I quickly calculated the price of these weapons and equipment.

10 Mi-24 attack helicopters, each costing $21 million, so 10 helicopters would cost $210 million.

RPG-7 rocket launchers, one set costs $13,000, 100 sets costs $1.3 million.

A military Humvee equipped with an M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine gun costs $1.5 million, 30 sets costs $45 million.

FIM-92 air defense missiles cost $150,000, so 30 of them cost $4.5 million.

9M33 short-range air defense missile system costs $1.8 million per vehicle, so 5 cost $9 million.

"Mr. Pablo, the weapons and equipment you want to purchase will cost a total of $269.8 million. I will deduct the last $800,000 for you, so the total is $269 million."

Pablo looked at the list and raised his head to ask,"How much do you sell the bullets for the M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine gun?"

"100 rounds for $10"

"Then you prepare 300,000 rounds."

"OK, no problem."

Luis agreed very readily.

300,000 pieces, that is only 30,000 US dollars, this is still the selling price, the system price is 3,000 US dollars.

This is an order close to 300 million US dollars. A proper discount can also be regarded as the basis for the next cooperation. But they don't need a discount at all. Pablo said:"Forget about 269 million, let's just 270 million US dollars, it's easier to calculate."

Luis's face paused slightly.

As expected of a drug lord, he is so generous that he doesn't even want hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What else can he say when they take the initiative to not want a discount?

"Mr. Pablo, you are such a generous partner." Luis said with a smile.

Pablo shrugged and said seriously,"Luis, how long will it take for these weapons and equipment to be delivered?"、

"Well, you want too many things, I need time, well, it will take about 10 days"

"10 days?" Pablo was very surprised. He thought it would take one or two months, but he didn't expect it to be done in 10 days.

"Luis' safety is important, don't worry, you just need to deliver it within 1 month."Pablo was kind.

He thought he was going to take a risk, afraid of losing this powerful arms dealer.

However, he didn't know that Luis was cheating, not to mention 10 days, he could deliver it in 10 minutes.

And the reason why he said 10 days was to give things a buffer time, so that people on Pablo's side would be more receptive.

If he said that he would deliver the goods tomorrow, it would inevitably cause a lot of suspicion and speculation.

This is not a single-soldier weapon like the AK47. This time it involves anti-aircraft missiles and Mi-24 armed helicopters.

After finalizing the purchase list, Pablo readily paid 30% of the deposit, a total of 81 million US dollars, all in cash, and several suitcases were packed in suitcases.

For drug dealers, daily transactions are all in cash, and only those with a watt in their heads will make bank transfers. Besides

, the Colombian peso is only used in Colombia, unlike the US dollar, which is a hard currency.

After getting the deposit and exchanging contact information, Luis took his people away

""Boss, there's someone following us!"

As the car was driving back to Cartagena, Otto Niel, who was in charge of driving, suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Louis looked back and saw that there was indeed a car following him.

"Is it Elro and his people?"

Ottonier shook his head:"It doesn't look like them.""

If it's not Elro, then it can only be Pablo's people.

They are probably afraid that he will run away.

After all, the deposit is 81 million US dollars.

This is not a small number.

"Okay, ignore them, just keep driving."


It was late at night when he arrived in Cartagena.

After a night's rest

, the next morning, he found a real estate agency and planned to buy a manor in the suburbs.

The house he lives in now is still too small, and it is in the downtown area. Some things are not easy to cover up, and he will have to recruit a large number of assassins in the future. How can he do without a bigger place?

After telling the real estate agent about his needs, the agent named Gudian looked through the listings and replied,"Sir, there is a manor that meets your needs.

The house has a garden and a swimming pool.

It covers an area of 3.

1 acres.

The owner plans to immigrate to the United States, so he is looking for buyers recently.

However, the location is a bit remote and belongs to the Turbaco area.

However, it is very close to the city of Cartagena, only more than 4 kilometers away, and it only takes about 10 minutes to drive there.


He knew Turbaco and had been there a few days ago.

"How much is it?"

"The owner has listed it for 3.6 billion pesos. If you like it, you can negotiate the price appropriately and it should be cheaper."

4.8 billion pesos.

Converted into US dollars, it is about 1.6 million US dollars.

A suburban estate is priced at 1.6 million US dollars, which is quite expensive.

1.6 million US dollars can buy a single-family villa in the Gold Coast of Miami, USA, of course, the land area is definitely not this large.

"Go and have a look."

However, for him now, he doesn't care about an extra $100,000 or $200,000. What he wants is to live comfortably.

"Good sir".....

Twenty minutes later, the group arrived at the manor that Gudean mentioned.

The area is indeed quite large, and the lawn alone is probably thousands of square meters.

There is also a small lake. The overall style of the house is Spanish, and it consists of three houses.

The landscaping is very good.

It can be seen that the owner of this manor must have been a wealthy man before, otherwise he could not afford to live in such a good manor.

After a tour, he was quite satisfied.

It is big enough to accommodate forty or fifty people.

And it has everything you need, such as swimming pools, lawn gardens, gyms, wine cellars, etc.

"Contact the other party, I want this manor."

Hearing that he wanted it, Gudean immediately became energetic:"Okay sir, I will contact the seller when I return to the store, and then contact you"


's really inconvenient to not have a mobile phone these days.

There's no mobile phone in Columbia yet.

(Ps: Please give me flowers, comments, and monthly tickets, the data is too low!!! Please encourage the author!!!)

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