After Su Miao turned on his phone, he called an online taxi for himself. After entering the address, he prepared to go to Zhang Hai's house to confirm whether Zhang Hai had any problems.

Why call an online taxi?

Are you kidding? Is he going to walk there? With Su Miao's speed, he can run a hundred meters in 3 seconds. This speed running on the street can scare ordinary people to death.

It would be better to call an ordinary online taxi, and then go to Zhang Hai's house and chop him. Save money and spend money. This is low-key.

Although Zhang Mei said that the information provided by Zhang Hai was correct, Su Miao was cautious and decided to confirm it himself.

Su Miao's way of confirmation was naturally with a knife. After all, under the threat of death, no one can keep a secret.

Soon, Su Miao's exclusive driver rushed to the roadside. After Su Miao got in the car, he was quickly taken to a middle- and high-end residential area.

According to the address, Su Miao quickly came to the second floor of a unit, and then Su Miao knocked on the door.

Bang bang bang!

"Who is it?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from inside the door, the voice was very ordinary and unrecognizable.

"Open the door, check the water meter!"

"The water meter is outside!"

Su Miao narrowed his eyes, but was not discouraged, and knocked on the door again.

Bang bang bang!

"What's wrong again, who is it?" The voice inside the door was obviously a little impatient, and then asked.

Su Miao did not have much tone fluctuation, and spoke very calmly.

"Open the door, Dongfeng Express, here is your package!"

"Oh, put it at the door."


Su Miao gritted his teeth, and there was obviously murderous intent in his eyes. He decided to give this guy another chance. If he still did not grasp it well, it would be no wonder that Su Miao was cruel and ruthless.

Bang bang bang!

"Who is it again! Is it over yet?"

"Our company is holding an event, and you are a lucky user of our company and won a prize of 2,000 yuan!"

"I don't want the prize, please donate it to the poor mountainous areas for me."


There was no movement outside the door, and it was quiet. Zhang Hai didn't see anyone through the cat's eye. The corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a big arc, and he felt so happy.

He tiptoed away from the cat's eye, then sat on the sofa beside him and drank a sip of tea.

He didn't know who was outside the door, but he knew that the person outside was definitely not a good person. As long as I don't open the door, what can you do to me?

This is a mid-to-high-end residential area. The quality of the anti-theft door is screaming, and you still want to trick me...


A loud noise interrupted Zhang Hai's fantasy. He looked back suddenly and saw that his anti-theft door and the door of his house had smashed against the wall inside his house.

"What's going on!"

Zhang Hai was stunned. Did they use the excavator? But even if it was an excavator, it was impossible to smash the security door and the house door together...

The door frame was empty and dusty, as if someone was outside the house.

A terrible thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Hai's mind. Could it be that someone kicked the security door away? What a powerful force that must be...

In the dust, a young man with black hair and black eyes walked out. His face was stern and his eyes seemed to flash with cold light.

"Zhang Hai?"

Su Miao looked at the fat man in front of him coldly, and Su Miao suddenly showed a sneer.

For some reason, Zhang Hai shivered suddenly, his hands and feet immediately became cold, and the back of his head seemed to be stroked by an icy hand.

Su Miao smiled, life and death were unpredictable.


"Star Color" left the body, making a terrible buzzing sound in the air, and Zhang Hai immediately raised his hands and shouted.

"Don't kill me, brother, I should have never seen you, we have no grudges..."

Su Miao nodded, still with a sneer on his lips: "We have indeed never met."

"But we have grudges."


Su Miao accurately cut off three fingers of Zhang Hai. Zhang Hai was stunned for a moment. He stared at his fingers falling on the ground.

"I give you 30 seconds. Tell me who gave you Wang Jingyuan's address?"

As if he felt the piercing pain, Zhang Hai suddenly screamed, with tears streaming down his face.

"My hand, my hand..."

Su Miao opened his mobile phone to check the time, and then looked coldly at Zhang Hai who was crying and rolling on the ground.

"Crying? Crying also counts time."

When the time was up, Zhang Hai still had no intention of getting up. Su Miao had no choice but to cut off two of his fingers again.

"Ah, stop chopping, stop chopping!"

Looking at the collapsed Zhang Hai, Su Miao's sneer finally turned into a warm smile.

"10 fingers on the top and one on the bottom, how many more can I chop off?"

"Brother, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything!"

In the friendly exchange between the twoZhang Hai also happily told Su Miao the mastermind behind the scenes.

I don’t know if it hurts or what, but this matter seems very messy under Zhang Hai’s nonsense.

The following content is the information sorted out by Su Miao from Zhang Hai’s mouth.

As an informant of the Zhang Group, Zhang Hai has no real skills, but thanks to his way of dealing with people, he is indeed well-known in the circle.

When he attended a cocktail party, he accompanied a big boss to drink, and made the big boss very happy.

After drinking, the big boss in the circle gave him a business card mysteriously, saying that this is a ticket to contact the supernatural.

Then he told him that this world is about to perish, and he should enjoy himself in time. If he doesn’t want to die like dust, then he can contact the person on the business card, who can take him into the supernatural world.

Zhang Hai naturally didn’t believe this. Although he saw monsters appearing in a certain area on TV and all the humans in a certain area mutated, he didn’t worry at all because it didn’t happen to him.

Until half a month ago, a terrifying crack appeared in Shangbei City, and a kind of skinny creatures appeared continuously in it. They were like hyenas and directly submerged half of the city.

Zhang Hai's house was also destroyed in this catastrophe, and his wife and daughter also died in this terrible disaster.

So Zhang Hai thought of the business card again, on which there were a few strange words - "Swelling Woman Convent"

Then he called the phone for some reason, and the person inside told him that if he wanted to join the convent, he had to go to a place to talk.

Although Zhang Hai was a little scared, he thought that his wife and daughter had died and the world might be coming to an end, so he went.

In an extremely remote old community in Shangbei City, he entered a strange resident's house and finally saw the person who called him over on the phone.

He was a middle-aged man with gray hair, about 50 or 60 years old, wearing a black and yellow wide robe.

As he asked questions, Zhang Hai said that he felt like he was in a dream, and he didn't know what he asked specifically, but he passed the test of initiation and finally entered the Zhangfu Monastery.

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