A hotel in the center of Baghdad.

It has been temporarily taken over.

When meeting a stranger, he would definitely not bring only a few people to meet Louis. Uday still values his life very much. In addition, it is wartime now, and it is hard to guarantee that it is not a conspiracy designed by hostile forces. So he directly transferred the police from a nearby police station to control the hotel where Louis is staying. After confirming that it is safe, he escorted Ed here in person.

"Are you his boss?"

After seeing Louis, Uday frowned. He didn't expect the so-called arms dealer to be so young. He looked about the same age as him, or two or three years older.

Louis didn't rush to reply to Uday, even though he was pointed at by several AKs at this moment. He looked at the detained Ed.


Ed saw Louis looking at him and hurriedly shouted respectfully.

Louis nodded slightly and turned his gaze to Uday. Although he had never met him before, he had seen reports about Uday and posters on the street while wandering around Baghdad these two days.

"Hello Mr. Uday, I am Louis, an arms dealer and his boss"

"I heard you have an F16 fighter jet?" Uday asked with a raised eyebrow.

Louis smiled and said,"Mr. Uday, how about releasing my people first and then we can talk about it in detail?"


Uday snorted coldly, somewhat dissatisfied with Louis's pace, but he still waved his hand:"Let them go."

After that, he looked at Louis with a cold look:"I tell you, if you dare to tease me, I will make you die ugly."

Louis smiled slightly, and did not take Uday's threat seriously.

"You go down first."

Louis waved his hand to signal Ed and the others to go down first.

Ed looked at Uday, then looked at the people Uday brought with him in the room, frowned, and wanted to say that he would stay to protect, but then he thought about it, and Elro was still there. If something really happened, with Elro's skills, it would only take a few moves for Uday's personal soldiers in the room to deal with them.

Soon, only Louis, Uday and the others were left in the room.

"Mr. Uday, I can not only provide F16 fighter jets, but also long-range rocket launchers, tanks, missiles, etc. As long as the money is in place, I can get you any weapons and equipment."


Uday looked at this arrogant peer in front of him with amusement.

"Don't you think your words are ridiculous?"

Louis smiled slightly:"I know that Mr. Uday doubts my power. I can understand that. I am the same. However, what I want to say is the fact."

"Let me put it this way. To prove that what I said is true, a cargo ship will arrive at your country's Faw port tomorrow morning. It will carry a batch of rocket launchers, which are more powerful than many rocket launchers currently available, including those of Soviet and American rocket launchers. Mr. Uday will know the specific combat effectiveness when he sees it."

Seeing that what Louis said was true, Uday frowned slightly.

"Are you sure there will really be a cargo ship carrying rocket launchers arriving at the port tomorrow?"


""Okay, I'll believe you this time."

After saying that, he stood up and looked at Louis coldly:"I still say that if you lie to me, I will make you wish you were dead."

Louis smiled back


Uday snorted coldly and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Uday paused and turned to look at Louis.

Louis smiled and said,"The ship will arrive at the port tomorrow. Mr. Uday, please communicate with the customs."

His ships are all illegal and have not been reported before. It is not so easy to dock at the port.

Uday did not reply, turned around and walked away.

Louis narrowed his eyes and looked at Uday's departing back, thinking about something in his mind.

After going downstairs, Uday turned around and told the police chief behind him,"Keep an eye on them, don't let them run away, otherwise, I will take your life."

The police chief trembled all over and said quickly,"Please put them down, sir, and never let anyone run away."


Uday nodded slightly, and then said:"As long as they don't leave the hotel, you don't have to worry about them, okay?"

"Yes!" The police chief agreed quickly.

After watching Uday get in the car and leave, the police chief breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around, waved his hand, and said to his men:"Listen carefully, surround the area, don't let anyone approach, and don't let the people upstairs leave."


Dozens of armed police officers responded in unison.

"Boss, they have surrounded this place."

Elro, who was observing the situation, immediately reported the situation downstairs to Louis. Upon learning of the siege, he shook his head and said with a relaxed look,"Don't worry, just wait patiently.""


Telling Elro to go out, he was alone.

When he was the only one left in the room, he turned on the system.

Searching for its long-range rocket launcher.

The rocket launcher kicked out of Longguo was too advanced, and it was best to keep the advanced weapons for himself.

He also discarded the short-legged Su Xiong Hurricane 220mm rocket launcher, because the range was too short, and the maximum range was only more than 30 kilometers.

However, it was still stronger than the BM-21 rocket launcher equipped by Ik Country. The range of BM-21 was only more than 20 kilometers. Even so, it was very powerful at the moment. The rocket launcher was forced.

Moreover, the BM-21 rocket launcher is a scarce commodity. The main equipment is the 63-type 107mm towed rocket launcher purchased from Longguo. In addition to the mobility shortcoming, the range is only 8 kilometers.

Too advanced will not be sold, too cheap will not be appreciated. After a selection, Louis finally decided to use the M270 self-propelled rocket launcher from the United States.

The main reason is that the range is long enough, at 67 kilometers, and if equipped with a specific warhead, it can even reach 100 kilometers. This is definitely the rocket launcher with the longest range at present.

It can even reach the range of some tactical missiles.

And it is very maneuverable. It adopts a box-type structure and can freely combine 6+1 or 6+6 rocket combinations, that is, it can launch up to 12 rockets at a time.

It is the best weapon for the Iran-Iraq War.

The M270 rocket launcher, including 12 rockets, costs $150,000. This price is not cheap. Normally, one rocket costs only $10,000 to $20,000.

However, the caliber of this system is obviously much larger, and the range is much longer.

He bought three M270 rocket launchers directly, spending $450,000.

He also bought a 10,000-ton freighter, which was a modified freighter, and it cost him $2 million. In reality, such a 10,000-ton freighter would cost at least tens of millions of dollars.

He recruited 10 freighter staff and then located the actual location in the high seas outside the Gulf of Oman.

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