The news reached the United States.

The U.S. military was shocked.

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

Then, they reacted with anger.

The daring drug lord dared to destroy the great Lighthouse Country fighter jets. This was a provocation and must be humanely destroyed.

After learning about the situation, President Reagan looked extremely ugly. He immediately agreed to the military's request and officially sent troops into Colombia.

The Colombian government welcomed this.

They were originally a regime supported by the United States. In addition, Pablo's arrogance over the years has frightened the Colombian government and they wished that the U.S. military could come forward to eradicate Pablo.

Not to mention that the U.S. military has decided to launch a large-scale military operation.

The whole world knows it now.

The powerful and arrogant U.S. military was defeated by a group of drug dealers and a total of 5 F16 fighter jets were shot down.

In addition to being shocking, people couldn't help but doubt the F16 fighter jets. Is this fighter jet really that advanced?

Su Xiong.


"Good, well done, let the American empire be arrogant, really think they are the world's boss, hum, this time they got slapped in the face, right?"The then Soviet leader Bachov applauded after hearing the news, and felt very comfortable at this moment.

"Have you found out? Where did the weapons of the drug trafficking group called Pablo come from? Where did they get our Soviet weapons?"

After the excitement, Bachov paid attention to another thing, that is, the problem of weapons leakage. Where did the South American drug trafficking group get the Mi-24 armed helicopter?

KGB, the intelligence agency of Soviet Union.

At this time, the head of this spy organization was standing in front of Bachov. Hearing the question, he shook his head:"I haven't found out."

"Didn't find it?" Bachov frowned, very dissatisfied with the answer.

10 Mi-24 attack helicopters, this is not a small number.

"Yes, Mr. Z, we have thoroughly checked the number of troops in the Mi-24 Military District."

"What about the member states? Have the countries that have exported to other countries been thoroughly investigated?"

"Yes, I have checked it thoroughly, and the numbers all match."

"Then tell me, where did those South American drug dealers get their weapons?"Bachov looked at him angrily.

The famous intelligence chief was speechless.

He felt wronged. He had checked everything. Whether it was the Mi-24 equipped by his own country, or the Mi-24 used by allied countries or sold abroad, he could find them all.

This made him very confused. Where did those South American drug dealers get them from?

Not to mention Bachov, even he himself was curious about this question....

Gradually, the news that the US military had five fighter jets shot down by drug dealers spread around the world, causing an uproar in the world.

"Is this April Fools' Day? Oh my god, 5 planes were shot down by drug dealers. Are these American pilots eating shit?"

"It's incredible. This drug dealer is so powerful that he even has anti-aircraft missiles."

"He is indeed the most powerful drug dealer in the world. His strength is beyond doubt."

"Haha, well done!! Support the drug dealers in taking down the US fighter jets"


The entire global media reported on it, causing a huge discussion.

There was even a military expert who conducted a special discussion, and the conclusion was that the US Air Force underestimated the enemy.

There was also intelligence leakage.

As a result, the enemy made preparations in advance.

It is no wonder that the US military is so lame. The main problem is that they underestimated the enemy. From beginning to end, from top to bottom, they all made the mistake of underestimating the enemy. Otherwise, they would never have suffered such a disastrous defeat.......

New York, United States.

A villa in the suburbs.

After listening to the reports of several people, Louis shook his head, rejected their plans, and said:"This time, let's change our target and not rob the bank. I think it's more practical to rob the vault directly."


They all looked surprised.

"Boss, isn't this a bit too much? If you rob a vault, the difficulty will increase a lot, and the impact will be too great after the incident. I'm afraid that the whole New York police will be investigating."

Ed, one of the leaders of the last operation team, said with a worried look on his face.

Louis nodded slightly and looked at him with a smile:"What you said makes sense. Robbing a vault is indeed very dangerous, but you have to think about whether the benefits are much richer.

You know, the vault is where many banks store money.

Especially in a place like New York, if you make a fortune, it will be more than robbing 10 banks."

"I'm not worried about the robbery process, but how to hide the money or transport it out is the biggest problem."Robert said

"Robert is right. How to transport the money out is the key issue."Louis nodded.

He was also a little troubled by this problem.

It is foreseeable that the amount of money robbed from the vault this time must be huge, definitely more than the robbery of three banks in Miami. After all, New York is an international metropolis and a financial city with a developed economy, a large population and many enterprises. The bank funds here must be large. With more funds, the previous method cannot be used.

Unless he recruits thousands of people, each of whom takes tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars, it will not attract attention. After all, tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dollars in New York are within the normal range.

It can even be said to be poor.

However, there is a big problem with this, which is the issue of identity.

The death warriors recruited by the system are actually illegal.

Dozens of people are okay, but hundreds or thousands of people will inevitably be found, or the probability of being found will be much higher.

Of course, even if they are found, these death warriors will not reveal their identities.

"Let's put the money laundering issue aside for now. You should first find out the problem of the vault. It would be best if you could get���"A detailed intelligence document."

Louis decided to put the money laundering issue aside and decide before taking action.

If there is no better way, he can only recruit more assassins to transport the goods in batches.

After sending a few people away, Louis thought of the call he received from Ottoniel during the day, saying that he had received 15 million US dollars.

It must be said that the detergent seller is really awesome, and the cash flow is amazing.

He has more money than the bank.

He opened the system interface and directly purchased 50 SAM-8 anti-aircraft missiles.

"Ding, the purchase is successful, 1.5 million US dollars will be deducted, do you want to materialize immediately?"

The next second, Luis opened the materialization interface map and found Colombia, a densely vegetated jungle. Colombia has a population of more than 20 million, and its area is not small, covering millions of square kilometers, and the population is concentrated.

This leads to a large area of land with a very low population density, and even many places, such as ravines, canyons, and jungles, are empty, or not very crowded.

Determine the drop location.

Then you will see the system prompt that it has been dropped.

The next second, Luis directly contacted Ottonil, informed him of the drop location through a secret language, and then quickly hung up the phone.

Soon, Pablo received a call from Ottonil and learned that the surface-to-air missiles had been delivered. He was so surprised that he couldn't speak. How long has it been here?

In shock, he immediately asked his confidant brother Ochoa to take people to the drop location.

(Ps: Please collect and vote for the monthly ticket!)

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