"Mr. Luis, please rest assured, it will only take a few minutes."

After saying that, Raymondo stood up and hurried to the front desk of the cafe, picked up the phone and started dialing.

Luis narrowed his eyes and gave Elro a look, who nodded slightly and then walked out, leaving Ottonil and several other dead men to look at the other party warily.


A manor in the suburbs.

By the swimming pool, Pablo was chatting about business with his confidant.

Since the year before last, his business has been attacked by the Colombian government and the US military. Not only did he suffer many casualties, but his business was also greatly affected.

Aviation smuggling channels have also been closed down one after another.

In addition, the competition from Pablo was very annoyed and furious at the suppression of his competitors.

The business was affected, and the original internal conflicts gradually emerged.

Recently, someone suggested that the Colombian military and police, especially the Drug Enforcement Administration, must be dealt a heavy blow and taught a bloody lesson, otherwise the business would be impossible to do.

Pablo was hesitant about this proposal.

If he really did this, it would undoubtedly completely anger the government forces.

At that time, he might do everything to encircle and suppress them. Although he has 20,000 to 30,000 armed elements under his command, they are all individual weapons after all. In terms of weapons and equipment, they are far inferior to those of the government forces, so they can only bully the police.

"Pablo has good news."

Just as he was hesitating, his brother Ochoa came over excitedly.

"What's the good news?"

Pablo asked

"I just received a call from Raymondo, who said he knows a very powerful arms dealer, from whom he can buy armed helicopters, heavy machine guns, light machine guns, and even armored vehicles, PRG and other rocket launchers."

Ochia said excitedly;"If we can buy a batch of heavy weapons with powerful firepower, the next time we face the government forces, we will also have the strength to fight back and completely defeat them."

"What, are you telling the truth? Can you really get heavy firepower weapons?"

Pablo stood up excitedly and asked while grabbing Ochoa's arm.

His hesitation and distress before were not because he was worried that he lacked heavy weapons and could not deal with the government forces.

You know, although he has money, it is difficult to buy equipment like armed helicopters.

Not to mention that he is a drug dealer suppressed by the United States, even ordinary small countries cannot buy it.

That thing is simply priceless and difficult to buy.

After he was wanted by the United States, almost no one was willing to sell it to him.

After all, no country is willing to offend the United States.

This also led to the difficulty for him to upgrade his own weapons and equipment, and the lack of heavy firepower weapons and equipment meant that the drug kingdom he wanted to create lacked military support.

"It's really Pablo, I communicated with Raymondo twice, and he looked very sure."

Pablo also knew Raymondo, a key member of the organization, a good player with outstanding abilities, and he will surely become a sharp knife of the organization in the future.

"So where is he? Still with the arms dealer?"

"Yes, Raymondo is with the arms dealer, but according to him, the other party is only willing to wait for a while."

Hearing this, Pablo frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

"So, you tell Raymondo to bring the man over here. I want to talk to him in person."


After receiving the order, Ochoa quickly informed his trusted subordinate Raymondo of Pablo's words.

After finishing the call, Raymondo returned to his seat, first with an apologetic look on his face, and then said,"Mr. Luis, my boss wants to discuss cooperation with you in person."

"Is it Mr. Pablo?"


Luis widened his suit and smiled faintly,"I have heard of Mr. Pablo's name for a long time, but I have never had the chance to meet him. Today, I have to meet him."

Seeing that Luis agreed, Raymondo was relieved, waved his hand, and told someone to arrange a car.

When Luis and his companions left in the car, Elro also took the remaining 20 or so assassins in a stolen car and followed far behind, ready to provide support at any time if there was any situation.

As for Luis, he was not very worried.

First, he had five assassins who were special forces around him.

Secondly, he had a system.

It only took him one minute to summon many assassins, so if Pablo really wanted to use force against him, he didn't mind touching this super drug dealer who was famous in Latin America.

Of course, this was not what he wanted to see.

After all, he came to do business.

Cartagena is not far from Medellin, it is nearly 500 kilometers away.

Late that night, the convoy arrived in Medellin.

"Mr. Luis, you can rest here tonight. Mr. Pablo will see you tomorrow morning."

Raymondo arranged him in a very ordinary hotel.

Luis nodded slightly.

He didn't dislike it.

He had lived in worse places than this.

The reason why the other party didn't take him to live in the prosperous city center was also very simple.

That was the territory controlled by the government army, and Pablo mainly controlled the slums.

The slums where tens of thousands of people gathered, let alone the police, even the people from the Drug Enforcement Administration dared not step into, for fear of being shot by armed men who appeared in the corner.

Just when he was about to sit down and rest for a while, then wash up and go to bed, Raymondo brought two women in.

They were all Hispanic women, and their figures were completely different from the slenderness that Longguo liked. They were all women with big waists and fleshy figures. It was not easy to find a slender woman in Latin America, and the aesthetic concept of Latin Americans was different from that of Longguo.

They liked women with strong capital and had no interest in slender women with small bears.

"This is Mr. Louis. You two should serve him well tonight, okay?"

After hearing this, the two Latin American girls threw themselves into Louis' arms without any nonsense and started to play intimate actions.

Louis smiled and did not refuse.

When he first came here, he was not used to it, but later he experienced more things and saw more things, and his concept changed.

In Latin America, money is the most important society, and the atmosphere is also very open. As long as you have money, you will not lack women at all. It is more fun than in Europe and the United States.

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