The next morning,

Louis, who was still sleeping, was awakened by a knock on the door.

He took away the woman's arm, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and slowly left the room.

Rebirth still has its advantages. At least the capital and practical ability are much stronger. It can be said that he has reached the angle he envied when watching movies before.

"What's the matter?"

He opened the door and saw Ottoniel standing outside. He yawned and asked

"Boss, Raymondo just came and said we can set off."

Ottonier said respectfully.

"Oh? Okay, tell him and wait for me for a few minutes."


After returning to the room, Luis washed up first, picked up the clothes and pants scattered on the ground, and went out without even looking at the two women lying on the bed.

The weather in Medellin is good today, and the temperature is not high, about ten degrees.

After meeting up with Raymondo's people downstairs, the group left the hotel by car.

This time they were not heading towards the city, but towards the suburbs.

After driving on the winding mountain road for about twenty minutes, they came to a heavily guarded manor, where militants with AK47s could be seen everywhere.

Along the way, there were at least forty or fifty people.

Although there were many people, in his opinion, they could not be compared with Elro, Ottonier and others. Their spirits were different, and their postures were also lazy. They were not elite at first glance. Come to think of it, the armed drug traffickers, what elites are there?

This is not in Moxico. The armed drug traffickers there are much more formal, mostly retired soldiers or policemen. Although Colombia is a place where laundry detergent is produced, it is still far from being formal.

The convoy stopped in front of a house.

As soon as I got off the car and walked a few steps, I saw a fat middle-aged man with brown curly hair walking over.

It was none other than the famous Pablo.

Although he had never seen him before, photos of Pablo himself had appeared many times in newspapers and on TV.

Raymondo said something respectfully in front of Pablo, and I didn't know what he said, but I saw Pablo walking over enthusiastically:"Mr. Luis? Hello, I'm Pablo, welcome to Medellin." Looking at the big drug lord in front of him, Luis smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party;"Hello, Mr. Pablo, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty of inviting Mr. Louis over."

"It's okay. Besides, it's my honor to meet Mr. Pablo."

Luis said politely.

After all, the man in front of him is also a famous drug lord with 20,000 to 30,000 people under his command, and more than 300,000 people indirectly working for him. To be able to let such a drug lord meet him in person means that he really gives him face.

And Luis didn't want to offend this madman.

More importantly, the other party is likely to become his loyal big customer.

After some pleasantries, Pablo invited him to the rest area next to the swimming pool in the back garden of the villa for coffee.

"Mr. Luis, I heard from Raymondo that you can get Mi-24 armed helicopters, heavy machine guns and other equipment?"

"Yes, Pablo, as long as the money is in place, even if you just want an F16 fighter jet, I can get it from you."Although selling F16, Mi-24 and other large weapons and equipment will easily be targeted by other countries, Luis, who is in urgent need of money, doesn't care about these.

Besides, he will have to go to the Middle East and Africa to sell arms in the future, and he will be exposed sooner or later.

As long as the strength is strong enough, the CIA, MI6, KGB and other intelligence agencies will kill as many as they come. Unless they send tens of thousands of troops to encircle and suppress him, he is really not afraid.

Hearing that he could get an F16 fighter jet, Pablo's pupils shrank, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and his heart was shocked.

"Mr. Lewis, are you sure you are not joking?"

"Of course!" Luis looked calm and confident,"Mr. Pablo, please don't doubt my ability. If I say I can get it, then I can definitely get it."


Pablo showed an apologetic look.

Seeing Pablo apologizing, Luis' eyes flashed with surprise. This man is not consistent with the rumors. There are rumors outside that he is a tyrannical person and that he has an unpredictable personality. Why does he look a little different?

"It doesn't matter. Many people don't know me, so it's normal for them to doubt my ability. But I still say that as long as the money is in place, I can get it."

Luis said lightly. If he didn't know that the Medellin Group was financially strong and had a lot of money, he really wouldn't want to trade with drug dealers.

""Luis, how many MiG-24s do you have? I want them all."

Although he wanted to buy an F16 fighter, considering the actual situation, especially the need for a takeoff runway, Pablo gave up the idea of buying an F16 and chose the MiG-24 attack helicopter instead.

The reason is simple. The firepower of the attack helicopter is also very strong, which is very useful for dealing with the military and police.

Moreover, it does not require a runway, as long as there is a flat ground, it can take off, which is very suitable for him and the organization.

"All of them?" After a moment's hesitation, Luis said with a smile:"Mr. Pablo, are you sure you want all of them? I have nearly 10 MiG-24 attack helicopters."

"What, you have 10?"

This time it was Pablo's turn to be surprised.

10 Mi-24 armed helicopters is not a small number. Even the Colombian government army only has three armed helicopters, one of which is seriously aging and needs to be replaced.

As a result, Luis said he has 10. Do you think Pablo would not be surprised? Wouldn't he be shocked?

"Could it be that Su Xiong's interest group is behind him?"

Pablo thought to himself.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Otherwise, how could Louis say that he could get 10 US 24 armed helicopters.

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