To go to the Middle East, you need to transfer in Paris.

Under the reluctant gaze of Helen, the beautiful stewardess, Louis took people off the plane. After waiting at the airport for an hour, they boarded the flight to Iraq in the Middle East.

Now the Iran-Iraq War has been going on for several years, and they are already exhausted.

The offensive of both sides is not as fierce as before.

Now the overall situation is in a tug-of-war.

When the plane landed in Baghdad, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

I didn't rashly go up to find Saddam, because he is the president of a country, and it is so easy to meet him, so I found a hotel to stay in first, and then make a decision after understanding the situation.

In the next two days, Louis wandered around the center of Baghdad.

Although it was in a state of war and the streets were heavily guarded, the lively scenes on the streets did not decrease much. After all, people have to live.

Through the visit, Louis had a certain understanding of the current equipment of Iraqi soldiers.

Overall, it is still very good. From the perspective of individual weapons, it is much better than the Colombian government army.

In addition, from the day before yesterday when the air defense alarm sounded and the anti-aircraft missile shot down a Persian fighter plane, it can be seen that the military strength of Iraq should not be underestimated.

It is not as good as a big country, but it is indeed a strong country in terms of conventional weapons.

Of course, this refers to the scale system, and the weapons are still much behind the West.

However, what lies before him is how to talk with Saddam.

In the wartime state, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to talk with the other party.

After careful thinking, Louis had an idea in his mind. He planned to start with Hamad Shihab, the commander of the Republican Guard, or find Saddam's son Uday. Compared with Saddam, it is relatively easier to contact the two.

The former is Saddam's confidant. If the weapons he took out can deal with him, Saddam will soon know, and then he will have to meet him.

The same is true for Uday.

Of the two, Louis decided to use Uday as a breakthrough. This person is Saddam's son, but at this time he is only a major in the Republican Guard, and the security forces around him are not very strong.

After thinking about it, the most attractive thing to Iraq is undoubtedly the fighter plane, and it is the third-generation fighter plane.

At the beginning of the battle, the Persian F-14 Panda fighter plane was invincible, suppressing the Iraqi air force and shooting down many MiG-23, MiG-25 and other Soviet fighter planes.

In addition to fighter planes, advanced tanks will definitely be popular.

Tanks also have a generation gap. Advanced tanks often represent the ability to win with fewer troops, just like the fifth Middle East war between Syria and Israel, a large number of T-72s were destroyed by Israel.

As for other equipment, Louis did not think about it.

The most attractive thing to Iraq at the moment is the fighter plane.

Especially the third-generation fighter plane.

For example, the F16.

After determining the target and the weapons to be promoted, Louis began to inquire about Uday's whereabouts.

Uday's residence was quickly determined.

"Why doesn't he live with Saddam?"

Louis asked with a frown, looking at the intelligence he had collected.

Ed explained,"Boss, we investigated and found that Uday moved out after he became an adult. He currently lives with his women in a wealthy area in the west of Baghdad. He occasionally goes back to live."

"Are you sure he lives here?"

"Confirmed, our people have been following him for two days. He comes out of this villa every morning and returns to this villa in the evening."

"Well, then follow your plan and intercept his convoy tomorrow morning. Remember not to cause conflict, and bring two people who can speak Arabic!" Louis reminded.

He didn't want to have a fight, he was here to do business.

"Got it!"

Ed nodded in agreement, then turned around to arrange the personnel.

The next morning.

As usual, Uday took his own car, escorted by two military vehicles, and drove out of the villa, ready to head towards the presidential palace. Just as the convoy was about to drive out of the alley, two cars suddenly rushed over from the intersection and blocked the way.

The lead car in front braked suddenly.

The driver of Uday's car didn't have time to brake, and it crashed into the military vehicle in front with a"bang".

Uday, who was sitting in the back seat, crashed directly into the front seat, and a sharp pain appeared on his forehead.

"What's going on?"

Uday asked angrily. They were his personal soldiers, so they had some feelings for each other. If it were anyone else, he would have shot them without saying a word.

"Oops, someone is blocking the road ahead"


Hearing someone blocking the road, Uday was stunned at first, and then he was furious. He kicked the car door open angrily and got out of the car. He walked forward under the escort of several personal soldiers.

At this time, an Iraqi citizen, also at Ed's signal, tremblingly raised his hands and shouted to Uday's people:"Mr. Uday, a gentleman said that he can provide Iraq with advanced F16 fighter jets, and he wants to talk to you."

This sentence happened to be heard by Uday who came over angrily.

The prince, who had a somewhat violent personality, frowned when he heard this. Of course he had heard of the F16 fighter jet. It was the most advanced fighter jet in the United States.

It can also be said that it is one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world today.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Americans, considering the situation in the country and the idea of giving it a try, he waved his hand and ordered the personal soldiers around him:"Go, bring the person to me."


Four soldiers rushed over with AK47s.

"Everyone inside, listen up! Don't move. Put your hands up and come out."

Ed and the others cooperated very well, raised their hands and got out of the car.

Two bodyguards stepped forward and searched carefully, making sure there were no weapons. Then they pointed their guns at Ed's back and said,"Go, over there, Mr. Uday wants to see you."

Ed raised his hands and cooperated.

Uday saw at a glance that Ed was the leader of the group, and from their faces he could tell that Ed and the others were not Middle Easterners, nor were they foreigners.

After raising his eyebrows and sizing them up, he said,"Are you looking for me?"

Ed didn't understand Arabic, so he could only look at the translator he had grabbed to the side, who quickly translated.

After listening to the translator's words, Ed said in English,"To be precise, our boss wants to see Mr. Uday."

Uday understands English. Although he has a violent temper and beats people at every turn, his English is really good.


Uday became interested. He thought the person in front of him wanted to see him, but he didn't expect there was someone behind him.

"What about the F16 you mentioned earlier?"

"It's like this, our boss is an arms dealer. After learning that your air force was attacked by Persian F14 fighter jets, he planned to support your country's cause of resisting Persian atrocities, so he planned to provide your country with more advanced fighter jets and weaponry. However, he had no way to contact your father, so he had no choice but to do this. His purpose is to meet with Mr. Uday. Please forgive me."

Arms dealer?

Uday raised his eyebrows.

He was not interested in what Ed said later, but said in a cold voice:"I just want to ask you a question, is it true that you will provide F16 fighter jets?"

"Of course it's true!"

Ed said firmly.

Uday looked at Ed with a sharp expression, but Ed was not panicked at all, and was calm and stable.

After staring at each other for more than ten seconds, Uday retracted his gaze and said coldly:"Okay, I will believe you once. If you dare to lie to me, I guarantee that you will end up miserably."

Facing Uday's threat, Ed was not afraid or timid at all, and smiled and said:"Don't worry, Mr. Uday, what I said is true"


Seeing that the other party was not scared by him, Uday snorted coldly.

(Ps: Please collect, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, and all other data support!)

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