Late at night.


Presidential Palace.

Uday came here almost immediately after getting off the plane. Only at night could the two of them chat. Even if he wanted to see Saddam during the day, it was difficult. After all, during the war, he was the president of a country and had to deal with too many things every day.

Upon learning about his eldest son, Saddam was stunned for a moment, then he remembered that his subordinates had reported to him yesterday about his eldest son's movements. He guessed that it was probably related to the arms dealer. After thinking about it, he asked someone to bring him in.


In the living room, seeing his father coming, Uday, who had always been unruly, looked at Sadam respectfully like a good boy.

Nodding, Sadam sat down, raised his eyelids slightly, and looked at his son in front of him:"What's the matter with you looking for me so urgently?"

Hearing his father asking about something, Uday was shocked and said seriously:"Father, do you know? I tested a very good rocket launcher today."

"Rocket launcher?"

Sadamu raised his eyebrows, not understanding why his son was so excited.���At present, Iraq is equipped with a lot of rocket launchers, tens of thousands of which are imported from Longguo.

"Yes, father, this rocket launcher is different from other rocket launchers. It is the latest model of rocket in the United States. It can reach a distance of 60 kilometers, which is almost the same as a short-range missile."

"What? Sixty kilometers? Are you sure you didn't say an extra zero?"

Sadamu, who was originally quite calm, stood up from his chair and looked at his eldest son with a serious expression.

As a president who was born in a military family, Sadamu is very familiar with the military.

It is precisely because of his familiarity that he knows what a rocket launcher with a range of 60 kilometers means?

A missile usually costs tens of thousands of dollars. If the range is longer and it is equipped with precision guidance, it will be even more expensive, possibly millions of dollars, while a rocket usually costs only ten or twenty thousand dollars.

Imagine that with the money of a missile, you can buy several or dozens of rockets with the same range, which can achieve firepower coverage and strike to destroy the enemy.

In short, use the least money to attack the enemy.

After all, a missile is too expensive, even if it is The oil-producing Iraq could not bear it either, otherwise they would not have purchased a large number of 107mm rocket launchers and tens of thousands of rockets from Longguo.

Longguo’s weapons are durable and cheap. The only disadvantage is that the range is too short, only 6 kilometers away, and can only provide artillery support for infantry.

Looking at his uneasy father, Uday was very proud. He usually pretends to be a strict father, but now he is not calm?

Putting away the muttering in his mind, Uday nodded seriously:"Yes, father, I tested it myself and destroyed an ammunition depot on the border of Persia. There are two launchers left, and I also had them transported to Baghdad. If you don’t believe it, you can take some time tomorrow to see it in person.

And 60 kilometers is just the starting point. If the warhead is changed, the maximum distance can reach 100 kilometers."

The longest distance is 100 kilometers?"

Sadam's pupils shrank slightly.

After all, the previous range of 60 kilometers was barely comparable to that of a missile, but a range of 100 kilometers has completely reached the range of a short-range missile.

If it can be equipped with several thousand vehicles and fired together, it will surely destroy the Persian army and cause heavy damage.

Thinking of this, Sadam's breathing became much more rapid.


He took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and tried to appear calm. Looking at his eldest son, he said,"Where did this rocket launcher come from? Was it shipped by your arms dealer?"

Uday was not surprised that his father knew about the arms dealer.

In Baghdad, as long as Sadam wanted to know something, it would not be difficult to find out.

"Yes, father!"

In order to make Sadamu pay attention to Louis, he added:"In addition, he said that as long as the money is in place, he can also help us get the US military's F16 fighter jets."


Sadamu's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked at Uday with a serious expression:"You said he can get an F16 fighter?"

As the world's most advanced third-generation fighter, the F16 fighter, Sadamu has always been envious. The

F14 Panda fighter, which is about to be eliminated by the United States, has already defeated the Iraqi Air Force.

If it were not for the good relationship with Su Xiong before, a large number of Soviet-made fighters were introduced. With the advantage of quantity, plus the purchase of the Longguo J-7 series, the safety of the Iraqi sky could be barely maintained.

In fact, Sadamu has always wanted Su Xiong to sell Su-27, but he refused to sell it, no matter how much money he was offered, and the United States could not reach an agreement at all.

Unexpectedly, his son now told him that someone was selling F16 fighters, which made him ecstatic, but also a little doubtful.

After all, it is one of the most advanced fighters in the United States. Can an arms dealer get it?

"Yes, father, that's what he said."

"How about this, tomorrow I will go to see the rocket launcher with a range of 60 kilometers that you mentioned."

Sadamu thought about it and decided to go and see if the rocket launcher was really as advanced as his son said. If it was, he could meet this powerful arms dealer. If not, there was no need to meet him again, just let him be shot.

If you dare to play tricks on his son, you have to pay the price.

Uday was naturally happy to hear that Sadam was going to personally inspect the BM270 rocket launcher. This was a credit.

The next morning,

Sadam, accompanied by his son, drove to a wasteland on the outskirts of Baghdad and saw the two BM270 rocket launchers.

The first impression gave Sadam It feels good.

It looks very high-end, much more refined than the rough and crude appearance of the bears.

After learning about the performance of the BM270 rocket launcher in detail, Sadamu directly ordered a test launch. After all, a great man in the East once said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The parameters are beautifully written, but in the end it depends on the actual situation. Whether it can really be fired that far.

Soon, after some debugging by the crew.

A BM270 rocket vehicle continuously tested 6 rockets at an unmanned next door 60 kilometers away.

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