28 brigades were dispatched, almost 60% of the Colombian Army's strength was mobilized.

Among them, almost all the armored brigades and combined brigades were dispatched.

Only 4 light armored brigades were left to guard the borders with Venezuela and Samba.


An Ecuadorian border city, less than 2 kilometers away from the border, with a population of more than 38,000 people, adjacent to Nariño Province and Ipiales City in Colombia, and the straight-line distance between the two cities is less than 4 miles.

Since the decision to go to war with Colombia, Tulcán has stationed a large number of troops, assembling the US Army, Maple Leaf Army, Eagle Army and Ecuadorian Army, about 50,000 people.

According to the previous combat plan, Colombia will be bombed for several days until the enemy's air defense, communication systems and other major military facilities are completely destroyed, and then a ground battle will be carried out.

So even though the Air Force and Navy are fighting Colombia like a raging fire, the coalition ground forces have not moved.

But their lack of movement does not mean that the Colombian Army is different.

The Colombian Defense Force's 36th Heavy Armored Brigade, 37th Heavy Armored Brigade, 1st Light Armored Brigade and 5th Infantry Brigade are stationed in the town near Ipiales.���The 23rd Infantry Brigade and the 51st Combined Brigade were organized into the 1st Group to the West and were now massing.

The rocket launchers of each brigade were assembled.

"Report, the UAV reconnaissance battalion has reported that the locations of the enemy's ammunition depots, oil depots, artillery and armored units have been marked."

The commander of the 1st Westward Group was the commander of the 7th Army of the National Defense Force, Veron.

Upon hearing this, Veron put down the telescope in his hand, walked down the hill, and said to the communications soldier beside him:"Send a message to the artillery group to fire at the target area. Don't be stingy with the ammunition, fire them all out."


The signalman quickly ran back to the headquarters and conveyed the order to the artillery group.

Six BM270 self-propelled rocket artillery battalions, a total of 144 self-propelled rocket artillery, quickly entered combat status.

After being ready, the temporary artillery group commander 690 issued the order to"fire".


"Boom boom!!"


A sound like thunder rang out, and the 144 self-propelled rocket launcher quickly fired 1,728 rockets at the target area.

The flame at the tail of the rocket launcher was like a bright light, a life-threatening light.

At this time, thousands of rockets were fired, and the scene was very spectacular, even more gorgeous than the fireworks in Longguo.

At a distance of several kilometers, when the US radar detected it, the rockets had already fallen into the target area.


"Boom boom boom..."

There were violent explosions, and the artillery, ammunition depots, oil depots, and armored clusters in the Turkan area exploded.

Suddenly, flames and explosions were everywhere, and the scene was very spectacular.

"Ah! My legs, my legs are broken, someone come and save me.

A soldier whose legs were blown off by a bomb, with only his body above the belly, lay on the ground wailing in pain, calling for his companions to come and rescue him.

"Eyes, my eyes..."A soldier with both eyes injured in the explosion was wailing on the ground.

The highest commander stationed here was a US division commander.

He was sleeping with an Ecuadorian beauty he had recently dated when he was awakened by the explosion. He hurriedly put on his clothes and went out. When he rushed to the headquarters, he saw the oil depot and ammunition depot being bombed.

"Oh, God...."

Seeing the scene in front of him, the American division commander was stunned. After a while, with the help of his adjutant, he quickly left by car and headed for the headquarters.

"What beautiful fireworks!"

In the picture captured by the command center through the drone, Veron smiled and laughed softly.

After that, he put away the smile on his face.

His face was cold and he said in a deep voice:"(cccf) notify the 36th and 37th heavy armored brigades to lead the way, and the 5th and 23rd brigades to follow closely. We must defeat the enemy in front."


The several brigades that received the order moved quickly.

The roar of machinery and engines suddenly rang out in the area.

Leopard 2A7 tanks took the lead, followed by various armored vehicles, and rushed to the opposite side. After a moment, they crossed the border and entered the Ecuadorian territory.

"Run! The Colombians are coming!"

"What Colombians are coming to kill us?"

"What should I do with my husband? The Colombians are coming to kill me."

"Run quickly, what are you still standing there for?"

The Leopard 2 tank left a deep track mark on the ground.

After the bombardment, the coalition forces stationed here also reacted quickly, and the remaining tanks and armored vehicles began to fire at the marching Colombian troops.

The shells did not penetrate the armor of the Leopard 2A7 tank, but instead exposed their position.


A cannon was fired back.

Under the automatic loader, it was quickly loaded. Before the American tank on the opposite side could react, it was hit by another shell.


It was instantly blown up.

Seeing the American tanks being penetrated, the Columbia tank group was overjoyed.


"Kill the white dog"

"Go ahead! Go in and kill them!"

"The strongest army on the Blue Planet is nothing but a chicken in front of us."

The tanks of both sides started to fight.

Often, the coalition tanks fired one shot after the Leopard 2 fired three shots.

At this time, except for the Columbia and the Sand Camel, other armored units were still using manual loading of shells, which not only tested their arm strength, but was also slow and dangerous.

Unlike the automatic loading machine, which was fast and could save manpower.

Hundreds of tanks from both sides started to fight in this area.

"Fuck!! How come it can’t penetrate?"

"Damn it! Our shells can't penetrate"

"Quickly replace the armor-piercing bullets"

"Ah!! My feet"


In less than 20 minutes, the Columbus tank cluster crushed the coalition tanks, and at the cost of losing 5 tanks, it successfully defeated nearly 100 coalition tanks on the front.

And those 5 tanks were not destroyed, but only had broken tracks or their engines were pierced.

This was after the armor-piercing shells were replaced.

Before the armor-piercing shells were used, they could not be penetrated at all. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

You should know that the Leopard 2A7 is famous for its defense, and its powerful composite armor cannot be penetrated by ordinary shells.

"It's over. All the tanks were destroyed."

"Oh my God, how could this happen?"

"That was Blue Planet's most powerful MlA1 tank, but it was destroyed."

"What are Colombia's tanks made of? Why can't they be penetrated?

Seeing the destroyed coalition tanks everywhere, the coalition generals and soldiers were all staring with wide eyes, unwilling to accept this fact.


The Columbia tank cluster passed the destroyed coalition tanks and moved at high speed.

After destroying an armored vehicle with one shot, the coalition forces reacted in shock.


"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

"General, retreat quickly, it will be too late if you don't retreat now."

The US division commander looked at the rolling steel torrent, gritted his teeth, and had to order a retreat.[]

In addition to the abandoned tanks and armored vehicles, the remaining infantry fighting vehicles, transport vehicles, and armored vehicles quickly turned around and evacuated, trying to escape.

The Y-Dragon 2 reconnaissance and strike drone showed the scene of the coalition forces' retreat.

He immediately gave an order:"Contact the Army Aviation Brigade immediately and ask them to send armed helicopters to attack."

How could he miss such a good opportunity? If he let the armed helicopters go, it would be a complete massacre.

Soon, an Army Aviation Brigade in the rear received an order to request fire support, and immediately mobilized an Apache armed helicopter battalion to reinforce.

In just 15 minutes, they caught up with the fleeing coalition forces.

"call out!"

"call out!"


Instantly, dozens of Hellfire rockets attacked.



The explosion instantly frightened the coalition forces in the team.

"Oh no, it's an enemy helicopter"

"Damn, how come there are so many Apaches in Columbia?"

"Aren't Apache helicopters from the United States? How can Colombia have one?"


The American division commander, sitting in a Hummer, saw the Apache helicopters firing rockets and strafing with machine guns in the sky.

It was like eating a pile of shit.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

The famous Apache helicopters of the United States were now in the hands of the opponent and became a weapon to slaughter the US army.

He was about to curse.

In the middle of the attack, some American soldiers carried individual air defense weapons, such as Stinger air defense missiles to attack the helicopter formation. Two of them were hit and crashed.

But more were stopped by jamming bombs.

After learning the lesson.

The formation rose higher and quickly covered the target point with firepower.

From time to time, an armored vehicle and a tactical vehicle were blown up.

And Colombia's armored forces had already captured Turcan and did not stay to rest and reorganize.

In Perón's words, knock down the Ecuadorian capital Quito in one breath.


"What? The Colombian army has crossed the border and defeated the coalition forces stationed in the Tuercan area?"

The president of Eguar received the report from the military and looked a little panicked.

He never thought that the military strength of Colombia���He was so strong.

He regretted that he should not have coveted the US dollar aid from the Americans.

Otherwise, it would not have happened.

"How much have we lost?"

"The exact number is unclear, but according to the news from the front line, there are probably no less than 5,000 people. The biggest loss came from the US military, whose tanks and armor were all destroyed."

"Fuck! Before the war, these Americans were so confident that they could capture Columbia in less than a month. What about now? Shit!"

"Let's go to the headquarters."

The president of Ecuador could not sit still.

The defeat on the front line and the Colombian army crossing the border and taking the initiative to start a war all indicate that Ecuador is going to be in big trouble this time.

At the same time, the US military also suffered a disastrous defeat on the Miru border.

Facing more armored clusters.

There was even a scene of a battle between thousands of tanks. They were still beaten back step by step.

How could the coalition forces, which had lost air superiority, defeat the Colombian army?

Although the number of coalition forces was 2-3 times that of the Colombian side, modern warfare was fought with systems, logistics, and money.

Colombia had all of these.

If they couldn't win in numbers, they called in fighters.

Called in armed helicopters.

In the end, even A-10 attack aircraft appeared to plow the land.

(Ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe!! Please support with data!).

Transcript: sabmado

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