In the Swelling Mother Convent, the last day of every week is a memorial ceremony that all members must attend. The president of the convent needs to cut off the limbs of the human sacrifices he personally selected and put them on the altar.

The blood that flows on the altar is said to strengthen the body, and the mind, body and soul will be close to the "Swelling Mother".

The price of obtaining supernatural power is to work for the convent. If you anger the "Swelling Mother", then the next human sacrifice will be yourself.

Su Miao thought for a while, then looked at Zhang Hai, whose 10 fingers were all cut off and asked.

"As a member of the convent, you can get some supernatural power, but as a price, you need to work for your president?"

Zhang Hai shuddered. Although he lost 10 fingers, he still endured the great pain and answered Su Miao.

"Yes, the bishop gave me Wang Jingyuan's information at the last gathering, and told me that if anyone wants to find Wang Jingyuan's information, give it to him."

So that's it...

It seems that the president of the Swelling Woman Convent wants to mess with me, so she released the news about Wang Jingyuan.

The purpose is to lure Su Miao over, then ambush her secretly, and then kill her.

"The last question, this question determines whether you can keep the 'finger' below you."

Zhang Hai was about to cry, raised his fingerless palm and promised: "Brother, I'm going to tell you whatever you ask!"

Su Miao nodded and said coldly: "Who is the 'Swelling Mother' you are talking about?"

Zhang Hai spoke immediately without any hesitation.

"It is the god that our convent believes in. We only need to find one person to sacrifice every week, and the old mother will grant us divine power. As long as we work for the old mother, when the old mother's true body comes, we will all become existences beyond humans! ”

A cult with fanatical believers.

Su Miao looked at the fanatical Zhang Hai, and he nodded slowly. Su Miao knew that his revenge would probably lead to Wang Jingyuan's counterattack.

But he still didn't understand why he was related to a cult called "Zhangfu Monastery".

Could it be that Wang Jingyuan was the cult leader of the "Zhangfu Monastery"?

Su Miao finally left Zhang Hai's home and let Zhang Hai live.

The dishonest Zhang Hai wanted to deceive Su Miao with lies at first, but Zhang Hai paid the price of 10 fingers for this, but fortunately he saved the lower one.

Su Miao wanted to shake hands and make peace, but was rejected by Zhang Hai. The kind-hearted Su Miao forgave the impolite Zhang Hai, and Zhang Hai, in order to apologize for his impoliteness, forced the "Monastery Admission Ticket" to Su Miao.

Su Miao put aside the past grudges, did not blame Zhang Hai for his unreasonableness, and also left a souvenir thoughtfully.

It was a glass bottle, which contained a liquid like magma, which was actually flashing with silver-white light. Su Miao secretly placed it in an inconspicuous place in the living room.

After Su Miao left, Zhang Hai's painful expression immediately became cold and cruel. He gritted his teeth and stared at the place where Su Miao left, wanting to cut Su Miao alive with his eyes.

In the end, he opened the phone painfully with his bloody palm, and then called a strange number.

But as soon as the phone was answered, the glass bottle left by Su Miao in the living room shattered, and then a strong flame that seemed to be real suddenly swept the whole room, engulfing everything around it.

As soon as Su Miao went downstairs, he felt the hot flame coming from the second floor, accompanied by the emergence of fire snakes, and explosions also occurred in it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you tipped off in less than two minutes. How rude..."

Su Miao used his hands to block the heat wave, feeling the trace of alchemical energy on the surface of his body. Every time he threw out an alchemical item, Su Miao could permanently increase his alchemical energy.

He sneered and left the place quickly.

He didn't know that Zhang Hai was a problem from the beginning, but based on the information provided by Zhang Mei and her guess, Su Miao had reason to suspect that this might be a conspiracy.

With Wang Jingyuan's power, if someone investigated him, he would most likely know about it at the first time and make corresponding countermeasures.

But Su Miao didn't expect that this would also involve a cult called "Zhangfu Monastery", a terrorist organization that sacrificed living people.

In any case, this cult must have a great connection with Wang Jingyuan. Instead of looking for Wang Jingyuan according to the address they provided, it is better to start the investigation from this "Zhangfu Monastery".

Su Miao opened the business card snatched from Zhang Hai and found that the nameplate was made of pure gold, with the words "Zhangfu Convent" engraved on it. On the back of the business card was a string of strangeThe number should be the contact information he mentioned.

However, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, Su Miao did not make a phone call on the business card, but prepared to go to the headquarters of the "Swelling Woman Convent". Tonight is the time for human sacrifice once a week.

At that time, the bishop of the convent will place the carefully selected humans on the altar, cut off their limbs, and then everyone will lick the blood on the ground during the crazy sacrifice.

In Zhang Haikou, their gathering place is different every time, sometimes it is an old residential building, sometimes it is a slum in Shangbei City, and sometimes it is the top floor of the World Trade Center in Shangbei City.

In short, in order to avoid official crackdowns and avoid unnecessary trouble, they will only provide the address of the sacrifice on the day of the sacrifice.

Fortunately, Su Miao had learned the location of the gathering in advance from Zhang Haikou, and he only needed to find a place to hide in the dark, sneak in and investigate.


Time soon came to nine o'clock in the evening.

Su Miao slightly opened the curtains in a house and looked at the quiet street. The old road under the moonlight seemed particularly deserted.

Zhang Hai learned that the site for this time was an old community in the suburbs of Shangbei City. There were still sporadic people coming and going here at six or seven in the evening.

But after nine o'clock in the evening, the street lights here will automatically go out, resulting in almost no people walking after nine o'clock.

It must be said that this place is indeed suitable for avoiding the people of the National Security Group and holding some kind of evil sacrifice.

Su Miao looked at the time on his mobile phone, and then he put on his own equipment, a black windbreaker and ghost jeans.

The former is suitable for hiding in the dark, while the latter can provide a lot of movement speed, which is more suitable for action at that time.

Soon, as the time approached half past nine, there were people walking in this old community, and some people in black clothes suddenly appeared on this old road.

Su Miao narrowed his eyes and activated the skill "Transform into Shadow" on his windbreaker. He turned into a translucent black shadow, blended into the dark night sky, and quickly disappeared from the spot.

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