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Luis recharged the tens of thousands of dollars he had just earned into the system.

Without any hesitation, he directly started the recruitment mode.

He had originally thought about growing slowly for a while, but now he was directly involved with the Medellin drug cartel. Facing such vicious criminals, he had to keep a hand and have enough strength to ensure safety, otherwise they might just rob him.

"System, recruit 20 ordinary soldiers, 4 special forces, select Latino as race"

"In addition, 24 HK416 assault rifles and 24 Beretta 92F pistols were purchased, including 3,000 rounds of 5.56x45mm bullets and 2,000 rounds of 9mm pistol bullets."

The price difference between AK47 and HK416 in the system is only $20.

The price difference is not big. If you use it yourself, you naturally have to use a better one.

"Ding, the death squad was recruited successfully, the weapons and resources were purchased successfully, and $5540 was deducted"

"Ding, do you want to materialize?"

Listening to the prompt in his mind, Louis immediately chose"Yes!"

The next second, more than 20 people and several bags full of weapons and ammunition suddenly appeared out of thin air in the empty space in the living room in front of him.

He was already very familiar with this scene. After a recognition, he called Elro and asked him to arrange a house for them to stay in. At the same time, he also decided that after the transaction with Raymondo was over, he would definitely buy a manor villa in the suburbs. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to recruit in the apartments in the city.

A small number of people is okay, but things like armored vehicles and armed helicopters are not easy to materialize in the city.

Next, Louis studied the weapons and equipment provided in his system and made a list.

The list records some weapons that have already appeared, and most of them are weapons and equipment from the 1950s and 1960s, or at most from the 1970s. Things that are too advanced must not be sold, and weapons and equipment that have not yet appeared are sold. What if someone If someone of yours pays attention to you, you will be in big trouble.

The next day.

He woke up early in the morning and had breakfast in a nearby restaurant. Then he found a phone booth, called Raymondo, and told him the time and place of the meeting.

After that, he took Elro and the other three and drove to a bar on Lavro Street on the east side of Piro Avenue.

The things loaded in the off-road vehicle were 40 AK47s and bullets.

Because he had greeted them in advance, when he, Elro and the other three arrived at a bar where the transaction was held, Ahab had already arrived and was almost impatient. However, the moment he saw Louis, the irritability on his face disappeared instantly, and he came forward to greet him enthusiastically. After some politeness, they got down to business.

When he saw the 40 brand new AK47s and a large number of bullets, Ahab gave a thumbs up and praised,"Louis, you are amazing. You can even get brand new AK47s."

AK47 is nothing.

I can even get fighter jets and aircraft carriers."

Louis complained in his heart, but did not say much. He left after the transaction. For him, he would not personally deal with small customers like Ahab in the future. It was too embarrassing for him to deal with a few thousand dollars.

He wanted to be the world's most powerful arms dealer.

40 AK47s cost a total of 40,000 US dollars. He had received a deposit of 10,000 before, which meant that he earned 30,000 US dollars from this transaction. After depositing the money into his bank account and looking at the more than 60,000 US dollars in the account, Louis lamented that money was too hard to make. He was not in a hurry to deposit the money into the system account. He planned to wait until he met Raymondo....

At three o'clock in the afternoon, he brought Elro and six other people to the meeting place, a coffee shop.

However, there was no one in the coffee shop at that time. They were all stopped by the strong man outside, that is, Raymondo's men.

"Hi, Louis.

Seeing him coming, Raymondo stood up with a smile, walked over and shook his hand, greeting him warmly.

"Hello, Mr. Raimondo."

"Please take a seat"


"How about it, what kind of heavy weapons can Mr. Louis get?"

Raymondo, who sat down, couldn't wait to ask.

Louis narrowed his eyes, smiled, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over. On it was the equipment that he had selected yesterday that was suitable for sale.

"Mr. Raymondo, I can get you the equipment on this note as long as the money is in place."


Raymondo took the paper and read it.

Mi-24"Hind" attack helicopter, brand new, fully equipped, $21 million per unit.

(Equipped with 32 rockets, 4 air-to-air missiles, or replaced with 4 air-to-ground missiles, 1 30mm double-barreled machine gun, 280 machine gun bullets.)

Military Hummer, brand new, priced at $1.5 million per unit.

(The top weapon can be selected from the M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine gun and the M134 minigun machine gun, both equipped with the corresponding base bullets.)

RPG-7-rocket launcher: $13,000.

(with 3 rockets)

PKM light machine gun: $2,500.

(with 300 rounds of ammunition)...

When he saw that the Mi-24 attack helicopter was also on sale, Raymondo's breathing became much faster, and he looked up and asked,"Mr. Louis, are you sure you can get all the items on the list?"

"Of course! Don't question my strength. The strength behind me is beyond your imagination." Louis made up a"background" for himself at the right time, and Raymondo thought he was hinting at the arms company behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Raymondo suppressed his inner shock and said solemnly:"Mr. Louis, the weapons and equipment you provided are beyond my expectations. I need to report the situation to my boss before I can decide what to buy in the end."


"However, I hope this time can be as soon as possible, because after a while, I will leave here and go to the Middle East."

Instead of selling equipment to drug dealers and doing this kind of small business, it is better to go to the Middle East battlefield, where the Iran-Iraq War is going on, and I believe there will be a great need for weapons and equipment, and the same is true for the African battlefield.

However, he will not abandon Barron, after all, this is a good place for him to build his future foundation. If he were black, he would choose to take root in Africa, but after all, he is Latino.

With the ability of the system, he can completely swallow this country and become the secret controller.

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