long as they can compensate for the losses they have caused to Panama, we will consider releasing these prisoners."

"Ah? When will they be released? This question should not be asked to me, but to the US government. When they come to negotiate with sincerity, they can release the captured US soldiers one day earlier...."

United States.

The White House


Bush turned off the TV and looked at the Secretary of Defense with a gloomy face. He said in a deep voice:"Why has the situation in Panama deteriorated to this extent? Didn't we send a large number of reinforcements?"

"I remember you said before that we have more than 50,000 troops stationed in Panama"

"The well-equipped American soldiers were actually defeated by a group of untrained local armed forces?"

The Ministry of National Defense quickly explained:"Mr. President, the enemy used cluster bombs and hundreds of long-range tactical missiles, relying on large-scale firepower coverage to destroy airports and military bases, which led to the defeat of our army."

"What? Cluster bombs? Shit, how could they have such a thing?"

Bush Sr. was shocked.

As a former soldier, he knew very well how terrifying cluster bombs were. Their lethality was even more terrifying than incendiary bombs.

Incendiary bombs caused great casualties to infantry, but not so many casualties to armored forces. After all, fire could not penetrate tanks. However, under high temperatures, people inside the tanks would suffocate. But overall, they were not as terrifying as cluster bombs.

Cluster bombs can penetrate tank armor protection and directly destroy tanks.

And there are often hundreds or even thousands of bombs inside.

It can be said to be a killer weapon.

A weapon second only to nuclear bombs.

This kind of thing is not something that ordinary countries can handle, let alone the armed organizations in Panama.


Bush thought of Columbus and the words announced by the young army commander on TV. His face immediately turned ugly.

"Damn Columbus, Columbus again!"

"This cluster bomb must have been provided by them"

"Otherwise, how could those rats have this thing?"

The Ministry of National Defense did not say anything.

This was already very obvious.

With the support of Columbia, the Youth Army overthrew the puppet government supported by the United States.

"big eater!!"

"The Southern Command is full of idiots."

"Why didn't they all die? Why were so many captured? Fuck!"

Bush Sr. had a ferocious look on his face. He roared and his face turned red. He was so angry that he slammed the table.

The Minister of Defense, the Secretary of State, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Director of Intelligence and other senior US military and political officials were trembling with fear.

It's nothing to lose a battle.

It's not like he hasn't lost a battle before.

What made him angry was that so many soldiers were captured.

Now that the news has spread, the families of those American soldiers will inevitably make trouble and ask the government to negotiate with the Youth Army as soon as possible.

If these prisoners are not redeemed, there will be no way to use force.

Once force is used to strike the Youth Army and Columbia, the families of the thousands of prisoners will probably attack the White House.

After all, using force is tantamount to abandoning the lives of the captured soldiers.

The families of the captured soldiers must be angry, and no one knows what they will do.

If there is no use of force, then the only option is to negotiate. If you choose to negotiate, you will definitely be blackmailed by the Youth Army.

Thinking of this, how can Bush Sr. not be angry?

"" Knock, knock, knock!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The rapid knock on the door pulled Bush Sr. back from his anger.

Seeing the assistant coming in, Bush Sr.'s face was gloomy:"What's the matter?"

"Mr. President, something bad has happened. There is a large group of people outside besieging the White House."

"What? Siege of the White House?"

"Yes, they were holding banners, demanding that the government cease fire and negotiate with the new Panamanian government."

Bush's face darkened.

He stood up, walked to the window and looked out.

Sure enough, a large crowd gathered outside the iron fence in the distance, holding various banners, drawing boards and the like, and clashed with the police.

Bush was unwilling.

But in the current situation, if the government does not come forward to negotiate as soon as possible, the turmoil will get bigger and bigger.

By then, all the soldiers' families will come to make trouble, and even the army will not be stable.

After all, no one can guarantee that they or their families will not be captured alive on the battlefield.


Bush suppressed his anger, turned around with a cold face, and said in a deep voice:"Contact Panama immediately, say ceasefire, and negotiate the redemption of hostages." After a pause, he looked at the Secretary of State:"Colin, you are the Secretary of State, you talk to them in person."

In the United States, there is no foreign affairs department. The responsibilities are usually handled by the State Department, and the Secretary of State is equivalent to the foreign affairs department. However, the Secretary of State also takes charge of some domestic affairs, which is a very powerful position in the cabinet.

This kind of negotiation is naturally handled by the Secretary of State.

""Yes, Mr. President."

Colin agreed reluctantly.

He didn't want to take this tough job, but Bush had already named him. What else could he do?

Although he wanted to negotiate, the preparations for the war against Colombia did not stop.

Not only did they not stop, but they accelerated the layout.

Obviously, the whole country of the United States agreed that if they wanted to completely control Panama, they had to defeat Colombia.

As long as they defeated Colombia, it would be easy to deal with the young army that lost its military assistance.

Colombia, Bogota Airport.

A passenger plane flying from Panama landed smoothly on the runway of the airport.

Laki got off the plane.

Gavin came forward to greet him warmly.

The two exchanged a few words and got in the car.

On the other side, they learned that���When Key arrived in Bogota, Luis also set off for the Presidential Palace.

He had to meet with Lakey to learn about the current situation in Panama and how to deal with the issue of American prisoners.

He was the one who instructed to expose the matter of prisoners, with the purpose of taking the opportunity to blackmail them and at the same time making the United States dare not act rashly in Panama, after all, there were more than 4,000 prisoners. With so many people, the US government had to consider public opinion.

After all, they are a"democratic government.

Presidential Palace


Seeing Louis coming, Otto Neil, Gavin, Laki and others in the room stood up.

"Sit down. It's rare for us to get together. Let's all sit down!"

Louis took the main seat as a matter of course. The others sat down wherever they wanted. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He looked at Laki on the side and said,"What's the situation in Panama now?"

"Report to the boss, several major places have been taken, including the canal, but there are still many armed forces in the north, and they have not accepted the surrender."

"Well! There is no rush for this. First, we need to control the canal. As for the armed forces in the north, except for the drug dealers, most of them are supported by foreign forces. It will not be too late to clear them out after stabilizing the main areas.

Although the north is very important and can be the strategic frontier, and there are important copper, gold, silver and other resources in the north.

In particular, the copper mine ranks fourth in the world, but for him, the most important thing is the canal.

"I've also heard about the bridge. Please arrange for someone to build it as soon as possible."

"As for the military port,

Gavin, please arrange for the Pacific Fleet to go north and send some warships to station at the port where the US military was stationed."

"The Atlantic Fleet also did the same, with some of its ships stationed at Colon Port."Cologne Port is on the other side of the canal, that is, the Atlantic side, in the same line as Panama City, and is Panama's second largest port city.

""Okay, boss!"

Gavin nodded in agreement.

The navy stationed in the north, plus the deployment of 10 FK-3 air defense missile systems and nearly 70,000 young soldiers along the canal and Panama City, can be said to be impregnable. It is impossible for the US military to capture it from the sea again.

The only possibility is to intervene from several Central American countries in the north.[]

Attack from the ground, relying on powerful firepower, such as sending hundreds of fighter planes and thousands of tanks, like they did against Iraq.

Otherwise, sending a few tens of thousands of people will have no chance of taking the Panama Canal.

"What are your plans for the prisoners?" Louis asked, looking at Laki.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but after some internal discussions, I plan to take the opportunity to blackmail the Americans and demand compensation of 10 billion US dollars for war losses, plus 10 billion US dollars in ransom, to make up 20 billion US dollars."

Louis' eyes lit up.

If he could get 20 billion US dollars, it would undoubtedly strengthen the strength of the Youth Army again.

At the same time, it could also recover some losses.

You know, in the Panama incident, he invested no less than 3 billion US dollars.

"This is fine, you can even ask for more. Anyway, you have so many hostages.���Even if the Americans are angry, they have to negotiate."

Lacky smiled and said,"That's what I think! With these prisoners, the Americans will be more cautious."

".Well, we still can't let our guard down. We must keep a close watch on the area and guard against those American politicians who might take the risk of dropping bombs and then slander us."

Louis reminded

"Got it!" Laki nodded.

""Okay, you guys continue the conversation."

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, Louis stood up and left.

Under pressure from the country, the Bush administration had to send someone to negotiate.

Panama, Presidential Palace.

Laki, who had returned from Colombia, learned that the US negotiating representative had arrived, and that the Secretary of State had come in person, so he had someone take him to the Presidential Palace and planned to meet him in person.

"Mr. President, I send my regards to you on behalf of President Bush."

"Say hello? He can't wait to kill me, right?"

Laki showed sarcasm on his face, waved his hand, and said impatiently:"Don't be polite, let's get straight to the point. How do you plan to talk?"

Colin's face froze, and he smiled awkwardly, but he was angry in his heart.

As the Secretary of State, he was always treated as a guest of honor when he visited other countries.

Forget it.

Don't bother with these uneducated natives.

After self-construction in his mind, Colin suppressed his anger, smiled, and said in a calm tone:"Mr. President, our country is willing to pay a ransom to compensate you. We hope that you can release our captured personnel."

"Okay, how much are you going to pay?"

"One billion dollars,"

Colin said a number

"One billion US dollars?"

Laki seemed to have heard something funny and laughed.

Colin frowned:"Mr. President, do you have any questions?"

"Of course there is a problem!"

Laki's face became serious, he put away his smile, and looked at Colin coldly:"1 billion US dollars just to rescue more than 4,000 prisoners, do you think I am a fool?"

"What does the President think is appropriate?"

Colin asked.

"The ransom is 10 billion US dollars, not a penny less. In addition, your country launched an attack, causing a large number of casualties among our personnel (Zhao Nuo Zhao), and a large amount of infrastructure was destroyed. These also need to be compensated. It's not much, 20 billion US dollars."

"Including the ransom, the total is 30 billion US dollars. I will release him if you pay me."

"What, 30 billion US dollars?"Colin was shocked.

"Impossible, your price is too outrageous."

Without even thinking, Ke Linxiang shook his head and refused without hesitation.

"Impossible? Outrageous?"

Laki sneered:"I tell you, this is the price!"

"You can talk about it or not, I'm not the one who's anxious now."


"What do you mean by"you!"

He said, ignoring the angry Colin, and shouted loudly:"Come on, get him out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came forward.


Colin looked grim.

"Mr. President, this price is too high and our country will not agree to it."

"Sure! Don't worry, I will find someone to tell the news. I believe many media will be interested in this matter."

"If the U.S. government is unwilling to sacrifice its power to save people, I wonder if the American people will pull you down."


Colin pointed at Lackey angrily.

Lackey said coldly:"I am despicable? Compared with what your country has done, I am far worse."

After that, he ignored Colin and turned away.

Colin was left with an angry and roaring face.

The news soon reached the White House of the United States.

It was learned that Lackey demanded 30 billion US dollars in compensation before releasing more than 4,000 prisoners.

Bush was so angry that he cursed:"Fuck!! Why doesn't he rob a bank?"

"30 billion US dollars, wishful thinking, impossible!"

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I'm a sabmado

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