""Young Master, why are you here?"

Fao, a major general officer at the front-line command, was shocked to learn that Uday had come, and hurried over.

This is the eldest son of the President, and he is likely to become the future successor. Now that he is on the front line, if there is a loss, I am afraid that he will be shot ten times.

Uday also knew this major general. His own military rank was very low, but it did not prevent him from knowing many senior officers. After all, he had accompanied Sadam to review and inspect the troops.

It happened that he knew the major general in front of him.

"Major General Allawi, don't worry about me. I'm here to test new weapons. Tell me, which enemy target is most important?"

"Well, targets within 60 kilometers."

Testing new weapons?

Allawi was confused.

How could he not know what new weapons there were?

Besides, if there were new weapons, it would not be Uday's turn. However, due to the other party's identity, Allawi did not ask more questions, but returned to the headquarters and pointed to a target on the battle map and said:"My lord, this is an ammunition depot in Persia. We sent special forces to lurk there and wanted to blow it up, but we failed."

Hearing this, Uday looked at the target on the map and marked the coordinates.

"OK, I understand."

After saying that, he turned and left the headquarters.

Why did he leave?

Alawi's head was buzzing, but he still didn't forget to chase him out.

"Young Master, the front line is very dangerous....What is this?"

When Allawi saw the BM-270 rocket launcher, he couldn't take his eyes off it, his breathing became tight, and he quickly stepped forward to take a look.

"This is a new type of rocket launcher."

Uday replied casually, and then told his subordinates the coordinates of the target. These subordinates were also operating this thing for the first time. Fortunately, there was an instruction manual, and they understood it by following the instructions.

Soon, the launch box slowly rose up.

After some operations, the subordinates quickly ran to Uday and said:"Report, the target has been locked, should we open fire immediately?"


Uday did not hesitate at all and immediately ordered to open fire.

He was not qualified to do so during peacetime, but now it was a war, the two sides had been fighting for many years, and there was no ceasefire. The war was currently in a stalemate, so it was not against the rules to open fire on the enemy. Besides, he did not mobilize the army, but only let his own people do it.

As Uday's order was issued, his subordinates returned to the car and immediately pressed the red launch button.

""Swish, swish, swish!!!"

Rockets flew into the air, dragging white flames towards the target.


Border city.

Abadan, frontier position.

An infantry battalion and a tank armored battalion, nearly a thousand soldiers, were resting at this time.

In the Iran-Iraq War, both sides had advanced weapons, but the results were no different from the positional warfare in World War II.

At this time, the infantry battalion commander Razia was discussing tomorrow's battle plan with the armored battalion commander Ahmadinejad at the headquarters.

"Razia, this time the higher-ups have given us a lifeline. We must take down the city of Fao in Ik and completely cut off Ik's maritime aid."

"It is almost impossible for us to capture Fao with only two battalions." Razia said with a frown.

"There are definitely more than just our two battalions. I got the news that the headquarters plans to send two more regiments to support us. We are just the vanguard, and the real main force is still behind us."

Razia heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that there were two more regiments of reinforcements behind her:"That's good. I thought..."What's that sound?"

Just as he was about to say this, there was a sudden noise outside the headquarters.

The two looked at each other and stood up:"Let's go out and take a look."

When they just walked out of the headquarters, they saw their men looking up, as if they were looking at something in the sky, and some of them were pale.


Seeing the target flying rapidly in the air, Razia and Ahmadinejad's faces changed drastically and they shouted.

But the movement of a human being could not match the speed of a rocket.

Twelve rockets flew rapidly towards them.


"Boom boom!!"


A series of explosions sounded, and a blazing fire was seen at the target.

"It's over."

Razia and Ahmadinejad looked pale when they saw this.

That was the storage place for ammunition and fuel on the front line. Now it was destroyed?

What's the point of fighting this war? Going forward to die in vain?

We can only wait for follow-up supplies.

At the same time, in Faao, the frontline positions of Iraq

"What? An ammunition and fuel transfer base in Persia was attacked and suffered heavy losses?"Alawi's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, General"

"What is the location? Draw it for me immediately."

After receiving the order, the soldier was stunned for a moment, then picked up a pen and circled it on the map.

"Isn't this the goal I told you about before?..."

Seeing the target on the map, Alavi suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, and he took a deep breath.

"That's not right. How can a rocket hit such a long distance?"

Allawi was suspicious.

"No, I have to ask the eldest son quickly."

After saying that, Alawi quickly stood up and went to find Louis.

At this time, Uday also got the news.

12 rockets hit the Persian target more than 40 kilometers away.

"Well done!"

Uday applauded

"I didn't expect that this rocket launcher could hit targets 40 to 50 kilometers away."

If he had some doubts before, at this moment he was completely convinced that these treasures in front of him could really hit targets dozens of kilometers away, that Louis really had a good thing in his hands, and that he believed in Louis's power.

According to Louis, this is the latest rocket launcher equipped by the United States, which even the Snake Country does not have.

"Sir, may I ask where the Persian ammunition depot is?..."

Before he finished speaking, Allawi saw the empty BM270 rocket launcher, and immediately swallowed back the rest of his words.

Uday was in no mood to communicate with him, so he told him to keep an eye on the launch vehicle, then turned around and drove to Basra with his personal guards, and then planned to fly back to Baghdad.

He wanted to tell this good news to Sadam.

(Ps: Four updates today, six updates tomorrow!)

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