Seeing Pablo's surprised expression, Luis's mouth curled up slightly.

Are you surprised?

If I took out a nuclear bomb or a nuclear submarine, wouldn't your eyes pop out?

"Yes, Mr. Pablo, 10 of them."

"When can the goods be delivered? Where can they be delivered?"

Suppressing his excitement, Pablo asked a crucial question.

"Within three days, as for the delivery location, I will inform you at that time, but I can assure you that the delivery location must be within the borders of Colombia."

When he heard that the delivery was within the borders of Colombia, Pablo narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was shocked in his heart.

In order to bring in armed helicopters, smuggling is necessary. The interpersonal relationship of the other party is probably extraordinary. I am afraid that there are people from the other party in the military.

Thinking of this, Pablo frowned slightly:"Mr. Luis, you are not from the government, are you?"

As soon as the voice fell, several men behind Pablo all took out their pistols and pointed them at Luis. At this time, Ottoniel and his men moved faster and pointed their guns at Pablo's men.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became tense.

Waving to Ottoniel and others, indicating that they put away their guns, Luis looked at Pablo, who had a gloomy and uncertain face, and smiled indifferently:"Mr. Pablo, are you kidding? I am from the government, and I will sell weapons and equipment?

Besides, do you think the government can get the Mi-24 armed helicopter? Can it get the weapons and equipment I provide?

Also, if you really doubt my identity and don't trust me, then I don't want to do this business anymore. Just pretend I've never been here."

After saying that, Luis stood up with a gloomy face and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Luis was angry, Pablo gave his brother Ochoa a look, and the latter immediately understood what he meant and quickly stood up to stop Mr. Luis.

"Mr. Luis was angry. Pablo was just being cautious. He really didn't mean that."

Ochoa gave him a way out, and Pablo stood up as well:"Calm down, Mr. Luis. You know that in my line of work, you must be energetic, don't you think so?

Luis was not about to leave. He finally caught a big client. Where would he find him if he left?

If he had the capital, it would be fine. The key point is that he didn't have the capital at the moment. Even if he went to the Middle East, he had to show something before they would trade with him.

Besides, Pablo and Ochoa had already bowed their heads, so there was no need to offend them.

"I still say that I am just a pure arms dealer. I don't get involved in politics or your government's affairs. So, Mr. Pablo, Mr. Ochoa, do you want to buy arms?"

Luis turned to the two and said

"Buy, of course you have to buy, aren't we negotiating?"

Ochoa tried to smooth things over, pulling his arm and motioning him to sit down and continue talking.

Luis also sat back in his seat.

Ochoa breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile,"Mr. Luis, I just have one question, is it cash on delivery or...?""

"You can pay a 30% deposit, and the rest can be paid after the goods arrive."After thinking for a while, Louis said.

To buy a Mi-24 armed helicopter, one would cost millions of US dollars from the system. He didn't have that much money, so he had to get a deposit before he could buy it from the system.

This is just one helicopter, so ten would cost tens of millions of US dollars.

Hearing that a 30% deposit was required, Ochoa looked at Pablo, and Pablo nodded slightly.

The two thought it was normal to pay a deposit.

Moreover, a 30% deposit, in their opinion, was considered low in the industry, and a normal deposit was 50%.

"It's no problem to pay the deposit. We'll take your 10 Mi-24 helicopter gunships, and 30 Hummers, equipped with M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine guns, RPG-7 rocket launchers, and 100 more.

Also, do you have any anti-aircraft missiles that can hit F16 fighters?"

"Of course we have air defense missiles, it depends on which one you want. I have portable surface-to-air missiles with a range of about 0-3km. There is also a short-range air defense missile with a shooting height of 3-6km, which can basically be hit by all current fighters."

"What is the difference between these two?" Pablo asked.

He was not very familiar with the equipment. He was not clear about the classification. After all, he had never touched these before.

"The difference is huge. The advantage of portable surface-to-air missiles is that they are convenient, can be launched by one person, and are cheap. The disadvantage is that they can only hit helicopters or when fighter planes are flying at low altitudes."

"Short-range low-altitude missiles are different. They are more complicated to operate and relatively more expensive. The advantage is that they are not restricted by conditions. As long as the flight altitude does not exceed 6 kilometers, they can basically hit anything."

Looking at the two people who were silent and thinking about buying that kind of missile, he said:"In fact, I suggest that you buy more portable surface-to-air missiles and fewer short-range missiles. This will be more cost-effective. Short-range air defense missiles are mainly used to deter the enemy.

In addition, the most important thing is that short-range air defense missiles require professional technicians."

""Luis is right, Pablo, I think we should follow Luis's advice." Ochoa said.

Although he didn't know the price of anti-aircraft missiles, he thought they wouldn't be cheap, at least several million dollars.

Pablo thought about it and felt that this was the case. The main purpose of buying short-range anti-aircraft missiles was to prevent the US F16 fighter jets from deterring them.

"Louis, thank you for your advice. You are an expert. Can you help us see which type is better?"

"No problem."

He asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and quickly made a list, mainly listing the prices of anti-aircraft missiles.

FIM-43 air defense missiles, system price is $2,800, external price is $120,000

FIM-92 air defense missiles, system price is $3,700, and the external price is $150,000.

The short-range air defense missile is 9M33 (single-vehicle combat, integrated fire control, radar), the system price is $108,000, and the external price is $1.8 million (with 6 SAM-8 short-range air defense missiles.)

I handed the written list to the two.

Ten minutes later. After the two finished discussing, Pablo said:"FIM-30 Type 92 air defense missiles, 5 9M33 short-range air defense missiles, plus Mi-24 attack helicopters, Hummer armored vehicles and RPG-7 rocket launchers. How much does it cost in total?"

"OK, no problem!"

He quickly calculated.

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