Dozens of Hellfire missiles are coming

H -17A air defense missile system, instantly firing at full power

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

Anti-aircraft missiles soared into the sky in an instant, then turned after a few dozen meters and flew towards the target.

An H-17A long-range anti-aircraft missile launcher can be equipped with 8 surface-to-air missiles, can handle 48 targets at the same time, and intercept multiple targets among them, with a range of more than 20 kilometers. As for why it was discovered only now, it is mainly because the H-17A has a short-range interception system and a limited radar detection range, not to mention the FK-3 air defense system with a detection range of 120 kilometers.

So under normal circumstances, the H-17A will not be turned on.

With this FK-3 air defense missile system, several launchers are also locking on eight armed helicopters.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

More than a dozen anti-aircraft missiles were launched instantly.




H -17 The air defense missiles fired by the short-range air defense missile system collided with the rockets and exploded instantly, with flames spurting out like a fireball, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark night. The ground-based individual Stinger air defense missiles were also not idle, and quickly fired multiple air defense missiles at the helicopters that were firing machine gun bullets in the air.


Seeing the continuous alarm prompts on the Lei"350", a helicopter pilot hurriedly pulled up, turned the direction, and quickly released tin foil jamming bombs.

It was less than five kilometers away, and there were plains and dense forests around. If you want to avoid it, you have to dive into the forest.

If that's the case, there is no need for missile attacks, the plane will be destroyed and the people will die.

Besides, even if you dodge an anti-aircraft missile, what can you do?

Not counting the anti-aircraft missiles that intercept rockets, the number of missiles launched by the FK-3 air defense system and the Stinger individual anti-aircraft missiles alone reached more than 20.

There are eight helicopters, and each helicopter can be allocated 3 missiles on average.

In such a short distance, can you dodge?


A moment later, the eight low-flying helicopters were quickly shot down by anti-aircraft missiles, and then fell into the dense forest and exploded.

Seeing that the first wave of raids had failed, the US military was not discouraged. They still had stealth fighters.

Breaking through from three directions, as long as they could destroy three long-range radars, they would have a chance to win.

At this time, at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, 36 F117 stealth attacks carrying AGM-88A radiation missiles and AGM-65"Livestock" air-to-ground missiles were crossing the border and flying towards the target area.

However, their proud stealth technology was completely invisible in front of the advanced active phased array radar.

"Report to the squad leader, multiple enemy targets have been spotted, at an altitude of 13,000 meters, 280 kilometers away from us, and they are flying at high altitude"

"Report the situation to headquarters immediately."


At the same time, a military base in the suburbs of Cali, Colombia, deployed an S-400 air defense missile system (1 battalion organization). It has also detected an F117 stealth fighter at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

""Report to the battalion commander, there is something wrong."

The soldier in charge of radar monitoring said urgently.

Upon hearing this, the battalion commander of the S-400 air defense missile system walked over quickly.

"Hey, these little bastards are really here."

Looking at the target on the radar screen, the battalion commander did not panic. The distance was more than 300 kilometers.

"Why is there so little radar reflection? Could it be the legendary stealth fighter of the US military?"

"Battalion commander, do you want to shoot it down?"

"No, we are the sea-stabilizing force, how can we be easily exposed? Inform the headquarters, and they will arrange for brother departments along the route to intercept."

Columbia is equipped with air defense systems, mainly FK-3 and S-400 air defense missile systems, which can intercept targets at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, and can detect stealth fighters.

The difference is that the FK-3 air defense missile system has a range of only 100 kilometers, while the 40N6 air defense missile equipped with the S-400 has a range of 400 kilometers. In terms of radar, the H-200 phased array radar carried has a range of only 120 kilometers, which is much weaker than the S-400.

An S-400 air defense missile system battalion can buy 10 FK-3 air defense missile systems.

So what can be solved with FK-3, naturally, does not need S-400.

After the headquarters received the information, it quickly issued a shoot-down order to an FK-3 air defense missile battalion stationed in Popayan.

Ten thousand meters high.

The formation of 12 F117s was flying according to the established flight route.

Their goal was to bomb the Voronezh-DM radar system in the city of Kali.

The other two formations of F117 stealth attack aircraft also had similar missions.

At this time, they crossed the border and flew nervously for a distance, more than 100 kilometers deep into the hinterland. The Colombian ground forces did not respond, indicating that the Colombian ground radar system did not detect them, which made all the pilots in the formation breathe a sigh of relief.

According to the plan, they only need to fly 100 kilometers to enter the range of the AGM-88A rapid anti-radiation missile. As long as they drop the anti-radiation bomb, they can suppress and destroy the enemy's long-range radar system.

Then they will launch the AGM-65"Livestock" air-to-ground missile to completely destroy the enemy's long-range radar system, and their mission will be completed. They can go back to the base to drink champagne to celebrate.

But what they don't know is that it's not that they didn't find him.

They just want to shoot them down with more cost-effective missiles.

Popayan City

FK-The radar of the 3rd air defense missile battalion also detected the F117 stealth attack aircraft in the sky, and received the order to shoot it down from the air defense headquarters.

Without hesitation, the battalion commander immediately issued the order to"open fire".

With the order, the launch vehicles that had already entered combat status immediately launched more than a dozen surface-to-air missiles.

One after another, the air defense missiles rose into the air.


It flew into the sky with a roar.

It flew to the target at a speed of Mach 6.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters,

Harun was driving an F117 stealth attack aircraft. Compared with others who were skeptical about the stealth of this fighter, he was very confident in the stealth ability of this fighter.

After all, the radar did not detect it in many internal military exercises.

Even the radar system of the powerful United States did not detect it, let alone Colombia.

"Monkeys, wait a little longer, and you will be able to taste the sausages your father sent you."

Just as Harun was imagining the panic of the Colombians when he dropped the bomb on Cali. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

""Beep, beep!"

Suddenly, the early warning radar gave an urgent warning.

"Shit? What the hell?"

He quickly looked at the early warning radar.

A red box popped up on the early warning radar saying"Locked by the enemy""

"fcuk! How did they find out!"

Without caring about how the Colombians found the F117 stealth fighter, Harun quickly pulled up.

The formation was now in complete chaos.

Because they were also locked by missiles like Harun.....

Each fighter plane quickly performed evasive maneuvers to avoid the incoming missiles and released jammers at the right time. Jammers are not good if they are released too early or too late. It all depends on the speed of the incoming anti-aircraft missiles.

"Boom! Boom!"

Due to confusion and operational problems, the two F117 fighters collided with each other.

They lost their balance instantly.

"Boom boom!!"[]

Before he could react to what was happening, he was hit by an anti-aircraft missile flying at a speed of Mach 6.



The two F117A fighters were instantly blown up and turned into two fireballs.

Like fireworks, they began to fall to the ground.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

A pilot released a jamming bomb urgently, but it was too late. As soon as it was released, the tail engine of the fighter plane was hit.


A violent explosion sounded, and the engine was blown up into flames and debris flew everywhere.

A puff of black smoke came out, as if it had lost power.

It was descending rapidly.

""Fuck!! I've been hit, I've been hit!"

Harun was also highly focused at this time, listening to the panic of his companions on the radio.

He had just released a jamming bomb, and the timing was very good. He successfully used the jamming bomb to lure the anti-aircraft missile to explode, thus avoiding it.

But he was not happy.

The other party could find him.

He could find him a second time.

He hurriedly changed his route and headed towards the sea. As for bombing, what's the point of bombing?

How can you bomb if others have already discovered you?

Maybe the air force is rushing here.

If you don't evacuate quickly, you can't get away.

As for saving him, don't be kidding, he can't save himself.

You can only pray that God bless them.

"Beep, beep..."

Harun hadn't been able to rejoice for long when the airborne early warning radar started to alarm again.

"It's over." Harun showed a desperate expression when he saw several missiles flying towards him.

""Boom boom!"

Two missiles hit the target successfully one after another. 5.9 was instantly blown into a fireball, and then fell down at a high speed. In Quito, the capital of

Ecuador , at the front-line headquarters of the US military, the radar screen showed the logos of our fighter planes disappearing one by one. The front-line commander, the four-star general of the Army, Yodon, could not sit still.

"What the fuck?"

"How did they find out?"

However, no one could answer.

You know, stealth fighters have just come out, not to mention anti-stealth radar.

However, the nightmare is not over.

Soon, the signal signs of the F117 stealth fighter formations in the other two directions disappeared one after another.

"How could this happen!"

Yoton looked horrified. All 36 F117 stealth fighters were shot down.

Not only was he dumbfounded, but the operations command room, especially the head of the air force formation, was even more distraught, with eyes wide open and faces full of disbelief.

If it was replaced with other fighters, it would not be a big deal to be shot down.

But this is an F117 stealth fighter.

The most advanced fighter in the world, the magic weapon for victory this time, was actually shot down.

And the whole army was wiped out.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the US military, which was full of confidence before the war.

(Ps: I can only update four times today, the jam is too serious! Don't worry, it won't be eunuch, there will be 5 updates tomorrow)

I'm a sabmado

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