
Why the fuck doesn't he just rob a bank?

"What about the hostages? Secretary of State Colin asked quietly.

Bush's face froze for a moment.

"Talking to them, $30 billion is impossible"

"But he said that the ransom must not be less, and he also said that if we did not agree, he would expose the matter and say that the government was unwilling to pay the ransom to save people."

Bush Sr.:???

Almost vomited blood. It was so damn treacherous.

Although he really did not want to pay the ransom, if the matter was really exposed and reported by the media, he would be despised by the people, and he might even die. Thinking of this, Bush Sr. trembled all over and shuddered.

"Damn rat, so cunning."

Bush's back teeth are almost bitten off.

"Promise him, it's just 30 billion, wait, after defeating Colombia, we will definitely wipe out these rats."Bush clenched his fists in anger, his face grim.


Looking at Bush, who was grim and furious, Colin swallowed his saliva.

Colombia, Bogota.

Louis received a call from Laki.

"What? You got 30 billion U.S. dollars?"

Louis, who received the call, was stunned.

Didn't they say 20 billion U.S. dollars? How come there was 10 billion more U.S. dollars all of a sudden?

After listening to Lackey's explanation, Louis smiled and said,"Are the Americans so obedient that they just gave the money?"

"Of course not, they refused on the spot, but I threatened them that if they didn't agree, I would spread rumors that the US government was unwilling to pay the ransom and redeem the captured soldiers. Hehe, with this threat, would they dare not take the money? If they didn't take the money, the American people would shoot them, so they had to agree."


Louis smiled and said,"Your conspiracy is good. It is really suitable to deal with the Americans. If we had known earlier, we could have asked for 50 billion US dollars. Maybe they would agree."

"Well...Boss, I still think 30 billion US dollars is safer."

"OK, when the money arrives, you keep $5 billion for government spending, and send the remaining $25 billion to Bogota."

"Yes, boss!"


After hanging up the phone, Louis was in a good mood.

His previous depression was swept away.

Adding the amount of the previous Iraqi order in the Middle East and the 25 billion US dollars, the funds in his personal account have reached 93.6 billion US dollars.

It is only one step away from 100 billion US dollars.

And this does not include the funds of his company's assets. If those are also counted, I am afraid it will be 200 billion US dollars.

His shares in the Camel National Oil Company alone are worth 20-30 billion US dollars according to the current market conditions.

Not to mention the funds and company shares held by the Global Investment Company in the United States, there are at least more than 30 billion US dollars.

With 200 billion US dollars, the system can be used to purchase more than 10,000 F35 stealth fighters.

Even if Ford-class aircraft carriers (US$500 million per ship) are purchased, 400 can be purchased.

With such strength, who can stop them?

Let alone one US country, even if it is 10 US countries, Louis feels that he can fight.

Of course, this is just a comparison of strength.

Once the war starts, it is all about money.

If there is no follow-up source, let alone 200 billion US dollars, even 2 trillion US dollars can be used to fight.

Thinking of this, Louis resisted the urge to explode the troops.

Now is not the time to increase the number of troops. If they increase the number of troops now, Miru and Eguar will be scared silly. How dare they follow the United States to declare war on Colombia?

Although they are strong and can ignore all external factors and fight whoever they want.

However, this is often condemned and sanctioned by the international community. Although he doesn't care, Colombia's economy cannot be affected. Moreover, the United States has to find an excuse to go to war, whether it is the Peninsula War, Annan, Iraq, or Afghanistan.

Even a world hegemon like the United States has to find an excuse, let alone Colombia at the moment.

Although he has assets of 200 billion US dollars, it does not mean that he has so much cash. Just like the shares of Shaluo Camel Oil, he has to sell the shares and exchange them for US dollars before he can recharge them in the system.

If he doesn't sell them, they are not worth a penny in the system.

This is also the reason why he has been holding back and has not chosen to take action against Miru and Eguar.

If the two countries follow the United States, or even if they do not send troops, they lend the passage to the United States to attack Colombia, he will also have reason to take action against Eguar and Miru.

After all, you Since you are letting the enemy attack me, then it is only natural that I regard you as my enemy.

Time came to June.

After half a month of trading, after paying the ransom, the Americans took the prisoners away.

Another half a month passed.

The US military had completed its pre-war preparations.

The Pentagon.

Conference room.

George H.W. Bush, the Secretary of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Vice President and other US military and political leaders gathered together. At this time, a US major general with a gold star on his shoulder, holding a command pole, pointed to the battle map on the wall and began to talk about the battle plan.

"In order to reduce losses and defeat Colombia in the fastest and most effective way, this combat plan will attack Colombia from four directions. (cbff)

The first direction is mainly based on ground armed forces, attacking the southern part of Colombia from the direction of Miru.

The second direction is to advance from the direction of Eguar, also with ground armed forces, to attack the western part of Colombia.

The third direction is to use two naval fleets to launch attacks on Colombia's coastal cities and important ports. The fourth direction will attack from the directions of Dominica and Bolivia. This route is mainly based on air force forces to destroy important military targets in Colombia."

After a pause, the US major continued:"The specific combat steps are as follows:

First, the Apache will be dispatched、MH-53 Pave Hawk helicopters and other helicopters will destroy multiple radar stations between Miru and Colombia, Ecuador and Colombia, including field radar vehicles, through low-altitude raids.

Before the helicopter formation sets off, 36 F117A bombers will be dispatched in three directions to attack the three long-range radar systems and power systems in Cali, Bogota, and Campo de la Cruz.

While the helicopter formation destroys the border ground radar and the stealth fighter destroys the enemy's long-range radar.

The two aircraft carrier fleets will launch Tomahawk cruise missiles to destroy the communication facilities and power supply networks of important cities such as Bogota and Medellin.

Subsequently, F15, F16 and F14.F/A-The first wave will dispatch 850 aircraft to attack the enemy's air defense system, communications, airports, etc. Before the attack, in order to reduce casualties, drones will be launched to induce the enemy's ground air defense system to open fire.

Once the enemy opens fire, the ground radar will inevitably be exposed. At this time, the fighter formation will launch missiles to destroy these air defense positions.

During the first wave of attacks, the second wave of 420 fighters will destroy the remaining valuable military targets, such as command centers, missile launch bases, naval ports and other important military facilities.

Third, the B52 in Miru, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico will be dispatched.、B-The 1st class bomber formation will conduct carpet bombing on the Columbian ground armored forces and military targets.

It is expected to bomb for at least a week.

After that, according to the situation, ground forces will be dispatched to attack from multiple directions. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The above is the battle plan for this operation."

"I am very satisfied with this plan. What do you think?"

Bush looked at everyone.

He agreed to use the advantages of the US military to carry out air strikes and sea attacks.

The army's strength is obvious to all.

But as long as the air force destroys the enemy's air defense, anti-missile, and airports, it will be able to gain air superiority. Once the air superiority is gained, the war will be more than half won.

"Mr. President, I think this plan is great and well thought out!"

"Yes, this plan is highly feasible!"


Everyone agreed.

In fact, the military already knew about this plan.

Today's meeting was mainly to report the operational ideas to the government, especially the president.

"Since everyone agrees, let's follow this plan."

Seeing that everyone agreed to this battle plan, Bush made the decision.

"What about the timing? When does the military plan to launch the attack?"[]

Hearing this, Secretary of Defense Cheney said:"We plan to launch the attack three days from now, at 1 a.m. on June 27."

Launching an attack in the early morning has become a common time for sneak attacks.

But it is indeed good.

The early morning time period is when people are most tired, and launching an attack does contribute to the success of the sneak attack.

Hearing that the attack would be launched at 1 a.m. two days later, Bush nodded.

He glanced at everyone in the conference room and said in a deep voice:"Everyone, this battle is related to our country's honor. We must fight with all our strength to defeat Colombia and restore the reputation of the United States."

""Yes, Mr. President."

Everyone stood up and answered in unison.

The voice was very loud.

Bush nodded with satisfaction, then signed his name on the battle plan and granted the authority to start the war.

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