In those days, there were no computers, so the transfer of real estate transactions was slow.

Taking advantage of this time, he also registered a security company, named Galaxy Security, mainly to arrange an identity for the recruits.

After all, the arms business is a sensitive industry, and many things cannot be seen in the light, so he plans to use part of the money earned from the arms business to do business.

The chaotic situation in Colombia is very beneficial to him, so he can get to the top in the absence of a legal system and a turbulent situation.

If it were a country with a stable political situation, if he wanted to get to the top, he must have a strong network of relationships.

He hasn't decided what project to invest in, and the most urgent thing is to complete the deal with Pablo as soon as possible.

A few days passed in a flash.

After stuffing the money to open the back door, the property transfer procedures were completed in less than five days. After the house was delivered on the same day, he moved into the new manor. As for his house in the city, he didn't sell it. Anyway, he didn't need that little money now.

At night.

Taking advantage of the darkness that fell all around.

He opened the system interface

"System, buy 10 Toyota Land Cruisers."

It's inconvenient to go out without a car. Stealing is only temporary, but the bodyguards still have to be equipped with special cars. Originally, they wanted to equip Hummers, but when they thought about selling it to Pablo, if their own bodyguard fleet was equipped with Hummers, it would be too conspicuous, and it would inevitably lead to some associations.

Moreover, Hummers are military vehicles, and driving on the road will attract too much attention, which is not what he wants to see.

As an arms dealer, you should be low-key, and it is best that no one knows his details. In this way, when you go to other countries in the future, such as the United States, you will not be targeted by the CIA.

Like Pablo, although he has money, what's the use? He can't go anywhere and can only stay in his base in Medellin.

This is the end of being high-profile.

Therefore, doing arms business, especially selling to drug dealers, militants, and some countries in the Middle East, is completely stealing the business of US arms dealers. If he is more high-profile, it is estimated that they will directly issue a global arrest warrant for him.

Although the system is an arms dealer system, it does not only sell arms products, but also cars, computers, etc., including biopharmaceuticals, mechanical lathes, etc. After all, arms are also made of various materials.

"Ding, the account balance is insufficient, please recharge."

After checking the balance, it is indeed not enough. The system price of a Land Cruiser is 8,500 US dollars.

10 cars will cost 85,000 US dollars.

The market price is about 50,000 US dollars.

The difference is seven or eight times.


Louis suddenly thought of an idea to make money.

He can do smuggling, buy cars from the system, and then sell them to people in Colombia. He can make at least seven or eight times the business, and cars are a legitimate business, not like arms, which are sensitive and illegal businesses. As for the source of cars, this is easy to solve. In Colombia, as long as the money is in place, anything can be done. This is a completely corrupt country.

It's not just Colombia. In the 1980s and 1990s, the entire Latin American country was like this.

Chaos, drugs, crime, corruption and other words are the prefixes of Latin American countries.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that reselling cars is completely possible.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, he opened the recharge panel of the system

"The system will keep 1 million yuan from my bank account and recharge the rest."

"Ding, recharge successful!"

The next second, he saw his system account panel automatically convert the recharged currency into US dollars.

77.95 million US dollars

"Ding, 10 Toyota Land Cruisers were purchased successfully, and 85,000 US dollars were deducted. Do you want to enable the system materialization service?"


Louis said without hesitation.

"Please select the location of the manifestation."

A light screen that no one else can see suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. On the light screen map, it was the area near him. At the same time, the map could be zoomed in and out.

After careful operation, he found that the map covered the entire world.

Just like the map software he had used in his previous life.

Following the system prompts, Louis placed the location of the manifestation on a concrete vacant lot in the manor.

The next second.

The space of the vacant lot suddenly twisted, and a few seconds later, ten brand-new Toyota Land Cruiser off-road vehicles appeared. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise, seeing this scene, who knows You will be shocked.

Louis walked over.

He first walked around these cars. They were all new, and even the film on the car had not been torn off. He opened one of them and sat in to feel it carefully. It was indeed much more comfortable than his old second-hand car.

And the space was very large.

After carefully feeling it, he got out of the car and left.

It was too late, so he would drive around tomorrow morning.

The next morning.

Louis had just walked out of the room after washing up when he saw Elro and others surrounding the 10 parked Toyota Land Cruisers, seemingly discussing something.

He walked over

"What are you talking about?"

After hearing his voice, the people who were chatting turned around and shouted respectfully,"Boss,"


Louis responded softly and asked with a smile,"What are you talking about?""

"We were saying that this car looks so powerful."

Elro replied.

Louis laughed dumbly.

He looked carefully at the Land Cruiser in front of him. It really looks very powerful.

(Ps: Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, collections...The author's data is too bad...Please give me some free tickets.)

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