The two of them were beaten, and the two of them were beaten.

Apocalypse improved the strength of the two in front of all the X-Men twice in a row, and quickly won the trust and goodwill of many people. Some people even began to worship him and regarded him as a leader.

Professor X's ability quickly sensed this, and he began to feel a little uneasy, not because others began to worship Apocalypse, but because he suspected that this was Apocalypse's intentional behavior.

When Professor X began to observe Apocalypse's heart, he did not feel any conspiracy. The major plan was about to be implemented, and Professor X did not think too much and began to concentrate on executing the plan.

Everyone started a meeting in the living room, and the plan was divided into three steps.

The first step was to develop a machine that could completely transform ordinary people into mutants genetically.

Speaking of this, Magneto recalled the machine he made in the future that could turn ordinary people into mutants. In the future, he tried to use this machine to turn the human leaders into mutants, but was stopped by the X-Men and eventually failed.

He explained the specific principle of the machine, and everyone was optimistic about it. Professor X gave the task of making and upgrading the machine to Beast. The upgrade direction was to reduce the probability of low-level mutants. Beast took on this task with full confidence.

But this machine still needs to be started with a powerful mutant, and this mutant needs to provide his energy.

This task fell on Apocalypse. Everyone believed that only Apocalypse, as the strongest mutant today, had enough energy to complete this task.

After talking about the first step, they started to talk about the second step.

The second step is to completely destroy all the destructive weapons that humans have, such as nuclear bombs, to prevent irrational leaders from launching wars when the situation is in an emergency.

Although everyone will become mutants at that time, it is inevitable that some people will be crazy enough to lose their minds and do some unacceptable behaviors, resulting in irreversible consequences.

This task fell on Professor X and the White Queen. With the combined psychic abilities of the two and the brainwave enhancer made by the beast, they were confident that they could easily complete this task.

After discussion, everyone decided to carry out the first and second steps at the same time to further speed up the implementation of the plan.

The third step was to stabilize the world society as quickly as possible after all people in the world became mutants.

For this purpose, everyone discussed and combined the supercomputer invented by the beast to propose different stabilization plans for each cultural area, each country, and each region.

For some countries with strong mobilization capabilities, such as some in Eastern Europe and East Asia, they chose to tell the leaders some information in the form of prophecy so that they could make corresponding preparations in advance.

For very chaotic areas, such as Africa, they chose to hypnotize some powerful people first and let them stabilize the society with force.

For a world where money is supreme, they chose heroic propaganda to let people with justice take the initiative to stabilize the society.

At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that the information of any of them cannot be exposed to avoid people who do not hide it from them later to seek revenge on them.

Professor X knew that this was the limit of what they could do. In order to minimize the damage to the crystallization of human civilization in this process, he proposed a branch plan for the human treasure house.

The content was to build a warehouse in the manor to store all the knowledge known to mankind and all the literary works created by mankind in advance.

For this part of the plan, Professor X led a group of people to stabilize the society, and the Red Devil was responsible for the branch plan and responsible for collecting books from all over the world.

Everything has been determined, and everyone started to act.

The weather was clear, and dark clouds and sunshine came from the east at the same time. No one knew what the final result would be.


Three months later.....

The bright sunshine shone on everyone's face, and the original huge observatory was replaced by a majestic huge spherical machine.

All the X-Men surrounded it, they were nervous, they were uneasy, but they were full of confidence.

In three months, they had completed all the preparations, but at the last moment when everything was completed, the uneasy mood once again wrapped around their necks.

Everyone believes that everything can be successful, and everyone is encouraging themselves. They are doing this for the future of the world and for the future of mankind.

The person with the most volatile mind is Professor X, who retains his consciousness in the reversal of time.

Magneto and Wolverine.

They all looked at Yu Hui and said in unison

"If something unexpected happens, you are still here, right?" ×3

It was like some joking tone to relieve stress, but this tone was the most difficult to say in unison. They looked at each other and smiled, and everyone laughed.

Yu Hui also laughed.

"No one has come to stop us until now, right?"

This is the best answer. No one has stopped them, which means that everything will go smoothly in the future.

Professor X tapped his temple and gave a signal to Apocalypse at the core of the machine.

In an instant, the color of the sky burst out from the machine, like surging sea water, spreading in all directions.

In an instant, the blue light broke through the scope of the manor and spread to the whole world with an unabated momentum.

At the same time, Yu Hui sensed something. It turned out that the magatama world had completely enveloped the world.

"The Marvel Universe is really big! It took a full hundred days."

He thought to himself.

For a hundred days, Yu Hui lived happily here. He had always tied himself to revenge and resurrecting his parents. He had been suppressing his emotions since everything happened, and had been facing everything with tense nerves.

But since the hope of resurrecting his parents became traceable, Yu Hui put his mind at ease for the first time. He suddenly saw hope in the future and felt the possibility that everything could be changed by himself.

Powerlessness is the most disturbing thing. If possible, Yu Hui never wants to feel powerless again. He hopes that the future will no longer make people nervous and afraid.

But will reality be as people wish? We and you? Obviously not...

Beep beep beep!

Everyone was nervously watching the machine run normally, but suddenly there was a very unpleasant horn sound from behind everyone.

Everyone turned around and saw that a family car from 20 years ago was rushing towards this side.

The tires of the car seemed to be broken. Wherever it passed, there were either sparks flying or lawns were damaged.

Finally, the car stopped not far away, and a person got out of the car.

The man had two straight long knives on his back and was wearing a red leather jacket. He got out of the car with his buttocks and raised his hand not to greet everyone, but to say something inexplicable.

"Ah~~~ Heroes! I finally witnessed this scene with my own eyes. Logan, do you know how sad I was when I knew that you were also involved in this matter? You, as my best brother, didn't call me. It's really sad!"

Exaggerated tone, exaggerated performance, red leather jacket, and sexy atmosphere.

Yu Hui raised his eyebrows. The relaxed mood that had just appeared was instantly shattered by the appearance of this person, and a sense of tension enveloped him again.

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