『Ding! Immortal Source Immortal Art · Blue Eye · Dimensional Demon God!

Advanced to: Early Universe Level』

"Sure enough! Just as I guessed! Reaching the Universe Level requires not only endless energy, but also at least one powerful means of attack."

Yu Hui looked at the strength evaluation given by System 2.0 in his mind, and while thinking about it, some ideas about the resurrection of his parents came to his mind.

"From the God Realm!"

The Jade Dimension had already become a part of Yu Hui himself when Yu Hui became the Dimensional Demon God.

He can now not only adjust the time and space there at will, but also not be there and use magic to transform there at will.

The reality that Yu Hui activated from the God Realm to edit is to change the soul essence of the parents who became alien beasts into humans!

"Not successful?!"

Endless hostility permeated the soul, and Yu Hui's mood instantly became extremely low.

The situation is clear at a glance. Even with endless energy, the God Realm could not change the soul changes brought about by the spiritual energy.

"How could this happen???"


Huiye gently hugged Yu Hui's right arm and leaned slightly.

As someone who had lived with Yu Hui for ten years, Huiye knew very well what Yu Hui tried to do first after he got the power.

That must be to restore his mother-in-law and father-in-law, but it was obviously unsuccessful.

"Well, I'm fine."

Yu Hui gently patted Huiye's back to show that he was fine.

"It must be that I'm not strong enough. I have a hunch that I will revive them soon."

After comforting himself, Yu Hui's mood slowly recovered from the loss.

Gu Yi and Odin, who watched all this happen, were confused. They had not seen Yu Hui's growth method in the future.

But seeing a father-level weaker than himself surpass himself and become a single universe-level strongman in the blink of an eye.

It really shocked them too much.

"Single universe level?! Is that so? In an instant, right before our eyes, a universe-level strongman was born?"

The tone of disbelief in the words was clear at a glance.

His mouth, surrounded by white beard, opened wide, and his eyes were staring straight like a spring.

"Control your expression, Odin, or you will lose all your status as a god king."

Yu Hui's tone had become relaxed, and he began to tease.

He looked at Gu Yi again, and a scroll engraved with dense runes appeared in his hand, and handed it to Gu Yi:

"If the mages are willing, they can sign a contract with me in the future. I won't charge anything. This is regarded as a reward for the source energy."

Gu Yi took the scroll, and his eyes became inexplicable.

"I can't deal with you anymore, and the future can't be stopped. You are such a monster!"

"You can't deal with me in the first place. My self-preservation ability is far stronger than my means of attack."

Yu Hui didn't lie. With the abilities of virtualization, super recovery, soul independence, and editing reality from the God Realm, it can be said that no one at the same level can kill him.

"I think so."

"You don't have to worry about the future. Although I will change a lot of things, I have no interest in the future Doctor Strange."

He turned his head and looked at Odin.

"In addition to Hela, I am also not interested in your children Thor and Loki."

"As for Hela..., can I take her away now?"

"Uh~ Of course, if you can change her temper and make her no longer obsessed with war and conquest, I believe even Frigga will be very happy."

Odin smiled and nodded. The more he looked at Yu Hui, the more he liked him.

The next moment, Odin raised his hand, and the Rainbow Bridge started. A straight colorful light enveloped Yu Hui, Kaguya and Odin.

The colorful light disappeared, and the three disappeared together.

Gu Yi looked at the house being destroyed again and was silent for a long time...

He decisively raised the scroll in his hand and signed a contract with Yu Hui at the first time.

"Let me try it first to see if your energy is useful!"

Yu Hui, who was far away in Asgard, also felt the inexplicable tone through the energy fluctuations of the magatama dimension.


"Welcome to the God King!"

Wearing golden armor, a pile of big horns on the helmet, holding the Rainbow Bridge Sword Burt Steel, he greeted Odin respectfully.

Odin nodded, said nothing, and walked straight to the Asgard with Yu Hui and Kaguya.

Walking on the Rainbow Bridge, none of the three flew. Odin seemed to have something to say, and Yu Hui spoke first.

"Is there anything the God King wants to know?"

"Oh, you have seen through my thoughts, it's nothing, I'm just curious about how you will help me end this damn Ragnarok."

Yu Hui thought for a while.

"I have many plans, such as simply moving the entire Asgard to one place.I have the ability to free you from the surveillance of the ancient gods. Or I can separate this universe so that you are no longer the target of the ancient gods. "

"Of course, these two methods will only save the gods in your universe, and other universes will not be affected. ”

Ragnarok is a reincarnation-style leeks-cutting event.

The cut ones are the Nordic gods in the multiverse, and the reapers are the ancient gods in the shadows, multiverse-level strongmen who call themselves the gods of the gods.

Every time a reincarnation occurs, the gods will die and turn into food for the ancient gods until a new reincarnation begins.

Odin saw through the truth of Ragnarok many years ago, but he was not strong enough to do anything, and he saw the great potential in his eldest son Thor, so he chose to follow the script.

He planned everything so that his son Thor could end Ragnarok.

In the original comics, as Odin wished, Thor sacrificed his eyes and drank the Fountain of Wisdom, and saw the truth of Ragnarok, and then hung on the World Tree to comprehend the power of the Rune Rune. Since then, the Rune King Thor was born, forcing the ancient gods to retreat and temporarily ending the cycle of Ragnarok.

"Of course there is a third way, that is, when I grow to the multiverse level and have the strength to defeat them, all this will naturally come to an end. "

Odin walked and thought, his eyes occasionally emitting white light and colorful light.

As if he was observing the future.

"I will wait until you grow up!"

"Do you want me to really end Ragnarok? Oh, you are a little greedy, Odin."

"If you want me to help you so much, I will not only want Hela, but you also need to help me get the body tissue of the gods in the void."

If Yu Hui wants to resist the multi-level strongman, Hela alone is not enough.

It's not that he is greedy, but that is a multi-level strongman who can change the rules of the universe and is much stronger than Yu Hui who relies solely on energy to fight.

Of course, Yu Hui did not make too many demands. The void is the head of the gods. It can be said that you can get the skull bones of the gods by digging deeper into the ground.

"Okay! Leave Hela to you, and I will go to the void immediately to seize the body tissue of the gods. "

Faced with such easy conditions, Odin readily accepted it. The next second, he did not leave, but flew up and flew towards the direction of Asgard at the fastest speed.

Yu Hui and Kaguya did not say anything, and flew to follow.


PS: Below are my settings for some levels, you can take a look.

Some levels, such as the cosmic level and multi-level, meet some conditions to be considered this level, and if all conditions are met, it is considered the peak of this level.

Cosmic level (single universe level): unlimited energy, and can destroy the universe to create the universe, can travel through parallel universes Universe.

Multiverse level: the maker of rules, and can destroy and create a group of universes with parallel story lines, can be separated from the story system of its own existence, and is the only one.

World level (super-large universe level, independent copyright story world): the maker of the world system, and can destroy and create the world of the complete system, can be separated from the world of the complete system, unique and indestructible.

Omnipotent level (omnipotent universe level, real existence level): the maker and influencer of everything, and can create and destroy the world at will, a higher narrative level world exists entity, the only existence.

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