At the beginning, the first and second steps failed in succession.

This made Yoton wonder if the action plan had been leaked.

Otherwise, the failure of the action plan could not be explained.

But now there is no turning back, the war has already started, and we can only continue to fight.

The news quickly reached the Pentagon.

Faced with the failure of the first two waves of attacks, especially the dozens of F117s shot down, some were shocked and stunned, and did not understand why the powerful F117 fighter with stealth combat capability could be discovered and shot down by the enemy.

But things have happened, and there is no point in thinking about it.

Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made a prompt decision to let the two major aircraft carrier fleets launch Tomahawk cruise missiles to destroy the power supply systems, communications, and radar systems of major cities such as Colombia, Bogota, Medellin, and Cali.

At the same time, he ordered the fighter formations of Miru, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, in cooperation with drones, electronic warfare aircraft, and early warning aircraft, to enter Colombia from four directions after the Tomahawk cruise missile attack. The

F-117s of the five aircraft carriers/A-18 and F-14 Tomcat carrier-based aircraft clusters will also attack at the same time.

Pacific Ocean.

Eguar, overseas province near the San Salva Islands.

Some ships of the US 7th Fleet are parked here.

2 aircraft carriers and more than 30 surface ships, in addition to several nuclear submarines cruising in the distance.

At this time, the originally silent fleet is now busy.


The emergency bell rang.

The fleet seemed to come alive.

"Report, the Pentagon called and requested to carry out strikes on the target area."

Hearing this, the commander of the fleet, the admiral, looked slightly stern, and immediately gave an order in a deep voice:"Order each fleet to fire at the previously scheduled targets."

""Yes!" the order was given.

Suddenly, the entire fleet moved.

"call out!!"


Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from various warships, dragging hot tail flames, quickly rising into the air, and then flying towards the target at a speed of 0.72 Mach.

At the same time.

In the Caribbean Sea, the US 2nd Fleet.

Nearly 50 warships from various countries also launched hundreds of 22 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the same time.


Underground bunker.

Operations command room

"Report: The Voronezh-DM radar systems in Cali, Bogota, and Campo de la Cruz have all detected that the US fleet has launched a large number of Tomahawk cruise missiles from two directions."

Hearing this, everyone in the command room changed their expressions.

"How many are there?"

"The total number exceeds 1,000." Gavin, Bosney and others changed their expressions when they heard that there were 1,000 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

"Immediately activate the air defense interception system and order the air defense forces to intercept with all their strength."


The order was quickly issued to the air defense force headquarters.

Seeing the information, Lieutenant General Salirudov, commander of the air defense force, did not hesitate at all:"Order the air defense forces in various places to intercept with all their strength."


An S-400 air defense missile battalion.

Because of the distance, the missile battalion was equipped with radar and did not detect the trajectory of the Tomahawk cruise missile at this time, but from the Voronezh-DM radar system, after the long-range radar transmitted the trajectory of the enemy's cruise missile, it immediately entered a high alert. As long as the radar can lock, it will immediately launch an interception.

At this time, Louis also rushed from home to the underground bunker command post.


Seeing Louis coming, Gavin and others stood up quickly.

Louis raised his hand to interrupt everyone's polite conversation, and asked solemnly:"What's the situation now?"

"We have repelled two sneak attacks from the enemy. Now the two fleets of the US military have launched thousands of Tomahawk cruise missiles from the Atlantic and Pacific directions. I have notified the air defense forces to intercept these missiles with all their strength."

Chief of General Staff Bosni introduced the current situation.

Thousands of Tomahawk cruise missiles?

Louis's face changed drastically.

"The air defense force has so many air defense missiles?"

He asked a very critical question.

He remembered that the entire Columbia had deployed 13 FK-3 and 6 S-400 air defense missile systems, which could launch five or six hundred air defense missiles at the same time.

And even if this wave could be intercepted, would the inventory be gone?

Since the U.S. military has started the war, it will definitely not attack once and for all.

After this wave of attacks, there must be a large-scale fighter air strike.

Thinking of this, Louis did not rush to discuss with everyone, but went directly into a room and immediately opened the system mall.

First, he bought 5,000 FK-3 missiles.

Then he bought 500 40N6 air defense missiles. This missile is an ultra-long-range air defense missile launched by the S-400 air defense missile system. It is also one of the longest-range air defense missiles currently used in Columbia.

In addition to purchasing air defense missiles.

Louis also hurriedly bought 10 battalion H -9B air defense missile system, non-export type.

This air defense missile system is one of the important long-range air defense missile systems of Longguo in the future. It uses an active phased array multi-function radar with a radar detection range of 300 kilometers and a missile range of 260 kilometers. What is purchased is an upgraded version, and one launch vehicle is upgraded from the original 4 air defense missiles to 8.

1 battalion (like the S400, it has 4 missile companies, each with 3 launch vehicles.) 12 launch vehicles, based on 8 air defense missiles per launch vehicle, 1 H-9B air defense missile battalion can launch 96 air defense missiles at the same time.

10 battalions can intercept nearly a thousand missiles at the same time.

Together with FK-3 and S400, it forms a three-level interception system of low, medium and high.

Including the short-range H-17A air missile system, it is a four-level system.

1 battalion H-9B air defense missile system, the system price is 5 million US dollars.

In addition, an additional 2,000 H-9B air defense missiles and H -17A air-to-air missiles 5,000.

This order cost 300 million US dollars.

Compared with the loss, this amount of money is nothing.

"Give me the air defense force deployment map."

After buying the air defense missiles, Luis urgently asked someone to find the air defense force deployment map.

The speed of the Tomahawk cruise missile is only 0.72 Mach. The nearest Pacific Fleet is more than 900 kilometers away from the Colombian coastline. At this speed, it takes more than an hour. As for the Atlantic direction, it is even slower.

That's why he wanted to use this time difference to quickly strengthen the air defense force.

Soon, he had a map of the air defense force deployment in his hand.

As can be seen from the map, the FK-3 is mainly deployed in border areas and important coastal cities.

The S400 is mainly deployed in major cities such as Cali, Medellin, Bogota, Bucaramanga, and Barranquilla. The newly recruited 10 H-9B air defense missile battalions were deployed in cities or towns such as Neiva, 200 kilometers away from the border. Among them, 6 are mainly deployed in the eastern region. Two of the remaining 4 are deployed in the northern region. The northern region is mainly to prevent the attack of the 2nd Fleet. The 10 H -

9B air defense missile battalions were deployed in cities or towns 200 kilometers away from the border.

Among them, 6 are mainly deployed in the eastern region.

Two of the remaining 4 are deployed in the northern region.

The northern region is mainly to prevent the attack of the 2nd Fleet.

After the deployment of the 9B air defense missile battalion, he materialized the missiles in these locations, and materialized the newly purchased FK-3 and 40N6 air defense missiles to the corresponding locations according to the air defense force deployment map, so that there would be no lack of follow-up air defense missiles after the launch.

After all the weapons and missiles were materialized.

Louis returned to the combat command room

"Have you detected the location of the enemy's aircraft carrier fleet?"

It's enough to passively take a beating once. It's not his temper to take a beating all the time.

"The satellite has detected it, in these two sea areas."

Bosney pointed to the two sea areas on the battle map.

Louis took a look, then stood up and said coldly:"Since the fight has started, don't be polite. Immediately order the Strategic Rocket Force to concentrate its forces and sink their aircraft carrier for me." The

Strategic Rocket Force is equipped with DF-17 hypersonic medium-range ballistic missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers and a speed of Mach 10, which is fully capable of hitting the two US aircraft carrier battle groups.

At present, Columbia has 2 DF-17 missile brigades and 1 DF-21 missile brigade, 72 missile launchers, and can launch 72 anti-ship missiles at the same time.

"Order the B2 stealth bomber formation to take off and head to Miru and Ecuador to attack their power plants and communication facilities!"

"Order the F35A fighter formation to carry anti-radiation missiles to destroy the radar facilities in the border areas of the two countries."

Normally, the Sharp 16D electronic warfare aircraft should be used to suppress and destroy the enemy's electronic radar system first, but with the F35A stealth fighter, and the enemy has no anti-stealth radar, there is no need to send the Sharp 16D, and the F35A fighter can be used directly.

"After the F35A stealth fighter destroyed the enemy's radar, all the J-16 and Snapdragon 3 fighters were dispatched, with the cooperation of the early warning aircraft, to attack military targets in Miru, Ecuador and other regions, such as airports, air defense missile positions, etc."

"Order the Pacific Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet of the Navy to find the enemy fleet and destroy them."

The Navy has a total of 14 Brigade Yang-class 3DL (05 II) destroyers and 16 Jiangkai 1B (05 IV B) frigates that can launch YJ-18 anti-ship missiles.

In addition, there are 50 missile boats that can launch YJ83 anti-ship missiles.

The latter are beyond the reach of missile boats.

It mainly depends on destroyers and frigates.

As Luis issued one order after another, the entire Colombian navy, air force, and strategic rocket force were mobilized. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A land-based DF-17 missile battalion is deployed in Ibague City, 100 kilometers away from Bogota.

Under the shrill alarm, the entire battalion was dispatched, driving the launch vehicle to the designated combat position.

The launch vehicle quickly entered the launch state.

Similar scenes were launched in more than a dozen places.

The three missile brigades were deployed in different places in Colombia according to the battalion level, and were dispersed to avoid being wiped out in one pot.

Soon it arrived at the designated firing time.


Accompanied by the battalion commander's order to fire, the 4 launch vehicles immediately opened fire

"call out!"


""Swish, swish, swish!"

16 DF-17 anti-ship missiles quickly took off, dragging a white tail flame in the air and piercing the sky.

Compared with the 0.72 Mach speed of the US Tomahawk cruise missile,

Columbia launched a DF-17、DF-21 land-based anti-ship missiles can reach Mach 10, which can be said to be more than 10 times the speed[]


Air Force Base.

The lights were bright at this time, and the whole airport was busy.

One after another, B2 stealth bombers slowly slid out of the huge hangar.

In the sky, there were already more than 20 F35A fighters circling around, and they would go with the B2 stealth bombers.

At the same time, in the Ibague area, there were also several B2 stealth bombers, F35A fighters and KJ-500 early warning aircraft taking off.

Medellin, Cali, Neiva, Barranquilla, Cartagena, almost all air force bases were taking off urgently at this moment.

With such a large-scale takeoff, the only Pave Paws long-range early warning radar in the southern United States also quickly detected thousands of target points (anti-ship missiles and non-stealth fighters, including air defense missiles that intercepted Tomahawk cruise missiles)


""Oh my God!"

The operator of the US PAVE PAWS long-range early warning radar station was shocked and exclaimed when he saw the dense reminder points.

At the same time, the DF-17 and DF-21 anti-ship missiles flying at a speed of Mach 10 713 only took a few minutes to cross 700 to 800 kilometers.

In the Caribbean Sea, Dominican Republic, the US 2nd Fleet's air defense early warning radar has sounded.


Facing the fierce missiles, the fleet frigates and destroyers carrying anti-aircraft missiles launched hundreds of standard anti-aircraft missiles.

It is undoubtedly a pipe dream to intercept the hypersonic anti-ship missiles coming at high speed.

"Shit, what happened? Why didn't they intercept it?"

Seeing their own anti-aircraft missiles intersect with the enemy's missiles, it should have exploded and the enemy's missiles should have been intercepted, but the radar showed that the enemy's anti-ship missiles were still moving forward.

Seeing the anti-ship missiles flying at high speed, the whole fleet panicked.

"Shit! It's too fast. Oh my god, what kind of missile is this? It's so fast."

No one answered him.




Instantly, multiple DF-17 and DF-21 anti-ship missiles hit the USS Eisenhower.

There was a huge explosion, and a huge hole was pierced through the deck.

Some unlucky people were killed in an instant before they could react. Go to see their God.


Another anti-ship missile hit the USS Eisenhower. After hitting four Dongfeng series anti-ship missiles in a row, this surface giant made a"creaking" sound, and the bottom hull was torn apart, and a large amount of seawater poured in.


Another anti-ship missile, this time it hit the ammunition depot directly.


The entire aircraft carrier made a violent explosion.

A huge wave was set off.

"oh, god!"

"The Eisenhower is going to sink!"

The destroyers and frigates in the surrounding waters looked at the burning and sinking Eisenhower aircraft carrier with horror.

At this moment, the US Navy soldiers who had not yet died on the aircraft carrier were howling miserably. A large number of soldiers chose to jump directly into the sea! As for the injured soldiers, no one cared. Saving their lives was the most important thing. If they didn't leave, they would sink with the aircraft carrier.


The USS Carl Vinson was also hit by three anti-ship missiles at this moment, and the situation was not good. Several large holes were pierced through the entire deck, and a raging flame ignited in the cabin. If nothing unexpected happened, the aircraft carrier would sink.

The same is true for the USS Abraham Lincoln.

The terminal speed is 10 Mach.

Not to mention the current air defense missiles of the US military. Even if we wait another 30 years, the US military dare not say that it can intercept them. What

's more, the existing Standard 1 and Standard 2 air defense missiles.

Series like the Standard can still intercept the YJ series anti-ship missiles..

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