The United States has mobilized a large number of troops to enter Ecuador and Miru.

Two aircraft carrier battle groups, nearly five aircraft carriers and more than 70 surface ships, have gathered in the waters near Dominica and Bogota and in Puerto Ayora, an overseas archipelago of Ecuador. It is called a joint military exercise between the United States and countries such as Maple Leaf and Eagle Country, but in fact everyone knows that this is aimed at Colombia.

Faced with the movements of the US military, Colombia naturally dare not relax.

Whether it is satellites in space or reconnaissance aircraft and drones, they are all paying close attention to and keeping an eye on the movements of the US military.

Although it is not clear when the US military will leave, there is still the necessary vigilance, and the entire army has entered the first level of combat readiness.


National Defense Building

"According to our satellite reconnaissance, the United States has been making frequent movements in Miru and Ecuador recently. In addition, satellites have also captured a US F-117 stealth attack aircraft at a military airport in Miru."


Louis became excited:"That military airport, wasn't there before?"

"No, we checked the satellite images from a week ago and did not find any F-117 stealth attack aircraft."

"In other words, these stealth fighters arrived recently?"


"How many are there?"

"From the satellite photos, we found about 17"

"That's a lot of numbers." Louis smiled and said,"It seems that the US military is going to take action against us. It will probably take only half a month. Otherwise, they wouldn't be in a hurry to send the F117 stealth attack aircraft to the front line."

"Boss, do you want us to launch an attack first and catch them off guard?" said Thomas, the deputy commander of the Air Force.

"NO"Louis shook his head:"Our goal this time is to defeat the United States, but only one of our goals. The real goal is to seize Ecuador and the northern part of Miru."

"If we start a war now, we will not be in the right place in the international community, so we must let them attack first."

"But if we let them attack, we may suffer heavy losses." said Chief of Staff Bosney, frowning.

Louis nodded.

"This is indeed a problem"

"Therefore, the intelligence, radar, and communications departments need to cooperate fully to monitor the movements of the US military."

"Frontline troops must not relax, and must be highly alert to enemy actions, especially air defense forces, to prevent their stealth fighters from advancing or flying at low altitudes to attack radar stations."

In modern warfare, there are only a few tactics.

Enemy radars must be destroyed before the war begins, otherwise the movements of air force fighters can be detected by the enemy.

This is why, in modern warfare, after the war begins, the enemy's radar, power, and communication systems must be quickly destroyed. As long as these three are destroyed, the enemy's combat power will basically be lost by half.

If the airport and fighter planes are destroyed, the balance of victory can be as high as 70%.

Because it means air supremacy.

No matter how powerful the ground forces are, what's the use.

You can't hit him, but he can drop bombs and bomb. In the long run, after the elite troops are eliminated, the ground armored forces will be sent to finish.

Therefore, air supremacy in modern warfare is crucial.

The key to the success of this series of military action plans lies in whether the radar, power, and communication systems can be quickly destroyed.

"Don't worry, boss. We have deployed a large number of H-17A air defense missile systems in the border areas, and FK-3 air defense missile systems and S-400 air defense missile systems near major power plants and radar stations to ensure the safety of power plants, radars and communication facilities."

Lieutenant General Salirudolf, commander of the air defense forces, said

"Well, it's a good thing to have confidence. In short, the whole army should be on alert and don't take it lightly."


Everyone responded in unison.

As the order was issued, especially after it was judged that the US military would take action within the next half month, the entire National Defense Force completely entered the first level of combat readiness.

Time passed in a flash.

It was 35 minutes in the morning of June 27.

The US military bases in Miru and Ecuador were completely mobilized.

Especially at the air force base, a large number of pilots were making final inspections and preparations, and ground crews were also dragging missiles and bombs out of the warehouse and installing them on the wings of fighter planes.

At a military base in Miru.

15 F-117 stealth attack aircraft, carrying AGM-88A radiation missiles and AGM-65"Livestock" air-to-ground missiles, were making final preparations for takeoff.

At this time, in front of this batch of F117 stealth attack aircraft, a middle-aged soldier looked at the time on his watch. After the pointer turned to the time target position, the man's face became serious and waved his hand, saying:"The time has come, take off, gogo! Quick, boys, take off!!"

Hearing this, the ground crew hurriedly evacuated.

The pilots drove their fighter planes one after another, lined up in an orderly manner, and taxied towards the airport runway.

The runway guidance lights were already on.

After the guide vehicle led the first fighter plane to the target location, it quickly evacuated.

A moment later


A fierce flame burst out from the jet nozzle of the fighter's engine, which was particularly obvious in the dark night.

The fighter slowly glided on the runway, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When there were less than 60 meters left, the plane quickly took off, and the altitude became higher and higher, and finally rushed into the sky.

Then, the second one took off.

The third one , and so on until the 17th one took off.

All F117 stealth attack aircraft took off.

However, the airport did not stop.

A large number of F15 and F16 fighters were making final preparations for takeoff and bomb loading.

Miru, Iquitos City.

Downtown Air Force Base.

12 Apaches and 8 MH-53 Pave Hawk helicopters took off at the airport, and then formed a triangle formation in the air, flying low and flying towards the border area.

In just ten minutes, they crossed the border and entered the territory of Colombia.


60 kilometers away from the border, the 35th Armored Brigade of the Colombian Defense Force is stationed here. It is a heavy armored brigade with Leopard 2A7 tanks.

In addition to the H -17A combat air defense system, there is also a FK-3 air defense system with a radar detection range of 160 kilometers, which is used to make up for the short detection distance of the H-17A radar.

At this time, at an altitude of 300 kilometers above Soledad, a KJ-500 early warning aircraft is performing a combat patrol mission, and there are 4 F35 stealth fighters around.

Since the showdown with the US military, combat patrols have become a routine.

In the past, patrols were conducted every few days.

However, since the US military has frequently stationed in Miru and Ecuador, patrols have become more frequent.

Especially after it was determined that the US military might attack in the past half month, combat patrols were carried out almost 24 hours a day.

Some time ago, in order to maintain vigilance, Louis expanded the number of early warning aircraft from 3 to 12, and then rotated every 12 hours.

In other words, in the border area, there are always 6 early warning aircraft on alert.

You must know that the detection range of the KJ-500 early warning aircraft is 500-600 kilometers. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Six aircraft are enough to detect enemies coming from all directions.

As for ground radar, due to the altitude problem, it is often weak in detecting low-altitude flying targets.

Radars with low-altitude detection often have limited search distances.

In this case, the importance of early warning aircraft is highlighted. Early warning aircraft can also detect low-altitude targets.

At this time, the radar operator of this early warning aircraft suddenly found that the radar scanned multiple unidentified targets, which were moving rapidly, much faster than ordinary birds, and the size of the reflected electromagnetic waves was also relatively large, although it was a little smaller than that of fighter planes.

Asking for flowers

"Squad leader, please take a look. I have something going on here."


Hearing the voice, the squad leader walked over quickly.

The radar operator raised his hand and pointed to the display in front of him:"Look, this reflected electromagnetic wave is very fast, and there are so many of them. Judging from the route, it seems to be heading towards the location of the 35th Brigade. I suspect it may be a low-flying helicopter."

The squad leader carefully looked at the radar reflected wave and his expression became solemn:"Order Bailong 1 and Bailong 2 to intercept, and immediately contact the headquarters and call the 35th Brigade, saying that they suspect an enemy plane is attacking at low altitude."


The communicator immediately got busy and quickly reported the situation back to the headquarters.[]

At the same time, there were 4 F35 stealth fighters guarding on both sides.

Two of them broke away from the formation and quickly flew towards the target.

For the F35 fighter with a speed of up to Mach 1.6, a distance of more than 200 kilometers only takes a few minutes.

Moreover, the Archer 4E air-to-air missiles (with a range of 145 kilometers) did not need to approach at all. With the data link of the early warning aircraft, the two fighters quickly launched 12 Archer 4E air-to-air missiles after reaching the range.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

12 missiles quickly flew towards the target with tail flames.

At the same time, the early warning radar of the US helicopter formation flying at low altitude quickly sounded a warning.、

"Beep, beep..."

"No, we've been locked up."

"Damn, there are missiles"

"Quick!! Evade."

The fleet hurriedly descended again, intending to use the terrain to evade.

If they pulled up, it would undoubtedly be���It's like looking for death.

If you lower your altitude, you can still rely on the terrain to see if you can avoid it.

But lowering your altitude is also dangerous.

There is a dense forest below, and if you get caught by a branch, you're doomed.


An MH-53 Pave Hawk helicopter was hit and exploded, and a huge flame instantly burned.

"Ah!! I was hit"


An Apache released jammers but still failed to dodge and was hit by a missile.

There was a violent explosion and the entire helicopter fell rapidly to the ground as if its legs were pulled.


The helicopter fell into the dense forest, making a roaring explosion, and instantly a fire broke out.

One after another.

In a moment, 12 helicopters were shot down.


Such a huge loss, not even seeing the enemy, made the person in charge of this operation swear.

A large number of helicopters fell into the dense forest, exploded, and burned, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding 35th Brigade.

At this point, the 35th Armored Brigade received the information.

After learning the situation, the communicator first warned the air defense force, and then immediately found the brigade commander

"What's the matter?" the brigade commander asked as he put on his clothes.

"Report to the brigade commander, the early warning aircraft sent a message that the enemy is attacking at low altitude."

Hearing this, the brigade commander's face changed.

""Quick, notify the whole brigade to enter combat status."

After saying that, he quickly walked to the command center.

As the order was issued, the whole brigade started to move.

At this time, the US helicopter formation was only 8 kilometers away from the 35th Brigade and had entered the range of the Hellfire missiles.

After quickly locking onto the target,

"" Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The remaining eight helicopters instantly fired dozens of rockets.

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