The US 2nd Fleet is in the Dominican Sea, less than 30 nautical miles away from the Dominican Republic. The news that the US fleet was attacked by hypersonic anti-ship missiles naturally attracted the attention of the Dominican Republic.

After all, they also provided military airports to the US military, which can be said to be indirectly supporting the US military's operations.

At this time, a Dominican maritime patrol aircraft was flying along the coastline in the sky and saw the US fleet attacked by anti-ship missiles.

"Oh, God, the US fleet's aircraft carrier was attacked by multiple missiles"

"It's incredible. Isn't the US fleet invincible? How did it get attacked? Why didn't so many frigates and destroyers intercept the enemy's anti-ship missiles?"

"Shit! All three aircraft carriers were attacked by missiles."

Looking at the aircraft carrier surrounded by flames in the distance, it can be seen from a long distance, like a bright light on the dark ocean.

Not only did this maritime patrol plane see it, but the merchant ships sailing around also saw the attacked aircraft carrier fleet.

Looking at the hellish scene in front of them, everyone widened their eyes with an incredible look on their faces.

Could it be that the US fleet galloping across the four oceans will be wiped out like the war in the Middle East?

Part of the 7th Fleet in the Pacific Ocean formed a joint fleet with the Maple Leaf Country.

At this time, they did not know that the 2nd Fleet had been attacked.


Suddenly, the early warning radar sounded a crazy alarm.

The radar operator was so scared that he almost sat down on the ground. He shouted in panic:"There is an enemy attack, a missile attack! Oh my God, there are dozens of missiles attacking!"

Suddenly, the entire aircraft carrier battle group was in chaos.

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the aircraft carrier battle group.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

After quickly locking onto the target, the captain immediately shouted,"Fire!"

The frigate immediately launched more than a dozen standard anti-aircraft missiles. At the same time, other frigates and destroyers also"Swish, swish, swish!" launched anti-aircraft missiles, trying to intercept these missiles flying at high speed.

Just as the captains of the combined fleet held their breath, hoping to intercept them, they saw that the opponent's missiles actually changed their trajectory.

"what, fuck?"

"What the hell?"

"How could this missile change its trajectory?"

All the fleet commanders and radar operators looked as if they had seen a ghost.

There was no doubt that the DF17 anti-ship missile changed its trajectory many times, which completely broke their cognition.

However, the response to everyone was a"boom" and an explosion.



Anti-ship missiles hit the aircraft carriers one after another, and there were continuous explosions, accompanied by fire and strong flames.

In just a moment, the two aircraft carriers were attacked by no less than 15 DF-17 anti-ship missiles, and the two aircraft carriers shook and vibrated violently.

Countless people on the aircraft carriers cried for their parents.

The Ticonderoga-class cruisers, Charles Adams-class destroyers, and Spruance-class destroyers on the periphery were not much better, and all were targeted and eliminated. As for the frigates, they were much safer. DF17 and DF21 were mainly used to attack aircraft carriers, followed by Iwo Jima-class amphibious assault ships, cruisers, and destroyers. As for the frigates, they were no longer within the attack range.

Compared with the sinking speed of aircraft carriers, destroyers and cruisers, basically, as long as they were hit by one shot, they would be doomed.

The sinking speed was extremely fast.

The entire fleet was burning everywhere, and the sinking warships , countless soldiers of the Combined Fleet jumped into the sea, and the frigates that were not hit also quickly released lifeboats to rescue the soldiers in the sea.

Here, above Columbia, the belated Tomahawk cruise missiles were intercepted and shot down by the air defense missile system before they approached the coastline.

The US Air Force, which had been hovering in the border area, also brazenly crossed the border and divided into multiple strike groups, intending to destroy Columbia's ground radar, air defense missile positions and air force bases.

More than 800 fighter jets attacked from multiple directions.

In order to attract Columbia's ground-based air defense missiles to open fire, each strike group carries a group of drones. At present, they are inducing Columbia's ground-based air defense to open fire, and then they quickly lock on to the fire control radar of the ground-based air defense missile position and then destroy it.

However, their strategy had long been identified by early warning aircraft and long-range radar systems.


Underground bunker

"Order the ground-based air defense missile units not to open fire, and let the field units' H-17A air defense systems intercept."

Louis looked at the battle map, a ruthless look flashed across his eyes, and he said in a deep voice:"Order the Air Force fighter formation to destroy this group of fighters, and tell them not to let any of them escape!"


Soon Louis' order was given to the AWACS.

The AWACS also quickly adjusted its strategy and divided into multiple clusters.

The J-16D electronic warfare aircraft took the lead, suppressing and destroying the enemy's radar and electronic warfare communication systems, and the J-16 and Snapdragon 3 fighters went up to harvest.

As for the B2 stealth bomber and F35A fighter, they attacked the military bases of Miru and Ecuador.

In the airspace of La Macarena in Meta Province, Colombia, a formation of dozens of fighters flew under the command of a KJ-500 AWACS system.

At this time, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the radar operator of the AWACS suddenly detected the target.

"Report to the squad leader, enemy aircraft formation spotted"

"How many?"

"There are two echelons, with a total of 65 aircraft, with F15 and F16 as the main force. In addition, a small number of F14 aircraft and several enemy electronic warfare aircraft were also found."

KJ-500 AWACS, in 20 years, it will be the world's leading AWACS, not only can it detect stealth fighters, but also at a long distance. For non-stealth fighters, the detection distance is 500-600 kilometers. The most advanced E3 AWACS of the US military currently uses AN/APY-The Type 1 S-band pulse Doppler radar still uses mechanical scanning, which is not only slow to rotate, but also has a speed scanning detection range of only more than 300 kilometers.

Moreover, the digital array gallium nitride used by the KJ-500 early warning aircraft is completely overwhelming.

In other words, the KJ500 early warning aircraft has discovered the target, but the target has not yet discovered the KJ500 early warning aircraft.

"Order the 16D electronic warfare aircraft formation to move forward and implement electronic jamming and suppression on the enemy aircraft formation."


The order was issued.

The Sharp 16D electronic warfare aircraft flying in the front quickly increased the throttle and rushed to the target area.

Implementing the confusing tactics, that is, creating a false target.

The US military formation

"Shit, enemy planes were spotted, whit, fuck, a large number of enemy planes were spotted in front of us on the left and right, a total of 100."

The radar of the US E2 early warning aircraft quickly discovered a large number of targets on both sides.

"It's the enemy's electronic warfare aircraft, start the anti-interference."

Although he didn't understand how Columbia had an electronic warfare aircraft, the facts before him didn't give him time to think about it.

In electronic warfare, power is important. Whoever has greater radiation power can suppress the opponent's electronic system, radar and communication system.

Just when the US early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft started the anti-interference, the J-16D electronic warfare aircraft, under the command of the KJ-500 early warning aircraft, broke through and quickly launched multiple YJ-91 anti-radiation missiles at the US E2 early warning aircraft at a distance of 150 kilometers.

Then they quickly retreated and fled the danger zone. Although the enemy's air-to-air missiles could not reach such a long distance, they still evacuated for safety reasons.

Just when the US E2 early warning aircraft finally cleared the interference target, a target launched at high speed appeared on the early warning radar.


The American pilot's eyes widened. He wanted to evade, but at Mach 3.5, it was not so easy to dodge. Moreover, the E2 early warning aircraft was so large and had no means of attack.

In an instant, the early warning aircraft of the US military formation was hit.


An explosion occurred in the air, and instantly it was like a kite that lost its rope, swaying and falling towards the ground, and a puff of black smoke came out.

Two early warning aircraft were shot down, and the US fighter formation instantly lost its command center.

The commander of the Columbia KJ500 early warning aircraft that was facing the battle quickly issued a combat order through the data link.

The Sharp 16D electronic warfare aircraft carried out high-power electronic interference on the US fighter formation through the airborne electronic jamming pod.

In an instant, the US fighter formation, including the radar and communication systems of the electronic warfare aircraft, were suppressed.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The Snapdragon 3 fighter jets rushed up, carrying Archer 5E air-to-air missiles, which have a range of 145 kilometers.

Dozens of Snapdragon 3 fighter jets fired hundreds of Archer 5E air-to-air missiles. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The US fighter formation suppressed by the Sharp 16D electronic warfare aircraft had a chaotic radar at this moment, and did not indicate that there were missiles coming.

"Boom boom!"

An F16 fighter was hit



A moment later, including the electronic warfare aircraft, all of the dozens of US fighters were hit by air-to-air missiles.

Dozens of fireballs suddenly ignited in the air, falling to the ground with thick black smoke.

On the ground.

A ground marching���The Columbian Army was stunned by the dozens of fireballs falling from the sky.

"These guys in the Air Force are so comfortable, they don't have to walk"

"Tell me, are these downed fighter planes from the United States or Colombia?"

"Needless to say, the Air Force is so arrogant, claiming to be able to fight all over the world, these fallen fighter planes must be from the US military"

"I don't know where the US military got the courage from. They couldn't even defeat Iraq, but they actually wanted to attack us. They are so bold."

In less than 10 minutes,[]

Dozens of U.S. fighter planes were shot down.

On the other hand, the Colombian fighter formation did not lose a single one except for the missiles consumed. In the same scene, facing the overwhelming performance of the Colombian Air Force fighter planes, the U.S. fighter planes were completely like moths to a flame.

Whether it was the air-to-air missiles carried, the detection distance of the early warning aircraft, or the radiation power of the electronic warfare aircraft, they were completely crushed.

In Ecuador, the U.S. military front-line command.

Everyone has gone numb.

Staring with wide eyes, they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

As a result, the second wave of fighter formations of more than 400 aircraft did not dare to go to participate in the battle.

More than 800 fighter planes.

When have you ever seen such a big loss?

At this time, the stealth fighter formation at an altitude of 10,000 meters has arrived in Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

"The target has been locked!"


Suddenly, air-to-ground missiles and bombs flew towards the target.

"Ding Ding!!"

The missile was detected by the ground radar while it was flying.

Although the stealth fighter could not be detected, the flying missiles and bombs could still be detected.

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!"

The shrill air raid alarm sounded, and the whole city was in chaos in an instant

"Da da da!"

The anti-aircraft guns opened fire at full force.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

The ground-based short-range air defense missiles fired at full power and flew towards the target.

This was after the US military entered. Before that, Ecuador's air defense system was very poor, similar to Colombia before, and it didn't even have a decent air defense missile.



Suddenly, some missiles and bombs were intercepted by anti-aircraft missiles.

But more of them fell directly into the target position.

(Wang Zhao) Boom!"


In the capital city of Quito, huge explosions occurred in many places, especially in the power plant.

After the impact

, the entire power system was cut off instantly, which also meant that the communication system could not be used.

""Boom boom!"

A large number of military facilities in Quito were bombed.

Anti-aircraft missile bases, airports, and military bases were bombed one by one.

Huge flames burned from more than ten places in Quito.

The residents in Quito were panicked and fled.

The entire capital was dark, except for the bombed and burning ruins, which meant that Quito was really bombed.

Not only Quito was bombed.

The air force base, power system, and communication system of the important border city of Ibarra were also targeted and eliminated.

And Miru was not much better.

The front-line areas were all bombed fiercely.

However, what made them crazy was that no trace of the enemy could be detected on the radar.

This was what made them angry.

A large number of airports were bombed.

Including some fighter planes that had not yet taken off, they also became the burial objects of the airport.


Underground bunker.

After learning that the enemy fighter group had been annihilated,

Louis immediately issued a new order

"Order the ground forces to move towards Ecuador and Miru"

"Order the Army Aviation Brigade to fully cooperate with the ground forces to launch an attack on the two countries."

This time he must destroy Ecuador and annex the northern part of Miru.

It will be the same no matter who comes.

9 heavy armored brigades, 7 light armored brigades, 7 light combined brigades and 5 infantry brigades have already been deployed in the border area and began to launch attacks on the two countries. (

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