"Damn, these bastards actually have anti-aircraft missiles."

Jaliman was so scared that he quickly pulled up and released jamming bombs, but the distance was too close and he had no time to


A loud noise suddenly sounded in the dawn sky, and a burning fireball appeared in the sky, then quickly fell downwards.


"Vulture 3 was shot down, and Vulture 3 was shot down by anti-aircraft missiles."

The other pilots in the formation were also scared to death.

The reason they flew at low altitude was that they thought the drug dealers had no anti-aircraft missiles.

As a result, they had to pay a heavy price for underestimating the enemy.

Before the pilots could relax, the radar device suddenly sounded a shrill and urgent alarm.

"Alert!! Alert, you have been locked out...You have been locked!"

"Fuck? Still coming?"

At this time, in a dense forest, a missile anti-aircraft vehicle has successfully locked onto several targets.

"Report, the target has been locked"


The commander did not hesitate and immediately ordered to fire.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Several SAM-8 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, trailing white smoke, quickly chased in the direction of the target.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sky was like a flower scattered by a fairy. The remaining four F16 fighters quickly released jamming bombs.


The tail of an F16 fighter that failed to dodge in time was directly hit by a SAM-8 anti-aircraft missile. An explosion sounded instantly, and billowing black smoke ignited with a trace of fire.

"Damn, I got hit."

The others didn't have time to see if their companions ejected their cockpits or parachuted because the radar warning sounded continuously.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

At two more locations, the missile anti-aircraft vehicles quickly launched several SAM-8 anti-aircraft missiles after locking onto them.

The pilots of the remaining three fighters looked desperate as they watched the missiles coming at them.

At least they had jamming bombs before.

Now that they had all been fired, would the planes compete with the missiles in speed?

That was simply asking for trouble.

The pilots immediately raised the nose of the planes and flew straight up.

The other two chose to descend quickly, intending to use the terrain to evade the missiles' tracking.

Just as the two F16s were flying down, the F16 fighter that raised its nose to fly up was hit.


An explosion sounded in the sky.

The F16 that was hit instantly emitted thick smoke, turned into a ball of fire, and then fell rapidly downward.

The two F16 fighters that chose to use the terrain to get rid of the pursuit did not escape.

The two drug dealers used portable air defense missiles to launch two"Stinger" air defense missiles.

This type of missile is mainly used to attack low-altitude aircraft, such as helicopters.

Under normal circumstances, the F16 cannot be hit, but these two F16 fighters are flying at low altitudes at this time, completely within the attack range.


Two Stinger missiles immediately chased the target. Because they were too close, the pilot was hit before he could react.



A violent explosion sounded in the sky, and the two F16 fighters were finally unable to escape and were hit by anti-aircraft missiles.

At this time, the joint command of the US military and the Colombian army was in chaos.

The drug dealers actually had anti-aircraft missiles, which was something no one had expected.

When have you ever seen drug dealers equipped with anti-aircraft missiles? Not to mention drug dealers, even some small countries don't have this thing.

"Fuck, what are you doing at CIA? You haven't even found out that the enemy has anti-aircraft missiles."

A lieutenant colonel of the US Air Force stationed in Colombia saw his men being hit by missiles one after another. Now their lives are uncertain. He was so angry that he swung his fist and hit the CIA agent. The two wrestled on the ground.

Fortunately, they were dragged down in time.

The US colonel's face was also very ugly at this time. Things had exceeded the previous forecast plan.

Thinking that the other party was equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, it was obviously not possible to use air strike force at this time.

After all, it was not clear whether the other party still had anti-aircraft missiles.

"Call the commando team right away and have them stop the action immediately." The US colonel reacted and quickly ordered the special forces team not to act rashly.

Flying over at this time would make them sitting ducks.

Looking at the CIA agent who was angry and beaten black and blue, the US colonel snorted coldly and turned away.

Obviously, this operation had to be terminated.

First, the opponent's strength was inconsistent.

Second, the intelligence was leaked. Since the raid was discovered at four o'clock in the morning, it would be strange if the intelligence was not leaked. The so-called decapitation operation would naturally not be established.

The most important thing is that the enemy has been alerted, and the opponent has 20,000 to 30,000 militants. There is no point in fighting again. The matter here must be reported to the Pentagon.

As for the final result, we can only wait for notification....


Pablo is in a manor, and he has woken up at this time. He was overjoyed when he learned that 5 fighter planes had raided and were all shot down by anti-aircraft missiles. He said:"Good! Well done!" Ochoa was also happy and said:"Pablo, it seems that the anti-aircraft missiles sold to us by Luis are really useful. I suggest you contact him immediately and buy dozens more missiles."

Pablo walked around the room excitedly. Hearing what Ochoa said, he nodded in agreement:"You are right, contact him immediately and tell him that we want to purchase 50 anti-aircraft missiles."......

Soon, the news that five F16 fighter jets of the US military were shot down by the anti-aircraft missiles of the drug dealers spread in Colombia.

For a time, the whole Colombia was boiling.

The military and police of Colombia were frightened.

The morale of the army was suddenly very low. Even the president of the Colombian government was shocked and speechless, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At the same time, Luis in New York, the United States, also received a call from Ottonil. The conversation was in code. After all, there were many things that were not convenient to communicate on the phone to avoid being eavesdropped.

Through the code, Luis was also surprised to learn that Pablo had shot down five F16 fighter jets.

I didn't expect Pablo's people to be so brave.

When he learned that Pablo was going to purchase dozens of SAM-8 anti-aircraft missiles, Luis did not refuse, but asked Ottonil to collect the money first and sell them at a price of 300,000 US dollars per missile.

As for the delivery problem, he didn't need to go back to Colombia, but directly deliver them on the map through action, without having to go to deliver them in person.

(Ps: Please add collections, flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!)

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