
"What navy fleet was attacked by enemy anti-ship missiles and 5 aircraft carriers were sunk?"

Late at night

, Bush rushed to the Pentagon. After hearing this shocking news, his whole body trembled. If the people around him hadn't helped him, he would have fallen to the ground.

"How is this possible? Could it be that Colombia also has electromagnetic pulse weapons?"

"They don't have this weapon."

"No? What happened to the fleet? Why didn't they stop so many frigates, destroyers and other anti-aircraft weapons?"

Bush's face flushed and he asked angrily.

In just half a year, the United States had 11 aircraft carriers sunk. Now that the news of the sinking of these 5 aircraft carriers spread, they are afraid that they will become the laughing stock of countries around the world.

And it will shake the United States' hegemony.

"They don't have an electromagnetic pulse weapon, but they do have a hypersonic anti-ship missile that can automatically change its trajectory, with a terminal speed estimated to be 10 Mach."

"What is Mach 10?"

Bush was shocked.

"Yes, it was precisely because of this missile that the fleet's air defense missiles could not intercept it, resulting in heavy casualties."

Bush Sr. is a president who understands military affairs.

The terminal speed is Mach 10.

That's fine, but it can even change its trajectory, which means that the missile trajectory cannot be simulated. If it cannot be accurately simulated, it cannot be intercepted.

Thinking of this, Bush Sr.'s anger was reduced a lot.

Now it seems that it is not that the navy is not strong, but that the enemy's weapons are too powerful.

"What about the air force? I remember the previous plan was that after the fleet launched the Tomahawk cruise missiles, it would dispatch fighter jets on a large scale to destroy the enemy's power, communications, radar and air defense systems. How is the situation going now? Have they gained air superiority?"

I didn't think about the naval fleet anymore. Although it was hard to accept, it had already happened. Now he could only pray that the air force could gain air superiority. He still had confidence in the air force.

You know, this time even the family assets were taken out.

A large number of F15 and F16 fighter jets were dispatched, and even the previous F14 Tomcat fighter jets were taken out. Dozens of electronic warfare aircraft and more than ten early warning aircraft were also dispatched. With such a strong air force, even if a war with Su Xiong was going on, there might still be an advantage. It would be no problem to take down Colombia.

As for why they were defeated in the Middle East before, in his opinion it was mainly because Iraq did not play by the rules and actually launched a counter-attack.

Secondly, a powerful weapon such as electromagnetic pulse was used. If it really came to a head-on collision, he believed that the great American Air Force would crush the enemy.

"The Air Force also suffered a disastrous defeat."


Bush stood up from his chair, his eyes wide open, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"How could we suffer such a disastrous defeat?"

The Air Force Commander said in a low voice,"Columbia's strength far exceeded our expectations. They have as many as five or six hundred fighter jets, and they are all the most advanced fighter jets at the moment. Moreover, their early warning radars seem to have a longer detection range than our E2 and E3 early warning aircraft.

And they also have dozens of very advanced electronic warfare aircraft.

According to the front-line command, before the war started, the enemy's electronic warfare aircraft interfered with our radar and communication systems, and then destroyed the early warning aircraft, causing our fighter formation to lose its command center and be defeated one by one by the enemy."

Bush Sr. looked dejected, and sat down on the stool, as if a lot of his energy had been drained away.

"How much did we lose?"

The Air Force Commander looked at Bush Sr., hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth.

"All 800 planes were destroyed in the first wave of attacks."

Bush's face froze.

"In the second wave, the front-line command saw that things were not going well, so it did not send the second wave of more than 400 fighters to attack. However, the enemy attacked the airport, causing dozens of fighters to be damaged, and the remaining fighters were moved to the airport in the southern part of Miru."

Hearing that there was no attack in the second wave and only dozens of fighters were lost, Bush's stiff face improved a little.

But when he thought of the more than 800 fighters that crashed, he felt heartbroken.

Even for the powerful United States, it would take a year and a half to produce so many fighters if it was produced throughout the year.

"How many enemy troops were destroyed?"

"I'm not sure about that. I haven't heard any news from the frontline headquarters about any of the planes being shot down."The Air Force Commander shook his head. He didn't understand why the US Air Force, which used to be so powerful, was now failing one after another.

News of being shot down?

Doesn't that mean that it's possible that not a single plane was shot down?


This is absolutely impossible.

800 planes. Even if the enemy's electronic warfare planes are powerful and the early warning aircraft can detect far away, it's impossible to achieve a score of 800:0.

"Mr. President, the Colombian ground forces are now crossing the border and attacking Miru and Ecuador. The ground forces have been attacked by the enemy's land, sea and air forces, and suffered heavy losses."

Hearing this, Bush frowned and said,"What does the front-line command say?"

"What are your plans?"

The so-called plan actually explains a lot of things.

That is, Bush Sr. doesn't want to fight.

In the current war situation, if the United States does not launch a nuclear threat, it is afraid that it will not be able to shake Colombia.

In other words, wait until more advanced conventional weapons and air-to-air missiles with longer range are developed.

Otherwise, no matter how many battles are fought, they will lose.

"The front-line command suggested a ceasefire and withdrawal"

"As for our opinions, we all agree to a temporary truce. It won't be too late to take revenge after the major arms companies have developed more advanced fighters, air-to-air missiles, or electromagnetic pulse bombs.

The most important thing is that if we continue to fight now, we will have no chance of winning, and the losses will be huge, which will shake the foundation of our country."

Hearing this, Bush was silent.

"Since everyone agrees to a ceasefire, let's talk to Colombia.

A ceasefire is fine, but the Colombian army must withdraw from Miru and Eguar."

His intuition told him that Colombia was very ambitious and seemed to want to take this opportunity to annex Eguar and Miru.

Otherwise, the enemy's ground forces would not take the initiative to start a war.

You know, the coalition forces have 500,000 to 600,000 soldiers in these two countries (including the armies of Miru and Eguar), far more than the Colombian Army.

Logically, the Colombian Army should be on the defensive.

Now they are taking the initiative to attack, which can only mean one thing, they want to take the opportunity to capture Miru and Eguar.

The reason why he thought so was mainly because of previous experience.

Panama is an example.

The new president of Colombia seems to be a An ambitious president with a strong desire for territorial expansion.

Regardless of whether Colombia intends to annex Ecuador and Miru, they must not succeed.



Underground bunker, a lounge.

Luis was awakened by the knock on the door and woke up from his sleep.

In the early morning, after formulating the battle plan, he rested. He originally planned to go back to rest, but after thinking about it, he was afraid of any unexpected changes, so he stayed in the underground bunker to rest.

Looking at the time, it was already past eight in the morning.

He got up and opened the door.

He saw Gavin outside the door.

He couldn't help but ask,"What's the matter?"

"Boss, Otto Neil called and said the US wants to cease fire."


"Yes." Gavin nodded:"He hopes to cease fire and withdraw from Ecuador and Miru."

"What a joke."

Louis laughed angrily:"The Americans take themselves too seriously. Who do they think they are? They want to fight and stop? They are just wishful thinking. Ignore them and order the frontline troops to continue the attack.

They must capture Ecuador and the northern part of Miru." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He has set his eyes on these two pieces of meat. Even if Jesus comes, he can't keep them. He has taken them.

The United States.

The White House

"Mr. President, they refuse to cease fire."

The Secretary of State said grimly.


Bush said grimly,"Columbia is ambitious and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to annex Miru and Ecuador."

"Since talking doesn't work, then use strategic deterrence"

"It's time to send B-1 bombers carrying nuclear warheads to fly down and warn Colombia that it must cease fire and withdraw from the territories of the two countries, otherwise we, the United States, will let them taste the power of nuclear bombs."

If he hadn't been worried that launching nuclear bombs would cause panic in countries around the world and increase the determination of various countries to develop nuclear bombs, he really wanted to let Colombia taste nuclear bombs.

More than 800 fighter planes, 5 aircraft carriers, more than a dozen warships, not to mention ground troops, such a huge loss, how could Colombia be let off easily.

In order to deter Colombia, when the B-1 Lancer bomber took off, the TV station was specially asked to shoot and then broadcast the picture.

At the same time, the Secretary of State also held a press conference.

It was announced that in the spirit of world peace, the United States was unwilling to cause greater military wars and casualties. It was willing to make peace with Colombia. However, Colombia blatantly had wolfish ambitions and invaded Ecuador and Miru. As a superpower on the blue planet, the United States warned Colombia to withdraw from the two countries immediately, otherwise it would bear the consequences.[]

After the news ended, it was the picture of the B-1 Lancer bomber taking off.

The picture also gave a close-up of the nuclear warhead, with the flight range of 12,000 kilometers.

The implication is that if Colombia does not stop the war and withdraws its troops from Ecuador and Miru, then the nuclear bomb of this fighter plane may be dropped on Colombian territory.

After this video news was broadcast, it immediately caused an uproar in the world.

The Security Council under the United Nations immediately convened a meeting.

At this time, in the internal conference room of the United Nations Building, more than a dozen Security Council countries gathered together.

Richard Kevin, as a representative of Colombia, was also present. After all, the main parties in this matter were the United States and Colombia.

In addition, Ecuador is also one of the member countries of this term.

But Richard Kevin's face was very bad.

No one would be happy to be threatened with a nuclear bomb.

After seeing Richard Kevin coming, representatives of the United States, Britain, Gaul, Ecuador and other four countries looked over coldly.

Facing the gazes of several people, Richard Kevin was not at all stage fright, and stared back directly, as if he had the ability to continue to do it.

"Cough cough!"

"All are present"

"What we are going to discuss next is how to end this war."

This month, the rotating head of the Security Council spoke

"The resolution drafted by Britain, Gaul and other countries is as follows: Calling for an immediate end to the war to prevent the situation from getting worse and causing more bloodshed and sacrifice.

Strongly condemning regional hegemony and aggression.

Condemning any act of occupying the territory of other countries.

Calling on the Colombian army to withdraw from Ecuador and Peru to achieve peace in the region...."

After a pause, the rotating leader put down the document in his hand and looked at the representatives:"Everyone has this draft in front of them. If you don't understand it, you can take another look.

According to the rules, please allow representatives of each country to express their opinions.

Please control the time.

Don't speak too much."

After the voice fell, the US representative took the microphone in front of him first.

Seeing this, the representatives of other countries did not move.

Although the Americans have been criticized twice, they still have deterrence.

The only one who can compete is Su Xiong.

But Su Xiong has many contradictions and internal turmoil at the moment, so he has no time to compete with the United States.

Basically, they are just spectators, calling for peace and so on.

Without Su Xiong rushing to the front, the strength of other countries is too different from that of the United States. In addition, there are Gaul and Britain, the two permanent lackeys, to help, so naturally no one will compete with the Americans for the speech.

The US representative said:"I believe you all know that in the early hours of this morning, the Colombian army brazenly crossed the border and invaded Ecuador and Miru, causing a large number of casualties. Such acts of aggression are not tolerated by the United Nations.

As the beacon of the world, the United States will never allow such acts of aggression. Colombia must unconditionally withdraw its troops from the two countries."

After the US representative finished speaking, the representatives of Gaul and Britain, as the initiators, raised their hands to express their agreement.

Other countries attending the meeting, such as Romania, Yemen in the Middle East, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa, raised their hands to express their support.

The five permanent members also raised their hands to agree to the ceasefire.

Even the Dragon Country, which has had intersections with Colombia, called for a ceasefire and a proper resolution of the conflict by peaceful means.

Only Havana did not agree, but strongly condemned the joint aggression of the United States and other countries against Colombia.

As an ally, Havana certainly cannot stand on the side of the United States.

Especially after seeing the fighting power shown by Colombia, Havana was very enthusiastic. After all, they had a powerful country as an ally, a powerful country that destroyed many US aircraft carriers. They were more confident to fight against the United States together.

The representatives of Ecuador even argued

"Ecuador is a peace-loving country and has never attacked Colombia. The so-called invasion is nonsense."

"Colombia, relying on its strong military strength, wantonly invaded other countries, causing heavy casualties among our military and civilians on the border. It is simply a warmonger...."

"Does the Colombian representative have anything to say?"

The rotating head turned his eyes to the Colombian representative who had not spoken.

Representatives from all countries present looked at Richard Kevin in unison.

There was joking, anger, and pride.

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Richard Kevin took a deep breath, then clapped his hands, and said to the astonishment of everyone:"I can't stand shameless people. I have never seen representatives of countries like the United States and Britain who confuse right and wrong.

It was obviously you who attacked our country, and now you blame Colombia for invading.

It's nonsense."

He then looked at the Ecuadorian representative:"You said that your country did not attack Colombia. What about your country's fighter planes that were shot down by our army on the border? What about the large number of US, British and Gallic fighter planes that flew through your airspace?"

"What? Now that you can't win, you want to stop the war? Don't you think your request is shameless?"

"If you want to stop the war, you can pay 500 billion US dollars in compensation, and our army will stop the war. Otherwise, no discussion."

Hearing that 500 billion US dollars were required for compensation , the US representative immediately mocked:"500 billion US dollars, you Colombians are asking for too much. You invaded other countries and extorted compensation from them. You are simply robbers."

"What, you, America, don’t accept it? Then keep fighting, no matter how many come, we will fight them all."




The representative of Ha Vana's eyes lit up :"Wow, big brother is so powerful!".

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