The two of them were so cute.

"Oh ⊙∀⊙! Man! Isn't this too low?!"

Deadpool jumped off the icicle and ran towards Tony.

Due to his special mental state, his self-healing ability was maximized, and he changed from the size of a finger to the size of a palm in a few seconds.

A vortex of sparks unfolded next to Yu Hui, and Ancient One walked out of it.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Ancient One spoke coldly, and the portal disappeared, but its dazzling flames attracted everyone here.

Howard and Tony didn't care, after all, they had seen these two people suddenly appear last time.

Deadpool continued to walk towards Tony, and at this time he was as tall as an ordinary person's calf.

"I need information about all the Phoenix Force fragments that have appeared in the multiverse."

Yu Hui directly stated his needs, his eyes still observing the new armor Tony was putting on.

Ancient One shook his head and said calmly.

"I don't know that information, and I have no obligation to tell you."

Yu Hui chuckled.

"If the baby on the ground comes out, can I ask him, do you know this?"

Yu Hui's words were slightly threatening, and he had plenty of ways to make Ancient One meet his needs.

Ancient One looked at Yu Hui in astonishment.

After a while, she turned around, opened the portal, stepped in, and left a sentence.

"Come and get it in two days." Then she left.

Yu Hui did not react, and kept looking at Tony's latest armor.

Deadpool had already walked in front of Tony, and Tony had put on the armor.

Rather than calling it an armor, what Tony wore on his body looked more like a pile of parts.

"Oh! Man, what is this? Are you going to smash the ice with these things?"

Deadpool waved his hand and complained to Tony, who glanced at him and shot back.

"Whose ugly baby are you? You like to walk around naked at such a young age."

Then he began to operate and input chakra into every part of the armor.


A humming sound suddenly sounded in the air, and a pure white translucent armor that glowed slightly, as if a 3D projection, suddenly appeared on Tony.

Deadpool, who was angered by Tony's words, hit the armor, just like hitting the air, but every point of the arm that touched the armor instantly decomposed into atoms and disappeared.

"Oh my god! What's going on?"

Deadpool retreated in horror, and was directly confused by his experience.

Yu Hui, who had been watching this side, immediately saw through the principle of Tony's armor.

"Is it a armor that can be repeatedly used with high frequency and is shaped by technology?"

Yu Hui asked in a guessing manner.

"Yes, this armor is the most powerful armor I can imagine now. It can be instantly turned into atoms by anything. The only flaw is that the chakra is consumed too quickly. I can only maintain it for three minutes."

Speaking of this, Tony slowly floated up with the weighted light rock technique and flew to the place where he had been digging.

From there, it was like jumping from a high altitude, calm and without any waves. Every ice that Tony reached was like air in the face of the high-frequency repetitive Dust Release Armor. It could not offer any resistance. It could only be like a pancake cut by a mold, perfectly presenting every detail of the armor.

Two minutes later, Tony, who performed the weighted light rock technique, turned his back to the ice surface, the armor part on his hand was cancelled, and he flew up holding the human-shaped ice block.

"Oh my god! It's Captain America!"

Deadpool exclaimed and ran to the ice block. Looking at Captain America wrapped in a lot of ice blocks, he climbed on him and gently stroked his face.

Canceling the Dust Release Armor, Tony grabbed Deadpool and threw him aside.

"Is there any way to melt this popsicle quickly?"

He was thinking, and suddenly thought of something, ran into the camp, and took out a strange fruit with a flame pattern.

Using a syringe to take out a little juice from the Flame-Flame Fruit, Tony pried open America's lips and inserted the syringe through the gap between his teeth.

The juice slowly entered Captain America's mouth. In Deadpool's confused eyes, Captain America, who was suddenly frozen stiff, suddenly began to spontaneously combust.

"What is that? Could it be Captain Human Torch!"

Deadpool made a very scared move and hugged Yu Hui's calf tightly.

In the cold Arctic, the orange flame began to become more and more dazzling. Suddenly, the whole Captain America turned into orange flames and disappeared on the spot. A wisp of flame appeared next to him and turned into Captain America again.

"Oh! Man! What did you feed him? Is he the Human Torch or Captain America now! The copyright of the Human Torch is not in Marvel at this time, how can he become

"Human Torch!"

Deadpool kept talking, and walked honestly towards the Flame-Flame Fruit thrown aside by Tony.

Stretching out his bone claws that had not yet recovered into steel claws, he cut off a small piece and tasted the Flame-Flame Fruit.

"Ugh! Disgusting!"

After swallowing it for only one second, he immediately spit it out. Deadpool now felt that everything in this world was so terrible that eating a fruit could make people suffocate.

After watching the appearance of Captain Human Torch, Yu Hui lifted Deadpool from the neck and activated the divine art that could travel through time.

Now Yu Hui realized that he was not unique, and every second of time he fought for could reduce the danger of facing his own transformation in the future.

Two days later, Kamataki.

In the simple wooden building, dozens of mages were doing daily training.

White light condensed on the side, and when it dissipated Yu Hui appeared in the appearance of Deadpool.

A person walked out of the most exquisite room. The dark-skinned Mordo looked at Yu Hui respectfully and made a gesture of invitation.

Yu Hui walked towards the room, and Deadpool followed behind him, looking around and exclaiming.

Walking into the room, Yu Hui saw an ancient book on the table. Except for the wooden table below it, there was nothing else in the whole room.

He took the book and flipped through a few pages. It was densely recorded with many stories of Phoenix Force fragments that appeared in the multiverse.

Yu Hui looked at Mordo.

"Can I take it away?"

Mordo was slightly startled.

"Before leaving, the Supreme Mage said that you can use this book at will, and there is no problem taking it away."

Yu Hui activated the divine world, and the ancient book instantly turned into particles of photons and melted into his brain.

Yu Hui subconsciously asked.

"Where did she go?"

Mordo's expression became sad, his head drooped and his eyes were uneasy.

"In two days, she has completed the inheritance of the honorable position and passed away. "

Hearing this, Yu Hui narrowed his eyes slightly, and had some bad premonitions, but this bad premonition immediately dissipated, and Yu Hui directly opened a portal, aiming at the Earth-616 X-Men universe in the new timeline.

New timeline Earth-616.

In 1992, a spacecraft was killed in space, and a group of energy substances similar to solar flares slowly approached the spacecraft.

In an emergency, the X-Men, who have been packaging themselves with superhero images in this universe and have not learned a lesson from the Sentinel incident, came to space to start an emergency rescue mission.

Nightcrawler and Quick Shadow cooperated with each other to complete a textbook-level rescue. Most of the people in the damaged spacecraft were quickly rescued by them, but when they returned to the intact spacecraft of the X-Men, a pilot said that their commander was still in the damaged spacecraft.

Helplessly, Quick Shadow and Nightcrawler set out again. For safety reasons, they brought Phoenix Girl Jean Grey with them this time.

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