New York Police Department

"What? You said that robbers robbed the vault of Chase Bank? My God, who is so bold as to rob the vault?"

After receiving the call from the alarm center, the chief of the New York Police Department was shocked.

"Yes, Chief Johnson, the robbers are currently robbing. According to the news from the vault, they are almost unable to hold on. Please send in reinforcements immediately."

"OK, I got it."

Seeing her husband hanging up the phone, the wife quickly asked,"What's wrong? What happened?""

""It's okay. There's something going on at the police station. I'm leaving now. You don't have to wait for me to come back."

After a few words of comfort, Johnson rushed to the Chase Bank's vault.

At the same time, several police stations in downtown New York sounded the alarm, and the officers on duty drove police cars to the Chase Bank's vault in New York.... treasury

"Captain, the RPG-7 is coming.

Billy and his companions ran back carrying two RPGs.


Seeing the RPG, Ed was overjoyed:"Bill, suppress the enemy's firepower for me"

"Billy, time it right, aim at the enemy, and blow them to pieces."

"Got it!"

Billy nodded.

"Da da da!!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Under the powerful firepower output, the firepower network formed directly suppressed the few security guards who were still resisting in the vault and made them unable to raise their heads.

"Fuck, where did they get so many bullets?"

Osmond, who was suppressed and couldn't raise his head, roared angrily.

In general, gun stores only have one or two boxes of bullets, and they need to be registered. Just these shootings just now have consumed at least hundreds of rounds of bullets. This is not something that ordinary people can get.

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped.

""Have we run out of bullets?"

Osmond and his companions thought.

Thinking of this, Osmond and his companions raised their heads slightly to see what was going on. As a result, they saw a scene that frightened them.

"Oh my god, it's an RPG, run"

""Swish, swish, swish!"

A rocket trailing white smoke flew towards the hiding place of Osmond and others. In just a moment,


A huge explosion sounded immediately, and all kinds of wood chips and iron bars were blown into the air and then fell down. Several unlucky people who couldn't dodge in time were instantly blown to pieces, lying in a pool of blood, wailing.

"Ah, it hurts, fuck, help me"

"Chels, help me."

"My legs, my legs are gone."

Osmond was not seriously injured, but his head was still shaken by the explosion. His head was buzzing. He patted the dust off his body, got up from the ground, looked at his injured companions on the ground, and was about to say something.

"Bang Bang!"

Two gunshots were heard, and two blood flowers appeared on his chest, and blood flowed out directly.

Osmond raised his hand and pointed at Ed and others who fired the gun. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"With a"thump", he fell directly to the ground, his eyes widened, and he twitched a few times, but there was no more movement.

"Captain, what should we do with them?"

Bill pointed at the security guards lying on the ground and wailing.

Ed glanced at them and said coldly,"It's all solved."

Then he walked directly to the person in charge of the vault and pointed a gun at his head. Before he could say anything, Fickniman knelt down and begged for mercy,"Don't kill me, please don't kill me."

"Bang bang!"

After a few gunshots, the security guards who were wailing on the ground just now received their lunch boxes in an instant.

Ed pointed a gun at Fickniman and said gloomily:"I'll tell you once, open the vault immediately and I'll spare your life, otherwise I'll send you to hell."

"I open...I'll open the door, don't kill me, I'll open the door!"

Faced with this group of extremely brutal robbers, Fikniman surrendered immediately.

""Hurry up!"

Ed rubbed Fickneman with the barrel of his gun, and the latter quickly took out the key and opened the door of the vault.

The lights in the vault lit up instantly.

Piles of neatly arranged banknotes appeared in front of Ed and others.

Looking at the piles of US dollars all over the floor, Ed took a breath of cold air. This is a fucking mountain of money!

"Move, brothers, move it for me."

Bill, Billy and other warriors who received the order rushed up and started to move US dollars.

As for gold and other things, they didn't move them.

Gold is too heavy, and it is not worth it to move it. It is better to move US dollars. Gold is much heavier than US dollars of the same weight.

"that..."Mr. Robber, the vault door is open, can you let me go?"

Fickniman whispered, looking at Ed with fear.

"Let you go? Sure, if you help me move the things and cooperate well, I will spare your life."

""Okay, I understand. I'll move it."

Fickneman was also a decisive person, and he quickly helped to move it.

At the same time, the police closest to Chase Bank were also about to arrive at the scene, but they didn't wait for them to get off the car.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

A rocket went straight to the first car, making a loud"boom" sound.

The hood of the entire police car was blown out of shape.

The front of the car was even on fire.

"Fuck, how could they have an RPG!"

Seeing this scene, the police officers who came to reinforce were all shocked.

The police chief at the scene was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, call the FBI and tell them that the robbers have powerful firepower, ask them to rush to reinforce!"

The little Cami pistols in their hands can't match the bullets of the powerful firepower output.

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