"Our newspaper reports that a major robbery occurred last night. The vault of New York-Yatong Bank was robbed by robbers. It is understood that the amount of loss reached more than 700 million US dollars.

The gangsters were very brutal, causing nearly 100 police officers to be killed and injured, and dozens of innocent people died. It can be said to be the worst incident in recent decades. At present, the police are fully engaged in hunting down the gangsters and vowed to catch these criminals...."

New York, International Airport.

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Louis's mouth curled up slightly.

Everyone can talk nonsense.

Want to catch him?

It's just a dream.

This time, he planned to go to the Middle East first to meet Saddam.

Now that the Iran-Iraq War is raging, the demand for equipment is undoubtedly huge and urgent. If he comes to his door now, Saddam must be very happy to meet him as an arms dealer.

"My dear, these criminals are so bold that they even dare to rob the vault."

On the side, Chris, who was also reading the newspaper, smacked her lips.

The relationship between the two of them has warmed up quickly in the past few days. When she learned that he was leaving New York to go to Europe to handle business matters, Chris insisted on seeing him off in person.

The two of them just had an in-depth conversation in the bathroom of the plane, which was a parting confession.

Without responding to Chris's words, Louise changed the subject and talked about her work.

"It's good. My agent got me a commercial endorsement for a shampoo."

"Really? That's great." Louis smiled and said,"Chris, I believe you will become the best female model."

This is not a compliment.

Chris's legs are really long, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as clothes hangers. He has personally experienced model Cosplay in the past few days, and it is really good.

Hearing Louis' praise, Chris said happily:"Thank you Louis, I will work hard."

At this time, the airport broadcast reminder sounded, and his flight would start checking in 15 minutes.

"Chris, I'm leaving."

"Louis, I can't bear to leave you."

Chris stood up and hugged Louis emotionally.

This man was the first man she dated. He was humorous and generous. In just a few days, he spent three hundred thousand dollars. Such a generous boyfriend, handsome, where can you find such a great boyfriend?

Of course, she fell in love with him. She was conquered both physically and mentally.

For Louis, he was just a temporary partner. It would be so troublesome to talk about love, and talking about love with European and American girls was completely crazy.

He reached out and touched Chris's fair little face, smiled and comforted her:"Okay, Chris, I'm not not coming back. I will contact you next time I go to New York."

"This is what you said, don't forget me when the time comes."

Louis smiled and said,"No, I can forget anyone, but I can't forget you, this little goblin."


Chris kissed her cheek, then released her hand:"Louis, I'll wait for you."

Louis touched her kissed cheek, smiled, said"OK" to Chris, then waved, turned around and walked into the station entrance.......

Half an hour later, a flight to Paris took off and soared into the sky.

It takes eight hours to fly from New York to Paris across the Atlantic Ocean.

Fortunately, he was in first class and could lie flat.

He didn't know how long he had been flying. Louis, who was taking a nap with his eyes closed, heard someone talking. He opened his eyes and looked. It turned out that the flight attendant was pushing a food cart to bring drinks to the passengers.

""Sir, what do you need to drink?"

A beautiful, tall stewardess bent over and asked with a smile.

The neckline was low, and Louis could see the scenery inside the neckline. She was not wearing that thing, but think about it, European and American women don't like to wear that thing, only Asians like to wear it.

Retracting his gaze, Louis asked lightly:"What is it?"

The stewardess was not angry at Louis's aggressive gaze. She had seen this too many times. She smiled and replied:"Sir, we provide Coke, Sprite, and coffee."

"Let's have a glass of Sprite."

I wanted to have a glass of water, but then I remembered that people in Europe and America drink cold water instead of boiled water.

""Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

Soon the stewardess poured a glass of Sprite.

"Thank you."

Louis said politely.

"You're welcome."

The flight attendant smiled back, then pushed the food cart and continued to ask other people

"Hey, Helen, that handsome guy just now seemed to be interested in you?"

A stewardess who was a few years older winked at the stewardess who had just poured Sprite for Louis.

Helen smiled slightly:"Katie, don't talk nonsense!"

"To be honest, that handsome guy looks quite rich. When he boarded the plane just now, there was a strong man following him, who seemed to be a bodyguard. I guess he must be a rich young man."

Helen stretched out her hand to touch the golden hair in front of her forehead, nodded slightly, and opened her red lips slightly:"He is indeed a rich young man. I just saw that he was wearing an Armani suit, a Gucci belt, and a Patek Philippe watch."


Katie's eyes sparkled, and she said with a smile:"Helen, do you want to come up? If you don't, then I'll come up and chat with you."

When Helen heard that Katie was going to come up and chat with her, she, who had just pretended to be reserved and calm, could not sit still.

Although her companion was not as young and beautiful as her, she had a hot body, which she could not compare with.

"Katie, you can't do this."

Helen was anxious:"He is mine"


Katie shrugged and looked in Louis' direction with a look of regret.

Louis, who was sitting in his seat, naturally didn't know that he was being targeted by two women. At this moment, he was thinking about how to deliver weapons and equipment after meeting Sadamu.

This is different from gangsters and drug dealers.

This is���If a government deals with someone and directly delivers weapons and equipment to another country, it will definitely attract great attention.

After all, if he can deliver weapons and equipment to Iraq quietly, then others may be able to do the same.

Although it is impossible for others to deliver weapons and equipment like him, after all, he has a system, but Sadamu is not clear about it, and he cannot reveal a word about the system.

So delivery becomes a big problem.

The only way is to airdrop from another country, or rent a ship to ship by sea.

Either way, it is more troublesome.


Louis suddenly thought of a way

"Just buy a ship from the system, deliver it directly on the high seas, and let Sadamu's people drive it back by themselves, right? Or let the dead soldiers drive it to the port of Ik Country!"

As for the identity of the ship, there is no Internet these days, so there is no need to worry about finding it, just hang a flag casually.

Thinking of this, Louis suddenly became enlightened and felt much more relaxed. Seeing the stewardess who poured water for him before, the pair of exposed thighs and the OL stewardess uniform, Louis became interested.

He waved.

Seeing Louis waved, Helen walked over

""Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

Louis looked at the nameplate on her chest and said with a smile,"Miss Helen, I want to go to the bathroom. I wonder if you can take me there."

As he said that, he took out his wallet from his arms and took out 20 hundred-dollar bills from it.

Helen's eyes lit up.

Two thousand dollars is a lot of money, almost two months' salary for her.

Reaching out to take the 20 US dollar bills and putting them in her clothes, Helen smiled and said,"Sir, please follow me."

Louis smiled slightly, stood up and followed.

Elro, Ed and others in the economy class saw him coming over, and they were ready to stand up, but Louis signaled with his eyes that they didn't need to get up.

Soon, the two came to the bathroom at the back of the cabin.

"Sir, this is the bathroom, I'll take you in."

Helen smiled coquettishly, took Louis' hand and went into the bathroom

""Oh, shit!"

Helen was stunned by the sight of Stick.

Louis chuckled and reached out to grab Helen's hair.

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