The more you look at the more you want, the more you will be able to rule the world.

After hearing Professor X's words, Apocalypse was very moved, but he did not give up his idea of ​​ruling the world and enslaving ordinary people. He continued.

"We are born noble. There are three billion humans, and there are no fewer children of God (mutants). Compared with slaves, they are more likely to awaken powerful powers, and..."

"Your talent and that woman's talent are not bad. I think I should transfer my soul to you first, and then it will be more effective to rule the world."

Apocalypse smiled and looked at Professor X and the White Queen. Apocalypse discovered their abilities during the conversation and was very moved.

After hearing Apocalypse's words, Professor X did not panic, but instead proposed a bet.

"How about this? The two of us will fight in a spiritual world to compete for the fate of this team, mutants, and even the entire human race."

"If I lose, my body is yours, and they will obey your orders. If I win, you cooperate with us, and when everything is over, you will get a powerful ability, but you must go to the universe!"

"Very interesting way!"

Apocalypse agreed to Professor X's proposal. Although he was a complete villain in the movie, he and Professor X cooperated in the comics to establish a mutant country called Krakoa, and his wisdom was not inferior to anyone.

And with thousands of years of life experience, he did not feel that his mind was weaker than anyone else. He had no reason to disagree with Professor X's bet.

Professor X took a few steps forward and pointed his finger at his temple. A powerful spiritual force rushed straight into Apocalypse's mind.

In Apocalypse's spiritual world, Professor X and Apocalypse started a physical fight between men. Whoever has a stronger mind will have more power in the spiritual world.

After a while, everyone looked at the two nervously. Finally, as Apocalypse fell to the ground with weak legs, Professor X's face was full of smiles, and the result of the mind-to-mind fight soon came out.

Unsurprisingly, Professor X defeated Apocalypse by relying on his decades of development of mind power.

From this incident, it can be clearly seen that Apocalypse's ability in the mind is not that strong. He has powerful abilities such as decomposition and racial matter, enhanced mutant ability, and space teleportation, but none of them is related to the mind.

As the ruler of ancient Egypt, Apocalypse is a man of his word. Since he lost, he agreed to cooperate with Professor X. After all, it would not do any harm to himself.

Everyone got on the plane and flew to the manor.

On the plane, Apocalypse looked at Wolverine Logan for a long time and said some inexplicable words.

"You are very similar to a friend of mine. He may be your ancestor. He is very brave and I admire him very much..."

Logan listened to Apocalypse's silence. After all, he didn't know any of his ancestors.

"I gave him a good gift at that time, maybe you should like this gift too..."

Apocalypse looked at Logan and raised his right hand towards him.

Yu Hui on the side thought of something and watched this scene with interest.

In the comics of mutants, the Wolverine family has an ancestor named Romulus, a mutant who turned from a wolf to a human.

His abilities are the same as all Wolverine variants and family members, which are self-healing factors and wolf claws. Because of his long life, he should also have some magic.

In the comics, he is the initiator of all the sufferings suffered by Wolverine Logan and the manipulator behind the scenes.

He is the founder of the Roman Empire and one of the most ancient mutants.

There is no description of him in the Wolverine series, and Yu Hui thought that there was no such person in this universe.

But he didn't expect that there was still one.

Quietly launching from the divine world, Yu Hui learned everything about the ancient mutants in this universe except Apocalypse.

Yu Hui suddenly realized that Romulus in this universe was dead and was killed by Apocalypse.

Although the two became very good friends when they first met, and Apocalypse also further improved Romulus's abilities, they eventually had conflicts. The warlike Romulus invaded ancient Egypt, and Apocalypse killed Romulus to protect his slaves from being destroyed.

(The timeline of Apocalypse in the comics and the movie is very different. The Apocalypse in the movie may know Romulus.)

As Apocalypse's palm was aimed at Logan, under the attention of everyone, Logan suddenly couldn't stand the huge pain and fell to the ground.

Everyone was nervous

When Magneto became angry, he even thought that Apocalypse was hurting Logan and began to use his powers.

In an instant, the plane flying in the sky at high speed shook left and right. The beast quickly slowed down, and everyone fell into chaos.

Professor X quickly used his ability to connect with everyone and calm their emotions.

A few seconds passed, under everyone's attention.

Logan's flesh and blood split open, and pieces of bones were squeezed out, which had been sucked out of all nutrients and dried up to pitch black.

The first thing to fall were the ribs, followed by the bones of the limbs. After the spine also broke into dozens of pieces and fell, the skull also broke into several pieces and fell out.

The moment the skull fell out, everyone saw the metal skull replacing the original skull, and everyone was horrified.

Magneto felt it for a moment and found that Logan had turned back into the real Wolverine that he could pick up and put down.

In addition to the bones being replaced by unknown metal, Wolverine's self-healing ability has also been further improved. The specific manifestation is that except when the skull falls, no one can clearly see whether other places have been replaced by metal.

It can be said that Wolverine's self-healing ability has no delay at all.

Seeing this scene, Beast, who was flying the plane, threw down the driver's seat, ran directly to Tianqi and knelt down.

He took off his shoes and spoke tremblingly and excitedly.

"Please! Let me stop being so ugly!"

Professor X quickly ran over and took over the pilot's seat, preventing the plane from crashing.

Apocalypse looked at the beast and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


Back at the manor, everyone got off the plane.

The Beast got off the plane behind everyone. At this time, his body was extremely large. It was only slightly smaller than the furious Hulk. His whole body was blue and had lush body hair. The nails on his fingers were also extremely sharp. He could tear them apart at a glance. Break ordinary iron plates.

He was once very disgusted with his monster-like appearance, but now his face showed an unprecedented confidence.

It's not that his mentality has changed, but that his abilities have been greatly improved.

After walking some distance away from the plane, the beast's body squirmed a few times, so the color faded and its figure shrank a lot, turning back into a completely ordinary person.

But what's different from the original him is that the muscles that hold up his clothes are 90% as tall as Superman.

Apocalypse's ability to improve gave the beast a more powerful body. In addition to awakening his animal nature, it also gave him the ability to control his body's transformation into a beast at will.

He is completely transformed into a beast, and his current size is even larger than Hulk.

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