Earth, New York.

"Oh~oh~oh~, Jarvis, don't tell me this is true!"

In the underground garage of the villa, Tony Stark looked at the satellite photos restored by the artificial intelligence Jarvis on the virtual screen, his face full of disbelief.

"Sir, this is the result of my 138 restoration comparisons. It is almost exactly the same as the photo taken at a height of two meters from the target. There is no possibility of error."

Jarvis' electronic simulated voice was respectful and serious, with a hint of truth, and explained to Tony Stark carefully.

Looking at the restored photos, it can be judged that they are a man and a woman, with horns on their heads, white hair, white skin, white clothes, and long hair.

Tony Stark couldn't believe his eyes.

"Are they really aliens, or flying aliens?"

"Jarvis sent the restored photos to Rhodes, and then tried to build a 3D model of the two aliens, and pay attention to the Internet to collect all topics related to aliens for me."

"Okay, sir!"

Tony sat on the chair and turned right and left after touching his chin.

"And please contact Pepper and tell her that all activities in the next few days are cancelled, including the one to the Middle East to display the latest weapons."

"Sir, Miss Pepper said that the weapons display is very important to the company. I hope you can consider it carefully."

"Oh~! Aliens are more important. OK, tell her to either postpone this display or let Obadiah go instead of me."

After a while.

"Sir, Miss Pepper and Mr. Obadiah have decided to postpone the event."

"OK! Jarvis shows the 3D model."

"Okay sir!"

The advanced artificial intelligence system built a 3D projection model based on a bird's-eye view.

It was soon projected in front of Tony.

"Do you think their appearance is very similar to humans?"

Tony looked at the projection of Yu Hui and Kaguya, who looked 80% like humans.

"Yes, sir! This is a photo of two people's faces that I speculated by comparing it with a bird's-eye view photo of 300,000 people."

"Oh~ Really? Then delete this speculation immediately. We don't have a frontal view of each other, and the other party may have an extra eye in a place we can't reach."

"Yes, sir!"

It has to be said that Tony's random guess is a bit close to the truth. Kaguya does have an extra eye on her forehead.

"What about the information on the Internet?"

"Sir, there is no life form related to the image in the picture on the Internet, but in some parts of northern India, someone accidentally photographed a huge light column appearing and disappearing in less than a second. This is a related video."

Tony clicked on the video on the projection screen and saw a few tourists with their backs to the Himalayas. Behind them appeared a very small, thin, and somewhat blurry light column, which went straight out of the screen.

"Jarvis, determine the location of the light column in the video."

"Sir, it has been inferred that there is a 99.34% probability that it is a small village in the Himalayas, Tibet Plateau, China, and a 0.66% probability that it is a small local temple."

Tony thought for a while, and his curiosity was tickled.

"Okay! Jarvis will help me with the immigration procedures and arrange a customized route for the private jet."

"Yes, sir! Do I need to notify Miss Pepper and Mr. Obadiah?"

"No, no, no, I'm not a child, why should I report my whereabouts."

"Okay, sir, I'll do it right away."


Obadiah's office.

"Changed your itinerary? Going to China?"

"Yes, sir."

Obadiah thought for a while and looked at the captain of the private jet on the screen.

"Okay, I got it."

After hanging up the phone, Obadiah picked up a small mobile phone and dialed another number.

"Hello~ Are you from the Ten Rings? I'm Obadiah. You should have some people in China. The plan has changed. Tony will appear in the Himalayas. The specific address has been sent to you. The plan is proceeding normally. The reward has been doubled."

A hoarse and indistinguishable voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Of course, our headquarters is in China. We accepted the mission."



The dark sky, the dark green earth, and countless ghosts are floating.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

One by one, the night sky blades condensed into shape, and Hela, who was unscrupulously dressed in armor and messy hair, shot at Odin, Yu Hui and Kaguya.

The strong repulsive force maintained a sphere, shattering each one, turning them into a pile of pure stone, unable to get close.

"It's been like this since we entered. She has a really bad temper."

Kaguya complained in a low voice. She didn't dare to speak too loudly for fear of Hela.I won't bully her anymore, after all, she is much weaker than Hela.

"It's my fault. I sealed her up for so many years and didn't communicate with her, which made her temper worse."

Odin shook his head guiltily, thinking back to when Hela was just enjoying the pleasure of conquering, and she wasn't too nervous.

"Just let her vent, she's going to stop soon, she probably doesn't have much power left if she's not in Asgard."

As expected, as Yu Hui said, the sword rain with overwhelming momentum quickly fell, with only a few swords flying from time to time.

Yu Hui cancelled the repulsion, caught the one that flew over, threw it backhanded, smashed the last one, and walked towards Hela.

"Tell me.... Why did Odin and you two outsiders who I have never met come here? Is it to use up my last divine power, or has Odin decided to end my life and let his new child inherit my divine power?"

Hela sat on a seat made of black crystal, speaking weakly, obviously having used up most of her divine power, even affecting her speech.

"Be my woman! Hela."

Yu Hui's words were so direct without blushing or beating.

Kaguya, Odin and Hela were all confused.

Odin had never thought that Yu Hui would have such a personality. As Yu Hui's woman, Kaguya had lived with her for so long, and suddenly felt that she didn't know Yu Hui well enough, and instantly lost confidence.

"Huh?! What are you talking about? Say it again."

Hela didn't even know Yu Hui, and was confused by him.

How could there be such a person, who obviously had an abnormal aura with that three-eyed woman, and said such things to me here? ! Hela thought to herself.

"Be my woman! Hela."

Yu Hui repeated what he had just said in the same calm tone.

Once again, the three of them were shocked.

"What are you talking about? You, do I look like a casual woman? Although you..."

Feeling the continuous and powerful aura coming from Yu Hui, Hela did not dare to refuse even though the words were on her lips.

"You will agree!"

While speaking, Yu Hui had already walked in front of Hela. He raised his hand and a warm energy flowed out and entered Hela's body.

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