The next day.

In the morning, Louis took his new girlfriend to the downtown shopping mall for a stroll. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to package her from head to toe. Instantly, her class was raised to the level of a socialite, which made his girlfriend very happy.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, she could only earn half of that as a model for a year, and that was with frequent fashion shows and performances.

But for Louis, it was nothing.

After shopping in the city center, he did not go back, but directly found a hotel and had an in-depth communication.

He played various roles such as bathroom avi, toilet avi, maid, female lawyer, female doctor, female teacher, etc., until his girlfriend Chris was scratched, and then ended the communication between the two.

Looking at Chris who was sleeping soundly, Louis pulled up his pants, dressed neatly, wrote a note and left the hotel.

Back to his villa in New York, Ed, Victor, Robert and others also arrived.

The three of them introduced the vault operation plan in detail.

New York is not like Miami. The police station here is obviously more dense, and the strength and equipment of the police are definitely stronger. Maybe the FBI will join in at that time.

However, he still has full confidence in Ed and the others. You know, these people are all special forces soldiers, and their combat quality is better than that of the police.

"There is nothing wrong with the action plan, but I think it is necessary to add one more point, that is, air strikes"

"In the air?"

The three of them were stunned.

"Yes." Louis nodded:"Robbing a vault is such a big thing, the New Vietnam police will definitely send helicopters and even special teams, so the sniper team must consider how to deal with the danger from the air. My suggestion is to equip you with a few Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, so that even if a helicopter comes, you can easily deal with it."

Although the Barrett sniper rifle can also use the terrain to snipe low-flying helicopters in the air, he believes that it is not as effective as a professional individual anti-aircraft missile like the Stinger.

Using a Stinger anti-aircraft missile to attack a helicopter is absolutely accurate.

When several people heard that they were going to be equipped with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, they were naturally happy to agree.

"When do you plan to act?"

After discussing weapons and equipment and sniping, Louis was concerned about the time of action.

"Boss, we have discussed and plan to act at 8 o'clock tonight. At that time, the money in the bank will be transported to the vault, and it will be after the vault staff get off work, so there will be fewer guards."Ed replied.

Louis nodded slightly, 8 o'clock is also fine.

In fact, after 12 o'clock is better, after all, most people are asleep at that time, the police have gone home, and the people in charge of security at the vault are also tired. After 12 o'clock, people are sleepy.

However, thinking about the strength of his side, there is no need to play tricks, just push forward directly

"Okay, let's follow your plan. You can come over to get your weapons and equipment later."

"In addition, the robbed money can be transported to the assembly point according to the previous plan."

This time he planned to deposit the robbed money directly into the system account, anyway he would go to the Middle East to sell weapons later.

A large amount of funds would be needed at that time, so he might as well deposit it into the system account first, so as to avoid the police's carpet search. He had previously planned to recruit assassins and distribute them to the assassins, but he thought it was unnecessary.

The robbed money cannot be exposed, but there is no need to worry about these when selling weapons and equipment in the Middle East.

However, he still planned that when he was strong enough in the future, he would still have to control a large bank spanning the world.

Only in this way can the flow of funds not be regulated.

After several people went out, he opened the system interface and carefully selected weapons.

This time he did not plan to buy HK416. He had just committed a crime in Miami before, and using HK416 again would inevitably be associated with the same group of people.

So this time he chose to use the weapons that the United States has equipped here.

For example, the M16 assault rifle, this gun has a large market circulation , which is not easy to find.

The sniper rifle was replaced with an SSG-69 sniper rifle.

The pistol was still a Beretta M92F pistol, which is equipped by the Italian police and the military. He got 50 grenades directly.

Then there were Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, he also exchanged 10 RPGs for attacking or dealing with reinforcement police cars.

With such powerful firepower, let alone ordinary policemen, even if the FBI came, they would kneel down and call him daddy.

Soon, this batch of weapons and equipment that cost him 200,000 US dollars were bought out of the system and piled in the living room.

After calling Ed and a few others and delivering the weapons and equipment to them, Louis left the villa and drove to the hotel.

The girl who spent more than 100,000 US dollars must sleep a few more times.

When I returned to the hotel, Chris had woken up.

Seeing him back, she was very happy and ran over, hugged him and asked,"Where have you been, Louis?" He hugged Chris's slender waist and smiled and replied,"I went out to do something."

Then he changed the subject:"Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"Well, you didn't sleep well without me."

"Really? Then let's go back to sleep." After saying that, he raised his hand and gave Chris a princess hug, picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

Soon, the voices of Yani and Chris begging for mercy were heard in the room....


In the center of New York City, near Chase Bank.

A black van is parked.

"Bill, which armored car has entered?"

"Captain, this is the 11th car."


Ed looked at the time on his watch. It was not time to act yet, so he continued to rest with his eyes closed:"Bill, wake me up at 7:55."

""Okay, Captain!"

In a tall building 500 meters away from Ed, Robert was looking at the surrounding situation with a night vision goggles. His team was responsible for observing and supporting the sniping team.

The personnel were scattered in several houses around.

The sniping team was relatively the last one to complete the task. People were arranged at every intersection. No matter what method was used, the reinforcements must be stopped before the action team completed the task.

Even if it meant death, the reinforcements could not be allowed to pass.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon it was 7:55.

""Captain, the time's up."

Bill woke up his boss Ed.

Knowing that the time was up, Ed stood up and looked at the time on his watch, then picked up the walkie-talkie:"All members of the action team, get ready, check the bullets, and wear hats."

After that, he put the walkie-talkie aside, put on his hood, and checked the guns and ammunition.

When the time came to eight o'clock.

He held the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice;"Action!" As soon as the voice fell, the driver in front stepped on the accelerator, rushed out of the alley, and drove towards the garage of the Chase Bank vault, followed by three robbed vans behind.

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